
 Database Tables and Handling


  • Database tables are used in every StEvent-based Maker with run-depend information ranging from electronics maps, timing windows, to calibration information, and detector status.
  • Web access to offline database browser: STAR Database Browsers

MTD database summary

  • Geometry/MTD
    • mtdTrayToTdigMapmap from the Tdigit number stored in raw data to the tray number which ranges 1-5
    • mtdTrayIdMap: map to the tray Id number in the UT database. This is the only valid way to find out which Tdigit broad has been mounted onto the tray in case some trays are moved around onsite.
    • mtdTdigIdMap: map to the Tdigit board Id from the UT tray Id. This is needed for the INL correction.
    • mtdGeant2BacklegIDMap: map to convert from the backleg ID in GEANT to that in real data.
    • mtdModuleToQTmap: mapping between MTD backleg/module to the triggering QT board.
  • Calibrations/MTD
    • mtdTriggerTimeCut: cut on the timing difference between MTD hits and trigger time recorded by THUB to reject the MTD hits that are not from the triggered collisions, i.e. pileup
    • mtdT0Offset: T0 offset for MTD calibration
    • mtdSlewingCorr: slewing correction for MTD calibration
  • Calibrations/tof
    • tofINLSCorr: the INL corrections for MTD modules resides together with the TOF parameters
For detailed defintions of MTD tables in the database, please refer to: MTD tables.