The full list of STAR embedding requests (Since August, 2010):
The QA status of each request can be viewed in its history.

The information below are only valid for OLD embedding requests.

This document is intended to provide all the information available for each production, starting for the last or current production.


QA Plots Phi(Feb 2009)

QA P06ib (Phi->K +K)


This is the QA for P06ib (Phi- > KK). reconstruction on Global Tracks (Kaons)

1. dEdx

Reconstruction on Kaon Daugthers. Plot shows MOntecarlo tracks and Ghost Tracsks.



2. DCA Distributions

An original 3D histogram had been created  and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots. (MonteCarlo and MuDst) (MuDst taken from pdsf > /eliza12/starprod/reco/cuProductionMinBias/ReversedFullField/P06ib/2005/022/st_physics_adc_6022048_raw*.MuDst.root)

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();



3. NFit Distributions

Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made  in the same pT  and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions. (MonteCarlo and MuDst)

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();



4. Delta Vertex


The following are the Delta Vertex ( Vertex Reconstructed - Vertex Embedded) plot for the 3 diiferent coordinates (x, y and z) (Cuts of vz =30 cm , NFitCut= 25 are applied)


5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex





6. Global Variables : Phi and  Rapidity



7. Pt

 Embedded Phi meson with flat pt (black)and Reconstructed Kaon Daugther (red).

8. Randomness Plots

The following plots, are to check the randomness of the input Monte Carlo (MC) tracks.



QA plots Rho (February 16 2009)

QA P06ib (Rho->pi+pi)


This is the QA for P06ib (Rho- > pi+pi). reconstruction on Global Tracks (pions)

1. dEdx

 Reconstruction on Pion Daugthers.



2. DCA Distributions

An original 3D histogram had been created  and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();


2b. Compared with MuDst


3. NFit Distributions

Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made  in the same pT  and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();


3b. Reconstructed compared with MuDsts



4. Delta Vertex


The following are the Delta Vertex ( Vertex Reconstructed - Vertex Embedded) plot for the 3 diiferent coordinates (x, y and z) (Cuts of vz =30 cm , NFitCut= 25 are applied)


5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex





6. Global Variables : Phi and  Rapidity



7. Pt

 Embedded Rho meson with flat pt (black)and Recosntructed Pion (red).

8. Randomness Plots

The following plots, are to check the randomness of the input Monte Carlo (MC) tracks.



QA plots Rho (October 21 2008)

Some QA plots for Rho:

MiniDst files are at PDSF under the path /eliza13/starprod/embedding/p06ib/MiniDst/rho_101/*.minimc.root

MuDst files are at PDSF under /eliza13/starprod/embedding/P06ib/MuDst/10*/*.MuDst.root Reconstruction had been done on PionPlus.

DCA and Nfit Distributions had been scaled by the Integral in different pt ranges


Some QA Plots for D0 located under the path :


/eliza12/starprod/embedding/P06ib/D0_002_1216876386/ -> Directory empty

Global pairs are used as reconstructed tracks. SOme quality tractst plotiing level were :

Vz Cut 30 cm ; 

NfitCut : 25,

Ncommonhits : 10 ;

maxDca :1 cm ;  Assuming D0- >pi + pi


P05id Cu+Cu Embedding

Hit level check-up : At the Hit level the results look in good agreement.
  • Missing/Dead Areas (PiMinus): The next graphs show dead sectors  for embeded data and real data as well.
  • Hits-P05id_200cucu-PiMinus_hitsXYeast_p2.gif
  • Missing/Dead Areas (PiPlus)
  • Hits-P05id_200cucu-PiPlus_hitsXYeast_p2.gif

  • Track Residuals PiMinus

  • Hits-P05id_200cucu-PiMinus_longResMean_dipAng_H_p2.gif

  • Track Residuals PiPlus

  •  Hits-P05id_200cucu-PiPlus_longResMean_dipAng_H_p2.gif
  • dEdx Comparisons

  • The following are results  of dEdx calibration from embedding  for Pi Minus. Graphs 1 and 2 are Dedx vs Momentum  grapsh where Green dots are the MonteCarlo Tracks reconstructed from Embedding and  Black dots  are Data. In Graph Number 2, dots are Data and solid  lines show  Bichsel parametrisation with a factor of 1/2 offset. In the Last Graph a  projection on dEdx axis is done and a MIP of 1.26 and 1.18 are shown.



P08ic -Jpsi(Test)

QA P08ic J/Psi -> ee+

This is the QA for P08id (jPsi - > ee). Reconstructin on Global Tracks and just Electrons (Positrons).


1. dEdx



2. DCA Distributions

An original 3D histogram had been created  and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();



3. NFit Distributions

Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made  in the same pT  and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();



4. Delta Vertex

The following are the Delta Vertex ( Vertex Reconstructed - Vertex Embedded) plot for the 3 diiferent coordinates (x, y and z)


5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex





6. Global Variables : Phi and  Rapidity



7. Pt

 Embedded J/Psi with flat pt (black)and Recosntructed Electrons (red).

8. Randomness Plots

The following plots, are to check the randomness of the input Monte Carlo (MC) tracks.








P08id (AXi -> RecoPiPlus)

AXi-> Lamba + Pion +  ->P + Pion - + Pion +

(03 08 2009)


1. Dedx






An original 3D histogram had been created  and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();


3. Nfit

Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made  in the same pT  and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();



4. Delta Vertex


5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex



6. Global Variables : Phi and  Rapidity




7. pt




8. Randomness




P08id (Omega -> RecoPiMinus)

Omega-> Lamba + K -  ->  P + Pion - + K -

(03 08 2009)


1. Dedx


Reconstruction on pion Minus and Proton  Daugthers. 2 different plots are shown just for the sake of completenees.... Reconsructing on Kaon had very few statistics


Reco PionMinusReco Proton






An original 3D histogram had been created  and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();


*.Reconstructing on Pion



 *. Reconstructing on Proton


3. Nfit

Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made  in the same pT  and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();

*. Reconstructing Pion




*. Reconstructing Proton



4. Delta Vertex


 When reconstructed in Pion Minus and Proton it turns out to have the same ditreibutions so I just  posted one of them


5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex




6. Global Variables : Phi and  Rapidity


Reco PionReco Kaon



7. pt



8. Randomness




P08id (phi ->KK) (March 05 2009)


QA Phi->KK (March 05 2009)


1. Dedx

 Reconstruction on Kaon Daugthers. 2 different plots are shown just for the sake of completenees....





An original 3D histogram had been created  and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();



3. Nfit

Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made  in the same pT  and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();


4. Delta Vertex


5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex



6. Global Variables : Phi and  Rapidity





7. pt


8. Randomness




P08id (phi ->KK)

QA P08id (Phi->KK)


This is the QA for P08id (phi - > KK). econstructin on Global Tracks and just Kaons. Macro from Xianglei used (I found the QA macro very  familiar). scale factor of 1.38 applied.

1. dEdx

 Reconstruction on Kaon Daugthers. 2 different plots are shown just to see how Montecarlo looks on top of the Ghost Tracks



2. DCA Distributions

An original 3D histogram had been created  and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();



3. NFit Distributions

Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made  in the same pT  and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();



4. Delta Vertex

The following are the Delta Vertex ( Vertex Reconstructed - Vertex Embedded) plot for the 3 diiferent coordinates (x, y and z)


5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex




6. Global Variables : Phi and  Rapidity


7. Pt

 Embedded Phi meson with flat pt (black)and Recosntructed Kaons (red).

8. Randomness Plots

The following plots, are to check the randomness of the input Monte Carlo (MC) tracks.





P08id(ALambda -> P, Pion)


QA ALambda->P, pi (03 08 2009)


1. Dedx

 Reconstruction on Proton and Pion Daugthers. 2 different plots are shown just for the sake of completenees....


Reco ProtonReco Pion






An original 3D histogram had been created  and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();


*.Reconstructing on Proton


 *. Reconstructing on Pion


3. Nfit

Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made  in the same pT  and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();

*. Reconstructing Proton



*. Reconstructing Pion


4. Delta Vertex


 When reconstructed in Proton and pions it turns out to have the same ditreibutions so I just  posted one of them


5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex




6. Global Variables : Phi and  Rapidity


Reco ProtonReco Pion



7. pt



8. Randomness






P08id(Xi -> Reco(PiMinus)

 Xi-> Lamba + Pion -  ->P + Pion - + Pion -

(03 08 2009)


1. Dedx

 Reconstruction on PI Minus




An original 3D histogram had been created  and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();




3. Nfit

Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made  in the same pT  and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.

Pt Bin array  used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and

Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)

For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();



4. Delta Vertex

5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex





6. Global Variables : Phi and  Rapidity




7. pt



8. Randomness






Phi->KK(Mar 12)


Please find the QA plots here

The data looks good.

Reconstructed phi meson has small rapidity dependence.



QA PionMinus









    Hit level check-up:
  • Missing/Dead Areas (PiMinus): The next graphs show dead sectors for embeded data and real data as well.
  • Hits-P04if-PiMinus_hitsXYeast_p2.gif

  • Missing/Dead Areas (PiPlus)
  • Hits-P04if-PiPlus_hitsXYeast_p2.gif

  • Track Residuals PiMinus

  • Hits-P04if-PiMinus_longResMean_dipAng_H_p2.gif

  • Track Residuals PiPlus

  • Hits-P04if-PiPlus_longResMean_dipAng_H_p2.gif

    Previous results - May 2002

    This document is intended to provide all the information available for previous productions such that results for Quality Control studies and Productions Cross checks. Part of quality control studies include identification of missing/dead detector areas, distance of closest approach distributions (dca), and fit points distributions(Nfit). As part of production cross checks, some results in centrality dependance and efficiency are shown

    Quality Control

  • dEdx Comparisons

  • These are dedx vs P graphs. All of them show reasonable agreement with data.(Done on May 2002)

     Pi Minus
     K Minus
     Pi Plus
     K Plus
     P Bar

  • Dca Distributions

  • PI PLUS.  In the following dca distributions some discrepancy is shown.  Due to secondaries?
     Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c
     MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c
     Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT <  0.4 GeV/c

    PI MINUS. Some discrepancy is shown.  Due to secondaries?
      Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c   MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c   Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT <  0.4 GeV/c

    K PLUS.  In the following dca distributions Good agreement with data is shown.
     Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c
     MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c
     Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT <  0.4 GeV/c

    K MINUS. In the following dca distributions Good agreement with data is shown.

      Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c   MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c   Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT <  0.4 GeV/c

    PROTON. The real data Dca distribution is wider, especially at low pT -> Most likely due to secondary tracks in the sample. A tail from background protons dominating distribution at low pt can be clearly seen. Expected deviation from the primary MC tracks.

      Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c   MinBias 0.5 GeV/c < pT < 0.6 Gev/c   Central 0.7 GeV/c <pT <  0.8 GeV/c

    Pbar. The real data Dca distribution is wider, especially at low pT -> Most likely due to secondary tracks in the sample.

      Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c   MinBias 0.3 eV/c < pT < 0.4 Gev/c   Central   0.5 GeV/c <pT <  0.6 GeV/c

  • Number of Fitted Points

  • PI PLUS.  Good agreement with data is shown.
     Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c
     MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c
     Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT <  0.4 GeV/c
    PI MINUS.  Good agreement with data is shown.

     Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c  Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c  Peripheral 0.3 GeV/c < pT < 0.4 Gev/c

    K PLUS.  Good agreement with data is shown.
     Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c
     MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c
     Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT <  0.4 GeV/c

    K MINUS.  Good agreement with data is shown.
     Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c  Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c  Peripheral 0.3 GeV/c < pT < 0.4 Gev/c

    PROTON.  Good agreement with data is shown.
     Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c  Peripheral 0.3 GeV/c < pT < 0.4 Gev/c Peripheral 0.5 GeV/c < pT < 0.6 Gev/c

    Pbar.  Good agreement with data is shown.
     Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c  Peripheral 0.3 GeV/c < pT < 0.4 Gev/c Peripheral 0.5 GeV/c < pT < 0.6 Gev/c

    Productions Cross Checks

  • Centrality Dependance

  •  Compare-PiMKMPbar8.gif Compare-PiMKMPbar7.gif Compare-PiMKMPbar6.gif Compare-PiMKMPbar5.gif
     5% central
    5 % - 10% 10% - 20%  20 % - 30 % 
     Compare-PiMKMPbar4.gif Compare-PiMKMPbar3.gif Compare-PiMKMPbar2.gifCompare-PiMKMPbar1.gif
     30% -  40% 40% - 50% 50% - 60% 60% - 80%

  • Reverse Full Field vs Full Field : No asymetry observed

  •  MinBiasCentral 
     Pi Minus
     Min Bias
     K Minus
      Compare-KM_FF-REV0.gif   Compare-KM_FF-REV8.gif
      MinBias Central
     Pbar  Compare-Pbar_FF-REV0.gif Compare-Pbar_FF-REV8.gif 

  • Charge Asymmetry : No asymetry observed for Pi Minus and  K Minus. For Pbar more data are needed

  •  MinBiasCentral 
     Pi Minus
      Compare-PiP-PiM0.gif Compare-PiP-PiM8.gif 
     Min Bias
     K Minus
      Compare-KP-KM0.gif   Compare-KP-KM8.gif
      MinBias Central
     Pbar  Compare-P-Pb0.gif Compare-Pbar_FF-REV8.gif