Gamma-jet cross sections for forward gammas in proton-proton collisions at root(s) = 200 GeV/c
Keith Krueger (ANL), Hal Spinka (ANL), Dave Underwood (ANL)
Physical Review D
A measurement is presented of the cross section vs. transverse momentum (pT) for gamma + jet production in proton-proton collisions. The data were measured in the STAR detector at RHIC at √s = 200 GeV/c. The jet was detected at central pseudorapidity (|η| < 0.8) and the γ at intermediate pseudorapidity (1.2 < η < 2.0). These regions were chosen to access lower x of the gluon relative to a central-pseudorapidity-only measurement, and also because a large partonic spin asymmetry, All, in the parton cm is selected. The technique of finding single γ’s in the background of photons from π0 decay is based on a standard chi-squared method for the shower shape in the shower maximum detector of an electromagnetic calorimeter.