STAR SOFTWARE NEWS  December 18, 2016
The present release assignment:  
             SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL11b    (SL11b_2)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 MC & st_W pp 500GeV, run 2009
             SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL12a_embed  (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL12d    (SL12d_2)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV, pp 200GeV run 2012 production
             SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00
             SL13b    (SL13b_2)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pp 500GeV run 2012 production
             SL13b_embed (SL13b_embed_v1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 
             SL14a    (SL14a_2)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 76-12
             SL14g    (SL14g_3)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161
             SL14i    (SL14i_2)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production          
             SL15b    (SL15b_1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuHe3 & AuAu 200GeV run 2014 preview production  
             SL15c    (SL15c)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT  
             SL15e    (SL15e)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 st_mtd data production 
             SL15e_embed  (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 
             SL15i    (SL15i)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
             SL15j    (SL15j)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
             SL15k    (SL15k_1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 200GeV run 2015 st_fms & st_rp stream data production
             SL15l    (SL15l)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pAu 200GeV st_fms run 2015 data production
             SL16a    (SL16a)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
             SL16b    (SL16b_1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
             SL16c    (SL16c)    ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
       old-> SL16d    (SL16d_1)  ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp,pAu,pAl run 2015 production without HFT tracking
             SL16e (SL16e)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
             SL16f (SL16f)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
             SL16g (SL16g)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
             SL16h (SL16h)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
             SL16i (SL16i)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
       pro-> SL16j (SL16j)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
             SL16k (SL16k)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
       new-> SL16l (SL16l)       ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 
       dev-> DEV                 ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30
      .dev-> .DEV                ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30


Release History

SL16a library
SL16b library
SL16c library
SL16d library
SL16e library
SL16f library
SL16g library
SL16h library
SL16i library
SL16j library
SL16k library
SL16l library

  • December 16, 2016
    new library SL16l tagged as SL16l has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on December 19.

    Main features:

    - added detector setups for each version of the FTS detector;
    - added new trigger data structure for run 2017 ;
    - first release of StFmsFpsMaker code for FMS-FPS correation analysis ;
    - initial revision of StExtGeometry in StEvent;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    TRG/trgStructures2017.h - added new trigger data structure for run 2017;
    StExtGeometry.cxx, StExtGeometry.h - initial revision of StExtGeometry;
    StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h - added StExtGeometry features;
    StTriggerData2016.cxx - minor updates for trigger 2016;
    StTriggerData2017.cxx, StTriggerData2017.h - added new files for trigger data run 2017;
    StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h - added hooks for StTriggerData2017;
    StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2017.cxx, StTriggerData2017.h - added new trigger data structure for run 2017;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx - updated to avoid crash when FPS DB is not there;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added getLorentzVector to take into account beamline angles/offsets for pt calculation;
    StFmsFpsMaker.cxx, StFmsFpsMaker.h - first release for FMS-FPS correlation analysis;
    StFmsPointMaker.cxx - modified to use StFmsDbMaker::getLorentzVector for correct momentum calcuration based on beamline angles/offsets ;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - removed mIsMC flag in order to treat the simulated and real data in the same manner during vertex reconstruction;
    StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - removed dead code; removed outdated ClassImp ROOT macro;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx - removed unused dependences;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - removed assert temporary; removed mIsMC flag in order to treat the simulated and real data in the same manner during vertex reconstruction;
    removed unused '#include "TCanvas.h"';
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - removed unused dependences; removed pointless assert in StPPVertexFinder; corrected ROOT headers; removed unused local variable;
    StvPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - removed mIsMC flag in order to treat the simulated and real data in the same manner during vertex reconstruction;
    removed unused '#include "TCanvas.h"'; removed unused local variable;
    StKinkLocalTrack.cc, StKinkMaker.cxx, StV0FinderMaker.cxx, StXiFinderMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp ROOT macro;
    StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - added v44 for run17/StTriggerData2017;
    StZdcVertexMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp ROOT macro;

    EventTracker/Makefile - fixed event display;
    include/prepareGbPayload.h, RC_Config.h - updated;
    RC_Config.h, iccp.h - updated;
    src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - updated for run 2017;
    src/DAQ_RHICF/daq_rhicf.cxx - finalized;
    src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx - implemented tweeks for FPS;
    src/SFS/sfs_index.cxx - updated;
    trg/include/trgDataDefs.h - updated for tun 2017;

    Geometry/StarGeo.xml - added geometry tags for 3 versions of the FTS based on y2017 rough cut geometry;
    updated to keep new (IDSM) suport cone for FTS studies; added FTS Reference 1 and 2;
    updated to Increase size of FTS disks representing TGC wheels;
    Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmConfig.xml - added FTS Reference 1 and 2;
    Geometry/EpdmGeo/EpdmConfig.xml, EpdmGeo0.xml - added FTS Reference 1 and 2;
    Geometry/FtsdGeo/FtsdConfig.xml, FtsdGeo.xml - added detector setups for each version of the FTS; control flag added for pl acement in CAVE vs IDSM; added FTS reference 1 and 2; updated reference 1 to contain all 12 disks, to optimize on positions;
    FtsdGeo.xml - updated to keep new (IDSM) suport cone for FTS studies; updated z-position; increased size of FTS disks representing TGC wheel s;
    xgeometry/xgeometry.age - enabled FTS versions 1-3 in starsim; added FTS Reference 1 and 2;

    Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - removed old detectors;

  • November 10, 2016
    new library SL16k tagged as SL16k has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on November 14.

    Main features:

    - defined year 2017 rough geometry cut;
    - EPD detector integrated into framewrork ;
    - EvtGen1_06_00 & Tauola1_1_5 event generators updated;
    - Sti improved method to reuse hit in tracking with option 'hitReuseOn' ;
    - StPicoDstMaker added new vertex selection mode "VpdOrDefault";
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx - udated;
    EvtGen1_06_00/StarEvtGenDecayer.cxx - modified to handle default location of configuration files;
    EvtGen1_06_00/src/EvtGenBase/ - added missing files
    EvtGen1_06_00/src/EvtGenExternal/ - added missing files
    EvtGen1_06_00/src/EvtGenModels/ - added missing files
    Pythia8_1_86/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h - updated;
    Pythia6_4_28/StarPythia6.cxx, StarPythia6.h - updated;
    Tauola1_1_5/tauola-fortran/- added missing files and changed .f --> .F ;
    Tauola1_1_5/SANC/s2n_init.F - changed .f --> .F ;
    Tauola1_1_5/src/tauolaFortranInterfaces/tauola_extras.F - changed .f --> .F ;
    StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - replaced minicern ==> StarMiniCern; Pxl == Pixel ; modified that Sti doesn' load StiCA libraries;
    GeometryDbAliases.h - defined y2017 rough cut geometry ;
    StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to make TpcAvgPowerSupply table optional, to keep back compatibility;
    updated to make trigL3Expanded, trigL3Expanded, and dsmPrescales optional;
    StEmbeddingQA.h, StEmbeddingQA.cxx - added an option to set the maximum pT cut ;
    StGenericVertexFinder.h - modified to sort class members by their access type; refactoring and readability improvements made;
    StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - moved log print statement out of consructors;
    StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - added and reworded some doxygen and other comments ;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx StGenericVertexMaker.cxx StGenericVertexMaker.h - initialized data members in class initializer list;
    Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - updated to use ternary operator to treat overflows; switched to C++11 range loops, removed nuisance counters;
    StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - modified to make refactoring and readability improvements;
    StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - moved log print statement out of consructors;
    StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - added and reworded some doxygen and other comments;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - modified to convert flag to boolean; switched to C++11 range loops, removed nuisance counters; modified to make refactoring and readability improvements;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx - moved log print statements out of constructors;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, Vertex3D.cxx, VertexData.h - added and reworded some doxygen and other comments;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx - modified to consolidate into single logical expression;
    VertexData.cxx, VertexData.h - added constructor to build vertex with coordinates;
    StvPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - moved log print statements out of constructors;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, Vertex3D.cxx, VertexData.h - added and reworded some doxygen and other comments;
    StiKalmanTrack.cxx - workaround to fix the bugs #3231, #3232, #3232; simplified code in refitL();
    StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - modified ;
    StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - updated for more accurate tracking when in refit track sometimes missed the vollume, related to bug #3243 ;
    StiKalmanTrackNode.h - moved method pathLength ==> .cxx ;
    StiTrackNode.cxx - method cylCross modified to change the order of solutions; before the first solution was the closest to the current point, now it is also the closest but in direction of tracking; modified so that if track is missing the cylinder, point of the closest approach provided and number of solutions is zero;
    StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.h - tracking direction is added and method 'setDir()' ;
    StiHitContainer.h, StiHitContainer.cxx - removed method partitionUsedHits();
    StiKalmanTrack.h - removed method 'extendToVertex';
    StiPlacement.cxx - increased accuracy of digitalization of layer radius;
    StiCATpcSeedFinder.cxx - fixed bugs #3232, #3233 ;
    StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h - CleanGlobalTracks() method added. This method provides cleanen reused hits in the style of CA. The call is triggered by nMaxTimes attribute, which allows reuse hits nMaxTimes times;
    Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - modified to read "refmult" and "vx,vy,vz" from moretags.root file if it exists; the minimum number of embedded particles are now set to 5 instead of 1 when number of embeded particles is set to be proportional to refmult;
    St_geant_Maker.cxx - EPD integrated into framework;
    StPicoDstMaker.cxx - modified to get back to four QT broads configuration for Run17; added position correction to QT; set QT information to 0 for monitor channels and unused channels;
    StPicoDstMaker.cxx - modified to use local pointer to validate selected vertex; updated to use year of next RHIC Run 2017 for data taken after October 1, 2016;
    StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - added new vertex selection mode "VpdOrDefault", in case there is no VPD vertex available or no TPC vertex is close to the VPD one within a window the default vertex (i.e. the first in the list) will be selected. This is particularly important for triggers that do not require VPD coincidence, e.g. BHT2;
    StPicoTrack.h - changed StPicoTrack::dca to ::dcaPoint to avoid confusion ;
    StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx - modified to get back to four QT broads configuration for Run17; added position correction to QT; set QT information to 0 for monitor channels and unused channels;
    StPicoTrack.cxx - modified to interrupt initialization on invalid arguments, this saves one level of indentation for the quite lengthy "else" branch;
    StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx - fixed the issue of obtaining the correct running year for runs before Jan 1st ; set year of next RHIC Run 2017 for data taken after October 1, 2016;

    include/RC_Config.h, l1Algorithm.h, rtsSystems.h, cmds.h, iccp.h - updated;
    src/rtsmakefile.def - updated;

    sim/g2t/g2t_fpd.F - updated for setup to use attenuated values for energy loss;
    g2t_volume_id.g - EPD integrated into framework;
    g2t_epd.F, g2t_epd.idl - added new files to integrate EPD into framework;
    sim/idl/fpdm_fmcg.idl - added ROOT access to the //DETM/FPDM/FMCG data structure; allows slow simulator to access the attenuation flag, so that it knows whether attenuation was applied in simulation or not;
    g2t_epd_hit.idl - added new file to integrate EPD into framework;

    g2Root/Conscript, torotm.cxx - removed; g2Root.F moved to St_geant_Maker;
    Geometry/StarGeo.xml - defined year 2017 rough cut geometry; EPD integrated into framework;
    Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmConfig.xml, FpdmGeo4.xml - updated geometry and configuration to support attenuation of light in FMS pbglass towers;
    xgeometry/xgeometry.age - removed early 'return' from y2014-y2015; defined y2017 rough cut geometry; default geometry in loadAgML.kumac changed to y2017; modified to integrate EPD into framework;
    pgf77/Conscript, idisp.c - removed;

    Calibrations/tpc/TpcRowQ.20160618.000211.C, TpcSecRowB.20160618.000211.root - added extra dEdx calibration for run 2016 AuAu 200GeV part 2;
    TpcCurrentCorrectionX.20160512.000203.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160512.000207.C, TpcRowQ.20160512.000208.C, TpcSecRowB.20160512.000208.root, TpcTanL.20160512.000205.C - added dAu 200GeV dEdx calibrations for run 2016;
    TpcAdcCorrectionB.20160101.000214.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160207.000216.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160512.000216.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160618.000216.C, TpcRowQ.20160207.000215.C, TpcRowQ.20160512.000215.C, TpcRowQ.20160618.000215.C, TpcSecRowB.20160207.000215.root, TpcSecRowB.20160512.000215.root, TpcSecRowB.20160618.000215.root - added 2-nd iteration of dE/dx calibration for run 2016 AuAu 200GeV and dAu 200GeV;

  • September 23, 2016
    new library SL16j tagged as SL16j has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on September 27.

    Main features:

    - new geometry version AgML 2.0 released;
    - picoDst code integrated ;
    - added alternative TPC PID model used dN/dx - number of primary electrons of ionization;
    - added first revision of iTPC DAQ;
    - added new Event Generator models: EvtGev 1.06.00, Photos 3.61, Tauola 1.1.15, HepMC 2.06.0 ;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    StarGenerator/EvtGen1_06_00 - new event generator code;
    StarGenerator/Tauola1_1_5 - new event generator code;
    StarGenerator/Photos3_61 - new event generator code;
    StarGenerator/HepMC2_06_09 - new event generator code;
    BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added initial PicoDst chain options;
    StSstSurveyC.h, StiSstChairs.cxx, StiSstHitErrorCalculator.h, StiSstTrackingParameters.h - added new files for SST table;
    StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to add new SST table; added access to extended TpcCurrentCorrectionX table;
    StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC.h, St_tpcAnodeHVC.h, St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h - modified to add new TPC corrections;
    St_TpcAdcCorrectionBC.h, St_TpcCurrentCorrectionC.h, St_TpcEdgeC.h, St_TpcEffectivedXC.h, St_TpcTanLC.h, St_TpcrChargeC.h - added files for new TPC corrections;
    St_tpcSecRowBC.h, St_tpcSecRowCC.h, St_tpcSecRowXC.h - removed files;
    StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h, StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h - modified to add new TPC corrections;
    dEdxTrackY2.cxx, dEdxTrackY2.h - removed files;
    StTriggerData2016.cxx - added missing check for validity of mBBC[buffer] ;
    StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx - added new method for TPC PID: dNdx (primary electrons of ionization);
    StMcTpcHit.hh - added number of primary electrons;
    COMMON/StMuProbPidTraits.h, StMuProbPidTraits.cxx, StMuTrack.cxx - added new TPC PID data using dNdx method (primary electrons of ionization);
    StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoBTofHit.cxx, StPicoBTofHit.h, StPicoBTofPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBTofPidTraits.h, StPicoBTowHit.cxx, StPicoBTowHit.h, StPicoEmcTrigger.cxx, StPicoEmcTrigger.h, StPicoEvent.cxx, StPicoEvent.h, StPicoMtdHit.cxx, StPicoMtdHit.h, StPicoMtdPidTraits.cxx, StPicoMtdPidTraits.h, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoTrack.h, StPicoUtilities.h - first revesion of new code to produce PicoDst;
    StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - first revesion of new code to produce PicoDst ;
    StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - modified to add Heed model and adjust for new StTpcdEdxCorrections;
    ArCH4.g, PAI.cxx, PAI.h - removed files;
    StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed bug #3243 and remove redundant checks to spare time;
    StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - switched Ssd => Sst table for HitError Calculation ;

    include/RC_Config.h, rtsSystems.h - added year 2017 detectors systems;
    src/DAQ_ITPC/Makefile, itpcCore.cxx, itpcCore.h, itpc_maps.h, itpc_padplane.h, itpc_rowlen.h- added first version for iTPC DAQ;
    src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx, daq_fps.h - added redout for FPOST;
    src/DAQ_RHICF/Makefile, daq_rhicf.cxx, daq_rhicf.h - first revision of RHICF code;
    daq_rhicf.cxx - added skipping of the bankHeader;
    src/RTS_EXAMPLE/Makefile, rts_example.C - added RHICF;

    sim/idl/g2t_tpc_hit.idl - added number of primary electrons in Hit;
    g2t_track.idl - added number of primary electrons in Hit; added number of real TPC hits;

    StarAgmlLib/AgMLStructure.cxx, AgMLStructure.h - added new files for AgML 2.0 first release;
    StarAgmlStacker.cxx - modified to apply consistent nicknaming convention between ROOT and AgSTAR geometries;
    GeometryStarGeo.xml dummy.cc - added new files for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h, geometryStats.cc, geometryStats.hh - removed files;
    Geometry/ZcalGeo/ZcalConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/VpddGeo/VpddConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/UpstGeo/UpstConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/SvttGeo/SvttConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/SupoGeo/SupoConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/SconGeo/SconConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/ShldGeo/ShldConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/QuadGeo/QuadConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/PixlGeo/DtubConfig.xml, PixlConfig.xml, PsupConfig.xml, PxstConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/PipeGeo/PipeConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/PhmdGeo/PhmdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/MagpGeo/MagpConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/FtpcGeo/FtpcConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/FtroGeo/FtroConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/FtsdGeo/FtsdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/EcalGeo/EcalConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/BtofGeo/BtofConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    Geometry/CalbGeo/CalbConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
    xgeometry/xgeometry.age - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;

    Calibrations/tpc/TpcZDC.20160207.000004.C, TpcZDC.20160618.000004.C - added new files to switch off ZDC correction for run 2016;
    TpcCurrentCorrection.20160207.000033.C, TpcCurrentCorrection.20160618.000033.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20160207.000004.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20160618.000004.C, TpcEffectivedX.20160207.000102.C, TpcEffectivedX.20160618.000102.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160207.000102.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160618.000102.C, TpcRowQ.20160207.000104.C, TpcRowQ.20160618.000104.C, TpcSecRowB.20160207.000104.root , TpcSecRowB.20160618.000104.root, TpcTanL.20160207.000059.C, TpcTanL.20160618.000059.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20160207.000102.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.20160207.000040.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.20160618.000040.C, tpcPressureB.20160207.000102.C, tpcPressureB.20160618.000102.C - added preliminary dEdx calibrations for auau 200GeV run 201;
    TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2016.C - modified ;
    TpcCurrentCorrection.C - added default correction ;
    TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2015.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2016.C, TpcEdge.C, TpcEffectivedX.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2016.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2015.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2016.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2015.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2016.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2014.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2015.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2016.C, TpcRowQ.y2015.C, TpcRowQ.y2016.C, TpcSecRowB.y2015.C, TpcSecRowB.y2016.C, TpcSecRowC.C, TpcTanL.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2016.C, TpcdCharge.y2016.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2016.C, TpcrCharge.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2016.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2016.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2016.C, tpcGas.y2016.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2016.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2015.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2016.C, tpcPressureB.y2015.C, tpcPressureB.y2016.C, tpcSlewing.y2015.C, tpcSlewing.y2016.C, tpcWaterOut.y2015.C, tpcWaterOut.y2016.C - added new files to set/reset default values ;
    TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2016.C TpcdXCorrectionB.C - modified;
    dEdxModel/dEdxModel_Bichsel.root, dEdxModel_Heed.root, dNdx_Heed.root - added new files for Heed model;

    idl/vpdSimParams.idl - added new TOF table;
    TpcEffectivedX.idl - added table to account effective TPC pad row thickness;
    tpcCorrectionX.idl - added extended tpcCorrection;

    Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpViewer/EthClient.h, JevpViewer.cxx, JevpViewer.h, TGTab2.cxx, example.cxx, example.h - - updated;

  • September 7, 2016
    new library SL16i tagged as SL16i has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on September 09.

    Main features:

    - code improvement to speed up reconstruction by ~10% ;
    - refactoring vertex finding code to help PPV to find the optimal vertex position when a 3D fit to vertex is used;
    - several bugs fixed;

    Next codes have been updated:

    StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - disabled dN/dx fit;
    StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, StFixedVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.h - removed unused arguments in UseVertexConstraint();
    old UseVertexConstraint() made private virtual and call it from its public replacement in the base class and mark methods as private explicitly;
    removed unused private data member mWeight; eliminated unused private beamline parameters;
    modified to use for beamline position equivalent static methods from parent class;
    switched to cleaner c++11 range loop syntax; minor c++ refactoring: removed unused counter; c-style array updated to std::array;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx - modified to use conventional weight for seed position; use inverse of sigma^2 as a weight when calculating the weighted average seed position from provided track DCA's;
    Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - updated;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx - removed unused arguments in UseVertexConstraint();
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx - modified to force the initial seed position to be on the beamline; when fit vertex with the beamline constraint force the initial seed position to be on the beamline;
    modified to reduced initial step size in minuit for hopefully faster convergence;
    updated to define minuit fit search window using PPV parameters: new definition allows to change the window width together with the track pre-selection;
    StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx - implemented assert when two hit are to close;
    include/RC_Config.h, rtsSystems.h - updated;

  • August 5, 2016
    new library SL16h tagged as SL16h has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on August 8.

    Main features:

    - updated IST/SST geometry with latest changes;
    - implemented y2016a production geometry for run 2016;
    - few bugs and coverity findings fixed ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    StMCTruth.cxx - commented out dead code, initialized members in ctor; coverity fixes;
    StParticleDefinition.cc - initialized members in ctor; coverity fixes;
    StParticleTable.cc - fixed error in G3ID to PDGid mapping;
    DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx - corrected indexing error when deselecting particles which are stacked for further processing;
    FILT/StDijetFilter.cxx - fixed coverity findings;
    TEST/StTruthTestMaker.cxx - fixed devision by zero;
    AliHLTTPCCADef.h, AliHLTTPCCAHitArea.cxx, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursCleaner.cxx, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursFinder.h, AliHLTTPCCASliceDataVector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCASliceDataVector.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackParamVector.h, AliHLTTPCCATracker.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATracker.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackletConstructor.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackletSelector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackletVector.h, CA.C - removed VALGRIND ;
    BigFullChain.h - implemented chain with run 2016 production geometry y2016a;
    bichselG10.C - modified to restore colors;
    StBTofINLCorr.h - updated to increase the max number of TDIG for INL corrections for the recent upload of a new board to the TOF INL Corr DB Table;
    StChainGeometryDbAliases.h - added support for y2014c / y2015d / y2016a geometries, taking into account l asted changes in IST and SST;
    StMcBTofHit.cc, StMcTpcHit.hh - initialized members in ctor, coverity fixes;
    StMcEventMaker.cxx - fixed mess in indexes started from 0 and 1;
    StDijetFilter.cxx - fixed memory leak;
    StMtdCalibMaker.cxx, StMtdCalibMaker.h - updated to check that calibration parameters are not apply to MC hits;
    coverity fixes: check values of backleg, module, cell;
    StMtdEvtFilterMaker.cxx, StMtdTrackingMaskMaker.cxx - initialized data members, coverity fixes;
    StMtdHitMaker.cxx - fixed coverity findings: check the range of backlegid;
    StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - fixed coverity findings: initialization of data members;
    added MTD hit IdTruth to avoid applying dy shift for BL 8 and 24 for MC hits;
    StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - added MTD hit IdTruth to avoid applying dy shift for BL 8 and 24 for MC hits;
    StMtdQAMaker.cxx - fixed coverity findings: initialization of data members;
    StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added histograms for vertex QA, and dTof calibration;
    COMMON/StMuMtdHeader.cxx, StMuMtdHeader.h, StMuMtdHit.cxx, StMuMtdHit.h, StMuMtdRawHit.cxx, StMuMtdRawHit.h - added variables initialization to ctors initlist realted to updates to StMuMtd* classes to fix coverity reported errors;
    StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StEvtVtxSeedMaker.h, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.h, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - added tDay, tFill to resNtuple, and improved C++11 compliance;

    geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added support for y2014c / y2015d / y2016a geometries, taking into account last changes in IST and SST;

    Geometry/Geometry.cxx - added support for y2014c / y2015d / y2016a geometries, taking into account last changes in IST and SST;
    Geometry/VpddGeo/VpddGeo2.xml - removed double placement of volume IBSG;
    Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo2.xml - added changes to IST geometry to fix issues with overlaps shadowing cooling materials;
    Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo2.xml, SisdGeo3.xml, SisdGeo4.xml, SisdGeo5.xml, SisdGeo6.xml, SisdGeo7.xml - fixed issue with overlap causing large number of steps through SSD/SST geometries; change does not have impact on phsyically meaningful quantitites, and is made for all geometry tags;
    Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added support for y2014c / y201d / y2016a geometries, taking into account last changes in IST and SST;
    Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added support for y2014c / y2015d / y2016a geometries, taking into account lasted changes in IST and SST;

    AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2014c.C, Geometry.y2015d.C, Geometry.y201a.C - added support for y2014c / y2015d/ y2016a geometries, taking into account last changes in IST and SST;
    Calibrations/tpc/TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2015.C, TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2016.C, TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2017.C - added default power supply parameters;

    Jevp/StJevpPlot/DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h, PdfFileBuilder.cxx, PdfFileBuilder.h - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpPresenter/JevpGui.cxx - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/hltBuilder.cxx, hltphiBuilder.cxx, l4Builder.cxx, tofBuilder.cxx - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h, JevpServerMain.cxx - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpViewer/EthClient.cxx, JevpViewer.cxx - updated;

  • July 8, 2016
    new library SL16g tagged as SL16g has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passed it successfully and released on July 12.

    Main features:

    - further improvement of Sti/StiCA integration codes, pass-2;
    - SST makers were updated to do strip masking;
    - few bugs and multiple coverity findings fixed ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    Simulation/starsim/atgeant/agdblib.age, agdgetp.age, agdocum.age, agdocume.age - retired unused DB / Zebra interface;
    Simulation/starsim/atmain/agxinit.F, agxinit.cdf, dblib.cxx, dbuser.age - retired unused DB / Zebra interface;
    Simulation/starsim/deccc/avost.c - coverity fixes;

    Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - fixed array overrun in temporary particle list (coverity fixes);
    FILT/StDijetFilter.cxx - updated to prevent resource leak (coverity fixes); protected against deferencing the end of the list (coverity fixes);
    StarLight/StarLight.cxx - intialized all memebers; resolved issue with duplicate code branch;
    TEST/StTruthTestMaker.cxx, StTruthTestMaker.h - initialized members (coverity fixes);
    UTIL/AgStarParticle.cxx - coverity fixes;
    UrQMD3_3_1/StarUrQMD.cxx - removed dead code (coverity fixes);
    StBFChain.cxx - modified to increase list of seed finders from CA to CA Default;
    StBTofCalibMaker.h, StBTofCalibMaker.cxx - coverity fixes;
    StiPPVertex/Vertex3D.cxx - adopted removal of public StiKalmanTrack::getPoint() in Sti;
    StiDefaultToolkit.h, StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - added 2 seed finders CA & KNN;
    StiDetector.h, StiDetector.cxx - removed unused 'getCenterX' method and added 'getDetPlane' method;
    StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx - method 'initialize0' moved here from CA; modified to add additional parameters in method 'reserveHits' : 1=reserve hits and 0=free hits; removed refit with arguments; in method 'approx' has been added aditional parameter: max number of hits to use; non used methods removed;
    StiKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - class StiKalmanTrackFinder modified to inheret only from StiTrackFinder; method 'addSeedFinder' added; method 'findAllTracks' removed; member _trackSeedFinder replaced by vector of seed finders _seedFinders; updated for more clear logic of fails handling; modified usage of Zero hit times in seed;
    StiKalmanTrack.cxx - removed changing of timesUsed in releaseHits; work around to fix bug #3230 in CA;
    StiKalmanTrack.h - changed rMin 4 ==> 0;
    StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - removed debug codes;
    StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.h - removed unused methods and members;
    StiMapUtilities.h, StiMapUtilities.cxx - added struct SetHitUnused;
    StiToolkit.h - added CA & KNN seed finders;
    StiTrack.h - added initialize0 ;
    StiTrackFinder.h - some pure virtual methods replaced by empty ones;
    StiTrackNode.cxx, StiTrackNode.h - method 'sign' added to check matrix for negativity;
    StiVMCToolKit.cxx - 'PrintShape' improved;
    StiLocalTrackMerger.h, StiLocalTrackMerger.cxx - not used class removed;
    StiDefaultToolkit.h, StiDefaultToolkit.cxx, - StiTrackMerger removed;
    StiLinkDef.h, StiToolkit.h - track mergers removed;
    StiTrack.h - not used methods removed;
    StiHit.cxx - modified to return asset if too many tracks for one hit;
    StiMapUtilities.cxx - changed setTimesUsed to suTimesUsed;
    StiCATpcSeedFinder.h, StiCATpcSeedFinder.cxx - modified to make StiCATpcSeedFinder inherited now from StiTrackFinder; for StiCATpcSeedFinder assigned name "CASeedFinder"; method 'startEvent' added; method 'findTrack' added which is used for all seed finders; method 'findTpcTracks' replaced by 'findTrack'; auxiliary class StiCALoader added to create CA seed finder via rootcint;
    StiCATpcTrackerInterface.h - includes simplified;
    StiCATpcTrackerInterface.cxx - removed automatic creation of seed finder;
    StiCADefaultToolkit.cxx, StiCADefaultToolkit.h, StiCAKalmanTrack.cxx, StiCAKalmanTrack.h, StiCAKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiCAKalmanTrackFinder.h - removed;
    StiCATpcSeedFinder.cxx - mSeeds->pop_back() moved into safe place;
    StiStEventFiller.cxx - updated for simplification;
    StiMaker.h, StiMaker.cxx - CleanGlobalTracks added; updateToolKit removed;
    StiMaker.cxx - include StiCADefaultToolkit.h removed; local function CountHits() added for print only; added seed finders SeedFinderKNN & SeedFinderCA; updated to use flag StiCA with CA seed finder;
    COMMON/StMuFmsHit.h - fixed the incrementing version number v1->v2 due to change from StObject->TObject;
    St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to set global pointer gGeometry during NEW at line 1776; updated to eliminate result storing if it's not checked; fixed index which may go out of bounds;
    Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - intialized all memebers;
    StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - initialized members; implemented protection against devision by zero;
    StGENParticle.cxx, StGenParticle.h - initialized members;
    StDijetFilter.cxx - fixed memory leak; implemented protection against end of list;
    StSstDaqMaker.h, StSstDaqMaker.cxx - sstBadStrips table decoded and activated; coverity fixes: DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, NO_EFFECT, STACK_USE, UNINIT_CTOR ;

    StarAgmlChecker/StarAgmlChecker.h - coverity fixes;

    idl/sstBadStrips.idl - added new sst table;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/JevpBuilder.cxx - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpPresenter/EvpMain.cxx - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlot.cxx - updated;

  • June 21, 2016
    new library SL16f tagged as SL16f has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, found bugs fixed and library was released on June 22.

    Main features:

    - first release of library with Sti & StiCA codes integration;
    - added TPCCATracker code for CA seed finding :
    - added new interface to the AgSTAR PARTICLE definition machinery;
    - few bugs and multiple coverity findings fixed ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    StHistUtil.cxx, StHistUtil.h - fixes for coveriry finding: memory leaks, possible null pointer dereferences, over-write character buffers; resolved coverity BUFFER_SIZE_WARNING with careful copy function;
    DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h - modified to make unknown particle states from external decayer be (1) decayed by the external decayer, or (2) automatically added to geant;
    EVENT/StarGenAAEvent.cxx, StarGenEPEvent.cxx, StarGenPPEvent.cxx, StarGenParticle.cxx - updated for proper initialization of all data members in ctor;
    FILT/StarParticleFilter.cxx, StarParticleFilter.h - added new files to generate particle filter;
    StarFilterMaker.cxx, StarParticleFilter.h - updated for proper initialization of all data members in ctor;
    STEP/AgUStep.cxx - updated for proper initialization of all data members in ctor;
    TEST/StTruthTestMaker.cxx - eliminate devision by zero;
    UTIL/AgStarParticle.h, AgStarParticle.cxx - added new interface to the AgSTAR PARTICLE definition machinery;
    addressOfCommons.F - added new file;
    StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h - modified to allow particles to be declared to both G3 and StarParticleData; modified to push user defined particles to lookup table;
    StBFChain.cxx - modified to use strncpy() eveywhere and check length; coverity fixes;
    BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - updated to make sure StiCA depends on Sti and TPCCATracker libraries; modified to pass seedfinder option to StiMaker;
    StMessMgr.cxx - modified to ensure char arrays are sufficiently long ; proper initialization;
    StdEdxModel.cxx - fixed memory leak;
    dEdxParameterization.cxx - fiexd covarity warning;
    bichselG10.C - added option for BzM;
    StChain.cxx - missing init added ;
    DbUse.cxx, StDbBroker.cxx, StDbBroker.h, dbNodes.cc, DbRead.cxx - fixed coverity findings;
    StHyperCacheFileLocal.cpp, StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp, StHyperUtilGeneric.cpp, MysqlDb.h, StDbManagerImpl.hh, StDbNode.hh, StDbServer.hh, StDbServiceBroker.h, StDbSql.hh, StDbTableDescriptor.h, StDbXmlReader.h, StlXmlTree.h, dbStruct.hh, StDbConfigNodeImpl.cc, StDbNode.cc, StDbSql.cc, StDbTable.cc, StlXmlTree.cxx, StDbDefaults.cc - updated to fix coverity findings;
    StDbManager.cc, StDbModifier.cxx - fixed resource leakage (coverity) ;
    StDbXmlReader.cc - fixed buffer size (coverity);
    StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp - updated to make unused return code to be used;
    StDbXmlWriter.cc - commented out unused variable in unused code;
    StHyperCacheConfig.h - fixed initialization (coverity);
    StDbConfigNodeImpl.cc, StDbLogger.hh, StDbManagerImpl.cc, StDbServerImpl.cc, StDbSql.cc - fixed the loop (coverity findings);
    StDbXmlWriter.cc, StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp, StHyperUtilGeneric.cpp, StHyperUtilPlatform.cpp - fixed coverity findings;
    StFmsCluster.cxx, StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPointPair.h, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2016.cxx, StTriggerData2016.h - coverity findings fixed;
    StGammaFilterMaker.cxx - updated to initialize array of pointers (coverity finding);
    StEemcGammaFilterMaker.cxx - removed deadcode (coverity) and removed uneccessary printout;
    StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - coverity report fixing;
    StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx - coverity findings fixed;
    StFmsHitMaker.cxx - coverity findings fixed;
    StFmsPointMaker.cxx - coverity report fixed;
    StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsTower.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.cxx - coverity report fixes;
    StiHitContainer.h - updated with coverity fixes;
    StiDefaultToolkit.cxx, StiDefaultToolkit.h, StiHit.cxx, StiHitContainer.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiLinkDef.h, StiVMCToolKit.cxx - modified for Sti/StiCA integration and refactoring;
    StiTPCCATrackerInterface.cxx, StiTPCCATrackerInterface.h, StiTpcSeedFinder.cxx, StiTpcSeedFinder.h - removed due to Sti/StiCA integration and refactoring;
    Base/StiFactory.h -modified for Sti/StiCA integration;
    StiCADefaultToolkit.cxx, StiCADefaultToolkit.h, StiCAKalmanTrack.cxx, StiCAKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiCAKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiCAKalmanTrack.h, StiCATpcSeedFinder.cxx, StiCATpcSeedFinder.h, StiCATpcTrackerInterface.cxx, StiCATpcTrackerInterface.h - added new tracking code with CA seed finding;
    StKFVertexMaker.cxx, StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h, StiMakerLinkDef.h - modified for Sti/StiCA integration and refactoring;
    StiDefaultToolkit.cxx, StiDefaultToolkit.h - removed;
    StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSsdIsActiveFunctor.cxx, StiSsdIsActiveFunctor.h, StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated for Sti/StiCA integration ;
    COMMON/StMuFmsCluster.cxx, StMuFmsUtil.cxx - coverity findigs fixed: UNINIT_CTOR on member mEnergy; DEADCODE on check for null pointer;
    StSstWafer.hh - modified to change setMatcheds() to void;
    StSstWafer.cc - multiple RESOURCE_LEAK fixes for caverity posting;
    StSstBarrel.cc, StSstBarrel.hh, StSstWafer.hh, StSstWafer.cc - coverity: PASS_BY_VALUE fixes;
    StSstBarrel.cc, StSstStripList.cc, StSstStripList.hh - coverity FORWARD_NULL fixes;
    StSstWafer.cc - coverity REVERSE_INULL fixes;
    StSstPoint.cc - coverity UNINIT_CTOR fixes;
    StiSvtHitLoader.cxx - updated for Sti/StiCA integration ;
    StiDebug.cxx, StiPullEvent.h - updated for Sti/StiCA integration;
    StMessage.cxx - coverity fixes;
    StMessageManager.cxx - fixed memory leak (coverity findings);
    StMessage.h, StMessageCounter.cxx, StMessageCounter.h - updated for better initializations (coverity fixes);
    AliHLTArray.h, AliHLTArrayIO.h, AliHLTTPCCAClusterData.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAClusterData.h, AliHLTTPCCADataCompressor.h, AliHLTTPCCADef.h, AliHLTTPCCAGBHit.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAGBHit.h, AliHLTTPCCAGBTrack.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAGBTracker.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAGBTracker.h, AliHLTTPCCAGBTrack.h, AliHLTTPCCAGrid.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAGrid.h, AliHLTTPCCAHitArea.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAHitArea.h, AliHLTTPCCAHit.h, AliHLTTPCCAHitId.h, AliHLTTPCCAMath.h, AliHLTTPCCAMergedTrack.h, AliHLTTPCCAMerger.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAMerger.h, AliHLTTPCCAMergerOutput.h, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursCleaner.cxx, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursCleaner.h, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursFinder.cxx, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursFinder.h, AliHLTTPCCAOutTrack.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAOutTrack.h, AliHLTTPCCAParam.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAParameters.h, AliHLTTPCCAParam.h, AliHLTTPCCARow.cxx, AliHLTTPCCARow.h, AliHLTTPCCASliceDataVector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCASliceDataVector.h, AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput.cxx, AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput.h, AliHLTTPCCASliceTrack.h, AliHLTTPCCAStartHitId.h, AliHLTTPCCAStartHitsFinder.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAStartHitsFinder.h, AliHLTTPCCATrack.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATracker.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATracker.h, AliHLTTPCCATrack.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackletConstructor.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackletConstructor.h, AliHLTTPCCATracklet.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackletSelector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackletSelector.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackletVector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackletVector.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackLinearisation.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackLinearisationVector.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackParam.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackParam.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackParamVector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackParamVector.h, BinaryStoreHelper.hCA.C, MemoryAssignmentHelpers.h, Reconstructor.cpp, Reconstructor.h, RootTypesDef.h, St opwatch.h, tsc.h - new code for TPC tracking with CA seed finding;
    StQABookHist.cxx - fixed initializations;
    StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - coverity fixes;
    StSstDaqMaker.cxx - fixed memory leak, refactored how output file name is formed; got rid of unused local variable; fixed initialization of variables;
    StSstPointMaker.cxx - fixed coverity findings;
    StSstClusterList.cc - fixed memory leak in splitCluster() (cpp=check finding);
    StSstBarrel.cc, StSstLadder.cc - coverity : CTOR_DTOR_LEAK fixed;
    StSstWafer.cc, StSstWafer.hh - coverity : FORWARD_NULL fixed ; modified to simplify method;
    StSstStripList.cc - coverity : REVERSE_INULL fixed;
    StSstPackage.cc, StSstPointList.cc - coverity : RESOURCE_LEAK fixed in exchange method;
    StSstConfig.cc, StSstClusterControl.cxx - coverity: UNINIT_CTOR fixed;
    StMultiH1F.cxx, StMultiH1F.h, StMultiH2F.cxx, StMultiH2F.h - fixed coverity warnings, removed unnecessary ROOT types;

    geometry/geometry/geometry.g - corrected logic error which creates mtd twice in y2015c+;

    StarAgmlLib/AgBlock.cxx - updated for proper initialization of all data members in ctor;
    AgMaterial.cxx - updated to print components only for mixtures;
    AgMedium.cxx - updated;
    AgShape.cxx - initialized all member variables ;
    Geometry/Geometry.cxx - correction in BTOF alignment for some geometry tags; corrected mistake in the y2007a SVT geometry tag instantiating wrong geometry module;
    Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force update;

    idl/beamOrbitInfo.idl - added new beam orbit table;

    Jevp/recoverEvpDb.pl - added new file;
    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.h, l4Builder.cxx - added hBesGoodVrVsVz;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;

  • May 18, 2016
    new library SL16e tagged as SL16e has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, passes it successfully and library was released on May 20.

    Main features:

    - added new function to StGenericVertexMaker code to use beamline constraint errors when fit primary vertex with PPV & VFMinuit ;
    - finalized codes adjustment necessary to compile library with optimization level 02;
    - few bugs and coverity warnings fixed ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    Simulation/starsim/rebank/aslgetba.age - replaced DO loop with vectorized FORALL loop (FORtran 95) to comply with optimization level 2 for library compilation, bug #3202; FORALL enables vectorized array assignment with masking conditions;

    BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - removed confusing beamline constraint message when no beamline constraint applied;
    AgStarReader.cxx - fixed initialization;
    StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - fixed coverity warning, initialization, compiler warning;
    StarLight/beambeamsystem.cpp - fixed array out of bounds by expanding array by 1;
    gammagammaleptonpair.cpp, gammagammaleptonpair.h - fixed an unititialized value; fixed array out of bounds by expanding array by 1 ;
    gammagammaleptonpair.cpp - added include assert.h;
    twophotonluminosity.cpp - updated to get rid of cppcheck warning that index may be < 0 ; assert added;
    UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h - added method to set tracking code of a particle definition;
    StarParticleData.cxx - fixed coverity warning, hidden argument;
    StarRandom.cxx - fixed initialization;
    BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added 'beamline3D' option to use with new vertex finders;
    StBFChain.h - fixed initialization in ctor;
    StBFChain.cxx - added missing length check;
    GeometryDbAliases.h - corrected mistake;
    StMaker.cxx - added dimension check protection;
    StMagUtilities.cxx - fixed coverity warnings, one typo in Radius calculation, updated very minor optimizations;
    StTpcHit.h - fixed coverity warning; added initialization of mAdd;
    StGammaRawMaker.cxx - initialized pointer to zero, since cppcheck doesn't see that it always gets set in next lines;
    StUEMaker2009.cxx - changed to include StJetMaker2012 instead of StJetMaker2009;
    StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - added StBTofHeader and StEnumerations and set vpd event information;
    StGenericVertexFinder.h - modified to switch to another but equivalent header file;
    implemeted alias for a long type name;
    StCtbMatcher.h, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - removed unused variables reported by compiler;
    StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to determine fit mode from BFC options and pass to vertex finders supporting this option;
    implemented special treatment for vertices satisfying the beamline equation: the denominator is zero when the point is exactly on the beamline, so there will be returned a zero for the chi2 in this case;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - moved beam equation to base class; moved static container of DCA states to the base class; renamed static variable according to STAR standards;
    removed uninformative log messages; introduced option to choose a vertex fitting mode; set default value in the constructor;
    renamed static method s/CalcBeamlineChi2/CalcChi2Beamline/ ;
    modified to wrap static member in static method to avoid initialization order fiasco ;
    introduced static member methods to calculate chi^2; updated to use CalcChi2DCAs() to calculate chi^2 for track helices represented by their DCA states with respect to a point, use 'CalcChi2DCAsBeamline()' to calculate chi^2 which in addition to 'CalcChi2DCAs()' includes a chi^2 of the point with the beamline;
    implemented new static method to calculate vertex seed position from track DCAs;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.h, StppLMVVertexFin der.cxx - cosmitic changes to improve readability and comments;
    Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - modified to propagate vertex fitting mode to derived classes; removed uninformative log messages; modified to use another chi^2 function with beamline to minimize;
    updated to prevent modifications of DCA's with pointers in this vector;
    moved beam equation to base class; moved static container of DCA states to the base class;
    cosmetic changes to improve readability and comments;
    StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - modified to revert condition to get fully equivalent 'if' statement; replaced bool flag (mVertexConstrain) with equivalent new n-fold option that can take more than two values in order to accommodate new vertex fitting modes; modified to select minimization function based on internal option;
    renamed static variable according to STAR standards; renamed static method s/CalcBeamlineChi2/CalcChi2Beamline/ ;
    wrapped static member in static method to avoid initialization order fiasco;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h -removed uninformative log messages; modified to propagate vertex fitting mode to derived classes;
    implemented new method to create track DCA and fill static container;
    improved PPV vertex position by fitting tracks pointing to it;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx - replaced the existing mVertexConstraint flag with equivalent option that can take more than two values in order to accomodate new vertex fitting modes;
    modified to use base class seeds in initial vertex position;
    replaced bool flag (mVertexConstrain) with equivalent new n-fold option;
    StPPVertexFinder.cxx, VertexData.cxx - cosmetics changes to improve readability and comments;
    StiHitTest.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiTrackNode.cxx - updated to get rid of warning messages;
    StiTrackNode.cxx - modified to comply with level 2 library optimization;
    StPhiEtaHitList.cxx - updated to get rid of warning messages;
    StiDebug.cxx - updated to get rid of warning messages;
    StMcEvent.cc, StMcHit.hh, StMcMtdHit.cc, StMcTofHit.hh, StMcTrack.cc, StMcVertex.cc - fixed coverity warnings;
    COMMON/StMuDbReader.cxx, StMuDbReader.h - inlined method moved in the header;
    StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.cxx - updated to get rid of compiler warning by removing set but never used variables;
    StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx - fixed initialize, cast to double for division;
    StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.cxx - minor modifications to improve coding style;
    St_geant_Maker.cxx - fixed bug #3204: removed unused call to geant3->Gfhead, whose only purpose seems to be to cause a corruption of the stack;
    StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx - modified to address coverity findings: uninitialized vars, dead code, one PMD error, and one TOF error;

    include/trgQTMasks.h - fixed broken defines at the end;

    StarAgmlLib/StarNoStacker.h - updated position which was missing in the no-action stacker, as required by interface;

  • May 12, 2016
    SL16d library has been updated with codes below to build optimized library version with optimization level 02. This optimization will help to speed up production ~2 times;
    Library was retagged as SL16d_1 and rebuilt on SL6.4 platform.

    Next codes have been updated:

    - asps/Simulation/agetof/Conscript
    - asps/Simulation/starsim/Conscript
    - asps/Simulation/starsim/rebank/aslgetba.age
    - pams/gen/hijing_382/Conscript
    - Sti/StiTrackNode.cxx
    - St_geant_Maker/St_geant_Maker.cxx
    - mgr/Conscript-standard, ConsDefs.pm
    - OnlTools/Jevp/Conscript-standard

  • April 14, 2016
    new library SL16d tagged as SL16d has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite and released on April 18.

    Main features:

    - updated trigger simulator for run 2012 data analysis;
    - added cosmic ray option to kinematics event generator;
    - Sti updated to comply with compilation for level 2 optimization;
    - further development of OnlTools for online monitoring plots;
    - few bugs fixed ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    StHistUtil.cxx - updated to implement histogram list by subsystem, single TPC sector reference choice;
    BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added 'hitreuseon' option to reuse TPC hits for track fitting;
    Kinematics/StarKinematics.cxx, StarKinematics.h - adedd cosmic ray option to kinematics event generator;
    Pythia6_4_23/Pythia6_4_23LinkDef.h - modified to expose more common blocks to CINT;
    Pythia6_4_28/Pythia6_4_28LinkDef.h - modified to expose more common blocks to CINT;
    STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - improved printout and modified to allow to run if no root geometry;
    macros/starsim.cosmics.C - added cosmic ray option to kinematics event generator;
    StTriggerData2016.cxx, StTriggerData2016.h - method 'bbcVP101()' added;
    StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - minor refactoring, reduced scope of local variables;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - added static member to keep beamline parameters;
    added static method to calculate chi2 for beamline and a point;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to use all available beamline parameters from DB ;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx - prefixed included headers with path to corresponding module;
    Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - removed pointless remnants; modified to set static variable value at initialization;
    StvPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - removed pointless remnants;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - modified to convey to C++11 syntax;
    StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiTrackNode.cxx, StiTrackNode.h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed compilation problem for library optimization with level 2; array [1] removed;
    StiStEventFiller.cxx - fixed compilation problem for library optimization with level 2; array [1] removed;
    StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - modified to set choice of geometry mutually exclusive; set flag to control geometry source; fixed a logic bug;
    StTriggerDefinition.h - removed onbits0/offbits0 to match with what was in the database table;
    StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h, StTriggerSimuResult.cxx, StTriggerSimuResult.h, StVirtualTriggerSimu.h - updated trigger simulator for run12 analysis;
    Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - updated trigger simulator for run12 analysis;
    Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx StEmcTriggerSimu.h - updated trigger simulator for run12 analysis ;
    StDSMUtilities/TriggerDefinition.hh - updated trigger simulator for run12 analysis;
    macros/read_trigger_definitions.C, read_trigger_thresholds.C, write_trigger_definitions.C, write_trigger_thresholds.C - updated for trigger simulator for run12 analysis;
    RunTriggerSimu.C - added new macro to run trigger simulator;
    QAhlist_subsystems.h - added new file with list of histograms by subsystem;

    src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - fixed trigger IDs;

    Calibrations/tpcTpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150131.000051.C - added new files with fixed correction for for I70;
    TpcRowQ.20150609.000102.C, TpcSecRowB.20150609.000102.root - added run 2015 dE/dx calibrations for pAl 200GeV;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/bemcBuilder.cxx, daqBuilder.cxx, eemcBuilder.cxx, fpdBuilder.cxx, fpsBuilder.cxx - modified;
    l4Builder.cxx - updated the Y-axis range for Tof_TrayID_TrgTime and X-axis range for_dEdx;
    tofBuilder.cxx - changed trigger windows;
    vpdBuilder.h, vpdBuilder.cxx - added new plots for the testing of Plan B algo, added pulser monitoring plots;
    modified to make config to read every run, fixed issue show wrong TACS;
    daqBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.cxx, JevpBuilder.cxx - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpPlot/JLatex.h, JevpPlot.cxx, JevpPlot.h, PdfFileBuilder.h - modified;
    DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h, JevpPlotSet.cxx, JevpPlotSet.h - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpPresenter/EvpMain.cxx, JevpGui.cxx, JevpGui.h, simpleQT.cxx, JevpGui.cxx, JevpScreenWidget.cxx, JevpScreenWidget.h, ReferenceWidget.cxx, ReferenceWidget.h, ZoomWidget.cxx, ZoomWidget.h - updated;
    canvas.cxx, canvas.h, JevpScreenWidget.cxx, JevpScreenWidget.h, RootWidget.cxx, RootWidget.h - added new files;
    Jevp/StJevpViewer/TGTab2.cxx, TGTab2.h, example.cxx, example.h, testNative.C, EthClient.cxx, EthClient.h, JevpViewer.cxx, JevpViewer.h, ZoomFrame.cxx, ZoomFrame.h, runViewer.C - added new files;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, JevpServerMain.h, JevpServer.h, JTMonitor.cxx - updated;

  • March 3, 2016
    new library SL16c tagged as SL16c has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite, found bugs fixed and library was released on March 8.

    Main features:

    - StEvent, StEventUtilities modified to fix the function StTrackTopologyMap::hasHitInSstLayer() usage for SST;
    - added new code StIstSimMaker for IST slow simulation;
    - StIstRawHitMaker updated with latest development;
    - fixed bug on row number in StPxlRawHitMaker;
    - corrected MTD radii and added y2015c geometry tag;
    - OnlTools/Jevp further updates for run 2016 online monitoring plots;
    - few other bugs fixed ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    BigFullChain.h - changed options 'istRaw' to 'istRawHit'; added 'istSlowSim' option;
    added production chain with y2015c geometry (with corrected MTD geometry);
    StBFChain.cxx - introduced 'HftHitFilt' option to remove non-HFT hits;
    TIdTruUtil.cxx, TIdTruUtil.h - added utility for IdTruth calculation;
    StarChairDefs.h - updated to extend debug;
    GeometryDbAliases.h - corrections to MTD radii and y2015c geometry tag added;
    StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - updated to extend debug;
    StTrackTopologyMap.cxx - modified to make kSsd and kSst equivalent in numberOfHits();
    StTrackTopologyMap.h - added method 'hasHitInSstLayer()';
    StTrackDetectorInfo.cxx - implemented set of modifications for SST;
    StHit.cxx, StHit.h - removed implentation of 'detector()' making class pure abstract;
    StBTofHit.h, StEmcCluster.h, StEmcPoint.h, StEnumerations.h, StFgtHit.h, StFtpcHit.h, StIstHit.h, StPxlHit.h, StRichHit.h, StRnDHit.cxx, StSsdHit.h, StSstHit.h, StTofHit.h, StTpcHit.h, StSvtHit.h - implemented method 'detector()' which is now a pure abstract method in StHit;
    StuFixTopoMap.cxx - modified to use HFT format for SST;
    StIstScanClusterAlgo.cxx - added idTruth for clusters;
    StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - averlayed latest code development; added idTruth;
    modified to use 'std::array' instead of C-array ;
    StIstRawHitMaker.cxx - corrected usage of 'addRawHit()' due to change in StIstUtil; updated mDataType to be by default = 2;
    modified to keep logic the same when filling uncorrected signal;
    removed new condition requiring positive charge values which is unclear why it should be;
    StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx, StIstSlowSimMaker.h - added new files for IST slow simulation;
    StiMaker.cxx - replaced kSsdId => kSstId;
    StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - replaced kSsdId => kSstId;
    StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - moved include of StEventTypes.h from header of generic class to implementation files of generic and concrete classes, which caused the problem, bug #3194;
    StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - moved include of StEventTypes.h from header of generic class to implementation files of generic and concrete classes, which caused the problem, bug #3194;
    COMMON/StMuRpsCollection.h - modified to add positionRMSCluster method;
    StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx - expanded track detector ID histograms;
    StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to use kMaxDetectorId ;
    StPeCTrigger.cxx - implemented initial level of year 2016 UPC triggers;
    StPeCEvent.cxx - updated;
    StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - removed reference to StEventTypes.h which caused problem running chain, bug #3194;

    include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - changed MTD hit format;
    src/RTS_EXAMPLE/daqFileHacker.C - added new file;

    pams/geometry/geometry/geometry.g - corrections to MTD radii and y2015c geometry tag added;

    StarAgmlUtil/AgMLPosition.cxx - modified to include cmath header explicitly;
    Geometry/Geometry.cxx - corrections to MTD radii and y2015c geometry tag added;
    Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - corrections to MTD radii and y2015c geometry tag added;
    Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo7.xml - corrections to MTD radii added;

    StarDb/AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2015c.C - added y2015c geometry tag;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilder/l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added diEletron2Twr plot and two more dimuon plots;
    istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added hit occupancy selection to mask out hot chips;
    updated to keep monitoring hot chips; moved hitmap of coloumn and row out of hit occupancy cut;
    istBuilder.cxx - changed type TH1S to TH1I for maxTB histograms;
    mtdBuilder.cxx - added new QT board to QA plots for run 2016 ;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/jevpHistoMother, JevpServer.cxx, l4HistoMother - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpPlot/DisplayDefs.cxx, JevpPlotSet.cxx - updated;
    Jevp/StJevpPresenter/qtTestBaseScript.C - modified;
    simpleQT.cxx, simpleQT.h - added new files;

  • March 28, 2016
    SL16b library has been updated with codes below to proceed with test production for new tracking evaluation. Library was retagged as SL16b_1 and rebuilt on SL6.4;
    New STI updates do not modify default behaviour but added the option to enable hit reuse for different tracks fitting;

    Next codes have been updated:

    BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added 'hitreuseon' option to enable hit reuse for multiple tracking;
    StiHitContainer.cxx, StiHitContainer.h, StiHitLoader.h - added max number of tracks assigned to one hit;
    StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx - updated not to use 1st hit;
    StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h - added max number of tracks assigned to one hit;

  • February 10, 2016
    new library SL16b tagged as SL16b has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standard test suite and released on February 12.

    Main features:

    - OnlTools/Jevp further updates for run 2016 online monitoring plots;
    - StarVMC/StarAgmlLib - added code to support the new positioning of volumes;
    - TriggerData updated for run 2016;
    - few bugs fixed ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    Simulation/starsim/atlsim.logon.kumac - updated to load AgML util for misalignment support;

    BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - updated to load StarAgmlUtil library; added print of key on library load;
    TRG/trgStructures2016.h - removed 'union' because ROOT doesn't understand it;
    StEventLinkDef.h - added several missing pragmas, mostly related to trigger;
    StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2016.cxx, StTriggerData2016.h - added functions to access MTD DSM and QT info;
    StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - some clean-up in included headers;
    DRand48Engine.cc, JamesRandom.cc, RandBreitWigner.cc, RandEngine.cc, RandExponential.cc, RandFlat.cc, RandGauss.cc, RandPoisson.cc, RanecuEngine.cc, RanluxEngine.cc, RanluxEngine.cc - removed deprecated storage class specifier 'register' since it serves no purpose;
    TH1Helper.cxx - updated to use const modifier to access const object in this local context;
    StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.h - modified for better chi2 handling;
    StUEMaker2009.cxx - updated to include a sum Paritcle pT function to StUeEvent and mcVertex are now stored for particle level branches;
    StUEMaker2009.cxx, StUEMaker2009.h - updated to change ClassDef versions;
    StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h - added a mode for printing out TPC hits ;
    StSstDaqMaker.cxx, StSstDaqMaker.h - added some protection to avoid chain crash when there is no available calibration table;

    include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - added HLT_MTDQuarkonium;
    src/DAQ_TPX/tpxPed.cxx, tpxPed.h - fixed the slowness of pedestal initialization;
    src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - moved JEFF log to NOTE;

    geometry/geometry/geometry.g - fixed bug 3187: y2016 geometry was not completely setup in geometry.g;

    Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo1.xml, TpceGeo3a.xml - reshaped FORtran-specfic array initialzation;
    StarAgmlLib/AgPosition.cxx, AgPosition.h - added new code to assume responsability for positioning of volumes;
    StarAgmlLibLinkDef.h - modified to adjust to new positioning code;
    AgAttribute.cxx, AgAttribute.h, AgCreate.cxx, AgCreate.h, AgMaterial.cxx, AgMaterial.h, AgMedium.cxx, AgMedium.h, AgPlacement.cxx, AgPlacement.h, AgShape.cxx, AgShape.h, StarAgmlLibLinkDef.h, StarAgmlStacker.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx, StarTGeoStacker.h - modified to accommodate new code for positioning of volumes;
    AgTransform.cxx, AgTransform.h, AgParameterList.cxx, AgParameterList.h - removed codes;
    StarAgmlUtil/AgMLPosition.h, AgMLPosition.cxx - added fortran interface to AgML positioning code;

    Calibrations/tpc/TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2016.C, tpcAltroParams.y2016.C - added new files for ALTRO threshold = 4 correction for run 2016;
    StDb/idl/mtdQTSlewingCorrPart2.idl - added extension of the MTD Slewing table for Run 2016;

    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/baseBuilder.cxx, baseBuilder.h, bbcBuilder.cxx, bbcBuilder.h, bemcBuilder.cxx, bemcBuilder.h, daqBuilder.cxx, daqBuilder.h, eemcBuilder.cxx, eemcBuilder.h, fgtBuilder.cxx, fgtBuilder.h, fmsBuilder.cxx, fmsBuilder.h, fpdBuilder.cxx, fpdBuilder.h, fpsBuilder.cxx, fpsBuilder.h, gmtBuilder.cxx, gmtBuilder.h, hltBuilder.cxx, hltBuilder.h, hltphiBuilder.cxx, hltphiBuilder.h, istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h, l3Builder.cxx, l3Builder.h, l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h, mtdBuilder.cxx, mtdBuilder.h, ppBuilder.cxx, ppBuilder.h, pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h, ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h, tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h, tpxBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.h, trgBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.h, upcBuilder.cxx, upcBuilder.h,vpdBuilder.cxx, vpdBuilder.h - modified to accommodate the new JevpBuilder.cxx/h code;
    JevpBuilder.cxx, JevpBuilder.h - added new files;
    ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - modified to reject first channel in each chip, corrected CM failed map, and fixed ped and rms hist display; added JevpBuilder; updated rms hist display settings;
    l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added dimuon plots;
    trgBuilder.cxx - update to raise limits for ZDC ADC monitoring in run 2016;
    istBuilder.cxx - removed zerobias cut & vertex cut;
    ssdBuilder.cxx - fixed rms y-axias scale to 30 ADC;
    Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx, JevpPlotSet.h - modified accordingly to new JevpBuilder code;
    DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h - added new files to move DisplayDefs to isolate shared items into StJevpPlot ;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h - removed files due to moving them to StJevpPlot;
    Jevp/StJevpPresenter/JevpGui.h - modified dur to relocation of DisplayDefs code to StJevpPlot;

  • January 13, 2016
    new library SL16a tagged as SL16a has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
    default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested with standart test suite and released on January 15.

    Main features:
    - added new dEdx method;
    - DAQ_TPX code updated with new FEE mapping;
    - StJetMaker updated with new codes to allow for Region selection of the towers, tracks, and mcparticles;
    implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis;
    - added new files to StarAgmlUtil for AgML support library;
    - OnlTools/Jevp updated for run 2016 online monitoring plots;
    - few bugs fixed ;

    Next codes have been updated:

    Simulation/starsim/atgeant/agsrotm.age - modified to regularize PHI angles in specifying the rotation matrix; modified to map theta into [0,180] and phi into [0,360]; added additional check so that we do not cre ate the unit matrix;
    Simulation/starsim/atlsim.logon.kumac - changed default geometry to y2015a; load AgML support library;

    BigFullChain.h - added year 2016 base reco chain;
    Bichsel.cxx, Bichsel.h, StBichselLinkDef.h, dEdxParameterization.cxx, dEdxParameterization.h - added new TpcRS dEdx model;
    Bichsel.C, Bichsel70.C, BichselA.C, BichselB.C, BichselD.C, BichselMostProbable.C, BichselP.C, StdEdxModel.cxx, StdEdxModel.h, bichdX.C, bichselBG.C, bichselG.C, bichselG10.C, bichseldNdbg.C, bichseldX.C, dEdxModel.C - added new files with TpcRS dEdx model;
    StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StDetectorDbMaker.cxx, StDetectorDbMaker.h, St_TpcAvgCurrentC.h, St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h, St_trgTimeOffsetC.h - modified to add more chairs;
    StGmtSurveyC.h, StIstSurveyC.h, StPxlSurveyC.h, St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC.h, St_istChipConfigC.h, St_istControlC.h, St_istGainC.h, St_istMappingC.h, St_istPedNoiseC.h, St_pvpdStrobeDefC.h, St_pxlBadRowColumnsC.h, St_pxlControlC.h, St_pxlHotPixelsC.h, St_pxlRowColumnStatusC.h, St_pxlSensorStatusC.h, St_pxlSensorTpsC.h, St_tofCamacDaqMapC.h, St_tofCorrC.h, St_tofDaqMapC.h, St_tofINLCorrC.h, St_tofINLSCorrC.h, St_tofModuleConfigC.h, St_tofPedestalC.h, St_tofTDIGOnTrayC.h, St_tofTOffsetC.h, St_tofTotbCorrC.h, St_tofTrgWindowC.h, St_tofTzeroC.h, St_tofZbCorrC.h, St_tofr5MaptableC.h, St_vpdDelayC.h, St_vpdTotCorrC.h - added new files with implemnetaion of new chairs;
    St_trgTimeOffsetC.h - restored triggerTimeOffset and triggerTimeOffsetWest;
    StPidStatus.cxx, StPidStatus.h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - reshaped histograms; added new dEdx method ;
    StDedxDefinitions.h, StDedxPidTraits.cxx, StDetectorDefinitions.h, StEnumerations.h - added GMT, SST ID and new dE/dx method;
    StiStEventFiller.cxx - fixed first hit on primary tracks problem, bug #3166;
    StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - modified to switch from std::vector to std::array;
    modified to use double instead of float for all ADC values as there is no reason to use float in these modest local calculations;
    added class method to set hit charges from an std::array and use this new method in StIstRawHitMaker;
    added new constructor allowing set charges in time bins;
    StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h - added class method to set hit charges from std::array and use this new method in StIstRawHitMaker;
    modified to get rid of unnecessary copy constructor and assignment operator;
    modified to use 'std::fill_n' to initialize a C-style array member;
    eliminated channel id param in 'StIstRawHitCollection::addRawHit';
    added class method to set hit charges from an std::array and use this new method in StIstRawHitMaker;
    added new constructor allowing set charges in time bins;
    StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h - modified to move definition of templated member function to header;
    StFastJetPars.cxx, StFastJetPars.h, StProtoJet.cxx, StProtoJet.h, StjFastJet.cxx, StjFastJet.h - implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis;
    StFastJetAreaPars.cxx, StFastJetAreaPars.h - added new files to implement the StFastJetAreaPars class; this is needed to include the jet area calculation in the jet trees;
    StAnaPars.h, StJetMaker2009.cxx, StJetMaker2009.h - implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis ;
    StJetMaker2012.cxx, StJetMaker2012.h - added new files to implement new StJetMaker2012 class;
    StUEMaker2009.cxx, StUEMaker2009.h - added new files to implement StUEMaker2009 class, which is used for the regional UE calculation class;
    emulator/StjeTowerEnergyListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx - implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis ;
    mcparticles/StjAbstractMCParticleRegion.h, StjMCParticleRegion.cxx, StjMCParticleRegion.h - added new classes which allow for Region selection of the towers, tracks, and mcparticles;
    mudst/StjEEMCMuDst.h - implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis ;
    tracks/StjAbstractTrack.h, StjTrackList.h - implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis ;
    StjAbstractTrackRegion.h, StjTrackRegion.cxx, StjTrackRegion.h - added new classes which allow for Region selection of the towers, tracks, and mcparticles;
    towers/StjAbstractTowerRegion.h, StjTowerRegion.cxx, StjTowerRegion.h - added the classes which allow for Region selection of the towers, tracks, and mcparticles;
    StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx - updated copy of TpcRS code for dE/dx;
    StSstDaqMaker.cxx, StSstDaqMaker.h - fixed CMN failed chip rejection error;
    StFmsEventClusterer.cxx - moved some LOG_INFO to LOG_DEBUG;

    src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpx_fee_position.h - added new FEE maps;
    tpxCore.cxx, tpxFCF.cxx, tpxFCF.h, tpxFCF_2D.cxx, tpxGain.cxx, tpxPed.cxx, tpxPed.h - modified to adjust to new FEE mapping;

    Calibrations/tpc/TpcCurrentCorrection.20150131.000044.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.20150131.000041.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20150131.000008.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150131.000030.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150131.0000 50.C, tpcPressureB.20150131.000002.C, TpcRowQ.20150131.000048.C, TpcRowQ.20150504.200049.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20150131.000046.C, TpcSecRowB.20150131.000048.root, TpcSecRowB.20150504.200049.root - added dE/dx calibrations for run 2015 pp 200GeV and pAu 200GeV data;
    dEdxModel/dEdxModel.root - added new TpcRS dEdx model;
    P10T.root - modified;

    Geometry/BtofGeo/BtofGeo6.xml - modified;
    Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmGeo1.xml, IdsmGeo2.xml - modified to change translation to an argument of Placement, rather than its own operator;
    Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - fixed : kOnly ->konly;
    StarAgmlUtil/AgParameterList.cxx, AgParameterList.h, AgTransform.cxx, AgTransform.h - added new files for AgML support library; implemented functionality needed to position volumes in both G3 and ROOT geometry models, i.e. handles updating the transformation matrix after each positioning command issued by AgML;

    StDb/idl/tofTotbCorr.idl, tofZbCorr.idl, vpdTotCorr.idl - removed field with no. of usefull elements;

    Jevp/qtTest - added new file;
    Jevp/StJevpBuilders/baseBuilder.cxx, bbcBuilder.cxx - updated for run 2016;
    Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - updated for run 2016;
    Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx - updated for run 2016;
    Jevp/StJevpPresenter/QtTest.cxx, QtTest.h, QtTestGui.cxx, QtTestGui.h, qtTestBaseScript.C - added new files for run 2016;

Lidia Didenko