An entry describing the steps needed to update the firmware for the MTD HV Crate(mtd-hv.starp & model: SY4527)
(install by Joey & Shuai)
MTD crate firmware: 1.0.0
FPGA firmware: 0.04 build c723
This is indicated from the tech. info. page through the CAEN HV Control Software, as indicated here:
To update the crate, the firmware(1.3.1) was downloaded from the caen website, .
The package,, was unzipped on a local directory at mtd@mtd-cr.starp
And the firmware, sy4527-5527-HVFw-1.3.1-b20150608.bin, was used to upload to the crate.
To upload the firmware to the crate, there are two possible methods(at least). Uploading via webserver or usb stick. Uploading via webserver was used for this upgrade.
This was done by going to the Upgrade Firmware menu. This should be accessible through the crate's web configurator. In this instance, the CAEN HV Control Software was used to access the web configurator.
To get there, click on the "Settings" button located on the left menu in the image listed below:
Once clicked there, go to the "Upgrade Menu" on the top and select "Firmware Upgrade"
Here, select to upload the firmware bin file.
Once done, you should see the message: "Update Done!" in a green box as indicated in the image below:
Turn off the crate.
Wait 30 seconds.
At this point, make sure everything trying to talk to crate is turned off. Eg: CAEN HV Control Software, HV IOCs, etc. [Do not worry about the ethernet cable itself]
We do not want to mess with the crate while it is installing the new firmware. (no inadvertent power reset, etc.)
Turn on the crate.
Wait 10 minutes for the installation to be complete. [Do not touch/access until 10mintues have passed.]
Check that the installation is complete.
One can check the tech. info. page(or the web configurator's sidebar) and see that it was successful:
Note: the firmware version is mis-reported via this version of the CAEN HV Control Software, but it correctly reported through the web configurator.
The crate firmware has now been updated with the FPGA firmware.
firmware: 1.3.1
FPGA firmware: 0.06 build d910