Useful EPD documents

This page collects the most important "free-standing" documents for the Event Plane Detector.

Hardware documents

This page is to organize hardware-related documents and pages.

Key logbooks
Logbook links
OSU Supersector Construction Logbook (2017) online google doc (do not edit!) / pdf file (printout of google doc) / .docx file
EPD BNL Logbook (2016-2018)  01-40, 42-49, 51-96, 97-123
OSU Supersector Testing Logbook (2017)  01-49, 50-99, 100-149, 150-159, 160, 161-174

At the bottom of this page are "child pages" related to

Always useful: a very explicit set of pictures showing the mapping between WLS fiber ends and the tile number is at

Here is the logbook used for Supersector testing at Ohio State 30 June - 16 Oct 2017
Here is the supersector construction logbook from OSU in summer 2017 - PLEASE BE CAREFUL!  I don't seem to be able to make this read-only.  You should put the setting (upper right) to "viewing" to protect against unintended changes.

Clear Fiber Bundle Health/Status

A summary of all of the testing results of the Clear Fiber bundles since the start.

Criteria for passing (somewhat arbitrary, but based on results from the 3 bundles used in Run 17 that were deemed "good"):
  • Average transmission of above -65%
  • No single fiber in a bundle has transmission below -75%

Bundles to use in Run 18:

FB# Status Comments Average Max Full Sheet
1 Healthy  First bundle; repolished twice  -63% -68%   FB01
2 Healthy  Results from 2nd test; avg unchanged from first test  -55%  -62%  FB02
3 Healthy    -54% -67%   FB03
4 Healthy
 -63% -73%   FB04
5 Healthy    -62% -71%   FB05
6 Healthy  Repolished once  -62% -68%   FB06
7 Healthy    -61% -73%   FB07
8 Healthy  Repolished 3 times  -63% -72%   FB08
9 Healthy    -64% -71%   FB09
10 Healthy    -62% -68%   FB10
11 Healthy    -62% -73%   FB11
13 Healthy Repolished 3 times  -64.8%  -73%  FB13
14 Healthy    -62% -73%   FB14
15 Healthy    -62% -73%   FB15
16 Healthy    -62% -73%   FB16
17 Healthy    -63% -70%   FB17
18 Healthy    -61% -69%   FB18
19 Healthy    -63% -68%   FB19
20 Healthy  Repolished twice  -64%  -69%  FB20
21 Healthy    -64% -72%   FB21
23 Healthy  Repolished once  -63% -72%   FB23
24 Healthy    -63% -74.6%  FB24
26 Healthy    -62% -66%   FB26
27 Healthy    -57% -68%  FB27

Failing Bundles that can still be used in Run 18 in an emergency:

FB# Status Comments Average Max Full Sheet
22 Injured Failing upon retest. Not sure what's going on  -61% -77%   FB22
12 Injured Single fiber glows on both ends, possibly cracked N/A N/A N/A
28 Injured Failing final test. Also even/odd difference of 6% -61% -78%  FB28

Bundle Under Construction: FB25 (Broken splitter; construction not completed, but can be fixed and polished for the future if needed)

In summary, at the moment we have:
  • 24 Passing Bundles (FB1-FB11, FB13-FB21, FB23-FB24, FB26-FB27)
  • 3 Failing Bundles (FB28 has a fiber at -78%; FB12 has a fiber glowing on either end, so it was set aside. Has never been fully tested, but the glowing fiber was actually passing testing; FB22 failing upon retest; 2 fibers below -75%)  
  • 1 Incomplete bundle (FB25 had a tube splitter that broke. It can be fixed, polished and used, but of course should only be used as a last resort)

Google Spreadsheets for posterity:

Fiber by Fiber testing of every bundle:

Fiber Bundle Status Summary:

FEE, SiPM, RX board Health Status

USTC has done a fantastic job of collecting and systematically posting their QA and characterization tests here.  They cover

  • FEE boards
  • SiPM cards
  • Receiver cards

Supersector and Tile Health/Status

This page records the health status of the 31 Supersectors.  (Well, SS28 was dropped, so there are only 30, but we keep the numbering.)

Results of cosmic tests at OSU in Aug-Sept 2017 (4 SS in a stack), and BNL in Nov 2017 - Jan 2018 (3 SS in a stack).

The health sheets may be found here.  (Also see "how to read a health sheet".)

Health status before run 2018 based on cosmic tests and cross-talk scan
SS status comments ADC spectra
1  healthy  hey, our much-maligned "first pancake" actually looks great!  160131
2  healthy    020304
3  healthy    020304
4  healthy  a bit less light than some others, but it worked well in run 2017  020304
5  healthy  (taking another look at TT26 jan2018, to be sure, but it's fine)  08050607
6  healthy  (taking another look at TT26 jan2018, to be sure, but it's fine)  08050607
7  healthy    08181007
8  injured  TT05 very low gain, probably unusable  14081516
9  healthy  TT03 has low gain  06091417
10  healthy    08181007
11  healthy    09111213
12  healthy  ADC spectra in test looked a little strange  09111213
13  injured  MAY be usable.  X-talk b/t TT01,03; glued WLS fibers  09111213
14  healthy    06091417
15  healthy  ADC spectrum for TT20 a little strange; see notes  14081516
16  injured TT02 has very low gain.  Had suspected paint on fiber end, but problem persists after cleaning  161731
17  prob. healthy  Joey should comment on X-talk issue; see health sheet  161731
18  injured  TT03 broke during construction.  low gain.  PERHAPS viable  08181007
19  healthy    17181920
20  healthy    17181920
21  healthy  TT21 ADC distribution a bit abnormal  212930
22  healthy    21222426
23  healthy    252723
24  healthy    21222426
25  healthy    252723
26  healthy enough
 TT03 has rather low gain, but probably usable. I'm comfortable with this in the experiment.  21222426
27  healthy  see notes for comments on TT24,25,27-31  252723
28  dead  dropped and broken in pieces :-(  
29  healthy  TT27 has low gain  212930
30  healthy    212930
31  healthy    161731

According to this table we have
  • 24 healthy (1-7, 9-12, 14, 15, 19-25, 27, 29-31)  We'll use these in Run 2018.
  • 2 healthy "enough" to use in experiment (17, 26)
  • 4 injuredif we need to swap in, take them in the following order
    • SS16 has low-gain TT02, but maybe usable.  Take this first if needed.
    • SS08 and SS18 each have one tile with low gain that are likely unusable.
    • SS13 has cross-talk in small tiles due to glued WLS fibers.  May be usable
  • 1 dead (SS28).  Don't use this one.
For the experiment, we need 24 SS, so we are in good shape: 100% of our 744 tiles are good!