2012 Lambda D_TT @200GeV


1) Dataset and RunQA

Dataset for pp200trans_2012 D_TT analysis

Statistics Summary

Dataset: pp200trans_2012

Integrated Luminosity: 18.4 pb^-1

Selected Triggers: JP0, JP1, JP2, AJP

Event Statistics For Each Trigger:

Trigger JP0 JP1 JP2 AJP Combined
HardXSoft 2.461964e+07 8.525444e+07 1.797188e+07 1.391969e+07 1.417656e+08

Data QA


2) Lambda Reconstruction

The reconstruction of Lambda and anti-Lambda hyperons.

Identification cut on track’s dE/dx measured in TPC is used to find pion and (anti-)proton.

Sketch for Topological Cuts 


  a) Statistics of Lambda and anti-Lambda Reconstruction, Inclusive
  b) Statistics of Lambda and anti-Lambda Reconstruction, Jet near-side

  Only the jet near-side Lambda used to extract D_TT.

The comparison about the reconstruction status with two sets of cut are shown here.
The loose one is the cut set used in run09 D_LL analysis and the tight one.

a) Statistics of Lambda and anti-Lambda Reconstruction, Inclusive

D_TT analysis Record, Rec_Step: all_cut_crp0995

Invariant Mass

Statistics Summary

====> Lambda

pt_T [GeV/c]
Central [GeV]
Width [GeV]
bkg fraction
Central [GeV]
Width [GeV]
bkg fraction
Central [GeV]
Width [GeV]
bkg fraction
Central [GeV]
Width [GeV]
bkg fraction
Central [GeV]
Width [GeV]
bkg fraction
1~2 1.1154 0.0016 364262 0.0536 1.1155 0.0016 1394859 0.0570 1.1155 0.0016 280707 0.0666 1.1155 0.0016 338322 0.0546 1.1155 0.0016 2378150 0.0572
2~3 1.1157 0.0021 96583 0.0609 1.1157 0.0021 496180 0.0654 1.1157 0.0022 122363 0.0758 1.1157 0.0021 118569 0.0631 1.1157 0.0021 833695 0.0660
3~4 1.1158 0.0027 25879 0.0612 1.1158 0.0028 186321 0.0649 1.1158 0.0028 57674 0.0748 1.1158 0.0027 38191 0.0609 1.1158 0.0028 308065 0.0659
4~5 1.1161 0.0035 6360 0.0616 1.1160 0.0034 65638 0.0644 1.1159 0.0034 25367 0.0703 1.1160 0.0035 11204 0.0565 1.1160 0.0034 108569 0.0648
5~6 1.1162 0.0041 1782 0.0791 1.1162 0.0042 25415 0.0720 1.1162 0.0042 11736 0.0745 1.1163 0.0042 3484 0.0669 1.1162 0.0042 42417 0.0726
6~8 1.1168 0.0051 729 0.0938 1.1166 0.0051 14932 0.0884 1.1166 0.0052 8622 0.0912 1.1169 0.0051 1853 0.0835 1.1166 0.0051 26136 0.0891

====> anti-Lambda

pt_T [GeV/c]
Central [GeV]
Width [GeV]
bkg fraction
Central [GeV]
Width [GeV]
bkg fraction
Central [GeV]
Width [GeV]
bkg fraction
Central [GeV]
Width [GeV]
bkg fraction
Central [GeV]
Width [GeV]
bkg fraction
1~2 1.1155 0.0015 299136 0.0755 1.1155 0.0016 1048977 0.0834 1.1155 0.0015 195241 0.0999 1.1155 0.0015 284645 0.0735 1.1155 0.0017 1827999 0.0823
2~3 1.1157 0.0020 102267 0.0676 1.1157 0.0020 468030 0.0743 1.1157 0.0021 97877 0.0931 1.1157 0.0020 114900 0.0702 1.1157 0.0020 783074 0.0751
3~4 1.1159 0.0026 26961 0.0663 1.1159 0.0026 183094 0.0680 1.1158 0.0027 46292 0.0860 1.1159 0.0027 34646 0.0694 1.1159 0.0027 290993 0.0709
4~5 1.1162 0.0033 5659 0.0660 1.1161 0.0034 61114 0.0635 1.1160 0.0034 19641 0.0741 1.1161 0.0035 8582 0.0678 1.1161 0.0034 94996 0.0662
5~6 1.1166 0.0043 1301 0.0707 1.1163 0.0041 20461 0.0756 1.1162 0.0041 8679 0.0798 1.1164 0.0041 2292 0.0794 1.1163 0.0041 32733 0.0768
6~8 1.1168 0.0057 459 0.1046 1.1168 0.0053 10175 0.1061 1.1166 0.0051 5581 0.1092 1.1172 0.0053 972 0.1086 1.1168 0.0052 17187 0.1072

Lambda candidates invariant mass distributions for each p_T range

Trigger: JP0 Distribution Statistics

Trigger: JP1 Distribution Statistics

Trigger: JP2 Distribution Statistics

Trigger: AJP Distribution Statistics

Trigger: Combined Distribution Statistics

ant-Lambda candidates invariant mass distributions for each p_T range

Trigger: JP0 Distribution Statistics

Trigger: JP1 Distribution Statistics

Trigger: JP2 Distribution Statistics

Trigger: AJP Distribution Statistics

Trigger: Combined Distribution Statistics

Distributions for p_T, eta, phi

Lambda candidates p_T, eta, phi distributions for each p_T range

Trigger: JP0 pT eta phi

Trigger: JP1 pT eta phi

Trigger: JP2 pT eta phi

Trigger: AJP pT eta phi

Trigger: Combined pT eta phi

anti-Lambda candidates p_T, eta, phi distributions for each p_T range

Trigger: JP0 pT eta phi

Trigger: JP1 pT eta phi

Trigger: JP2 pT eta phi

Trigger: AJP pT eta phi

Trigger: Combined pT eta phi

Distributions of variables used as topolagical cuts

Lambda candidates decay length, dca2, dcaV0 and cosrp distributions for each p_T range

Trigger: JP0 decay length dca2 dcaV0 cosrp

Trigger: JP1 decay length dca2 dcaV0 cosrp

Trigger: JP2 decay length dca2 dcaV0 cosrp

Trigger: AJP decay length dca2 dcaV0 cosrp

Trigger: Combined decay length dca2 dcaV0 cosrp

anti-Lambda candidates decay length, dca2, dcaV0 and cosrp distributions for each p_T range

Trigger: JP0 decay length dca2 dcaV0 cosrp

Trigger: JP1 decay length dca2 dcaV0 cosrp

Trigger: JP2 decay length dca2 dcaV0 cosrp

Trigger: AJP decay length dca2 dcaV0 cosrp

Trigger: Combined decay length dca2 dcaV0 cosrp

Distributions of variables of daughter particles

dca of daughters is also used as cut

Proton from Lambda candidates: p_T, eta, phi and dca distributions for each p_T range

Trigger: JP0 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: JP1 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: JP2 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: AJP p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: Combined p_T eta phi dca

Pion from Lambda candidates: p_T, eta, phi and dca distributions for each p_T range

Trigger: JP0 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: JP1 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: JP2 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: AJP p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: Combined p_T eta phi dca

Proton from anti-Lambda candidates: p_T, eta, phi and dca distributions for each p_T range

Trigger: JP0 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: JP1 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: JP2 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: AJP p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: Combined p_T eta phi dca

Pion from anti-Lambda candidates: p_T, eta, phi and dca distributions for each p_T range

Trigger: JP0 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: JP1 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: JP2 p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: AJP p_T eta phi dca

Trigger: Combined p_T eta phi dca

3) Extraction of D_TT

D_TT extraction Procedure Plots    


5) Trigger Bias Study

MC samples before and after trigger conditions applying are used for trigger bias study.

  • changes in the fractional momentum z of the produced Lambda and anti-Lambda
 within the associated jet,
    changes in the relative contributions from different hard sub-processes and fragmenting partons with different flavors in the production.
    possible differences in the fraction of feed-down contributions.

Please maximize your web browser before open the following links or some plots may not show up.

1, Trigger bias parameters plots 

2, Uncertainty to D_TT from trigger bias

6) Paper proposal


Transverse spin transfer of Lambda and Anti-Lambda Hyperons in Polarized proton-proton collisonns at \sqrt{s}=200 GeV at RHIC

PAs:  Jincheng Mei,Qinghua Xu

Proposed Target Journal: Phys. Rev. D

The transverse spin transfer from polarized protons to Λ and Λ̄ hyperons is expected to provide sensitivity to the transversity distribution of the nucleon and to the transversely polarized fragmen- tation functions. We report the first measurement of the transverse spin transfer to Λ and Λ̄ along the polarization direction of the fragmenting quark, D_TT, in transversely polarized proton-proton collisions at sqrt{s} = 200 GeV with the STAR detector at RHIC. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 18 pband cover the pseudorapidity range |η| < 1.2 and transverse momenta p_up to8 GeV/c. The dependence on p_and η are presented. The D_TT results are found to be comparable with a model prediction, and are also consistent with zero within uncertainties.


FIG. 1: The invariant mass distribution for Lambda (open circles) and anti-Lambda (filled circles) candidates for trigger combined sample after selections with 1 <$p_{\mathrm{T}}$ < 8 GeV/c in this analysis. 

FIG. 2:
The invariant mass distribution versus cos\theta^{*} for Lambda candidates in the jet near-side with 1< p_T < 8 GeV/c in this analysis as an example.

FIG. 3:
The spin transfer $D _{TT}$ versus cos for a) $\Lambda$ and b) $\bar{\Lambda}$ hyperons, and c) the spin asymmetry $\delta_{TT}$ for the control sample of $K_S^0$ mesons versus cos/theta  in the $p_T$ bin of (2,3) GeV/c for triggered combined sample. The red circles show the results for positive pseudo-rapidity $\eta$ with respect to the polarized beam and the blue squares show the results for negative $\eta$. Only statistical uncertainties are shown.

FIG. 4:
 The spin transfer $D_\mathrm{TT}$ for $\Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda}$ versus $p_\mathrm{T}$ in polarized proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=200\,\mathrm{GeV}$ at STAR, in comparison with model predictions for (a) positive $\eta$ and (b) negative $\eta$. The vertical bars and bands indicate the sizes of the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. The $\bar{\Lambda}$ results have been offset to slightly larger $p_T$ values for clarity.


TABLE I:  Summary of selection cuts and the Λ and Λ̄ candidate counts and the residual background fractions in each pTbin. Here “DCA” denotes distance of closest approach, and N(σ) quantitatively measures the distance of a particle track to a certain particle band in dE/dx vs. rigidity space[28]. \ver{l} is representative of the vector from PV to Λ decay point and p⃗ is the reconstructed momentum of Λ.

In summary, we report the first measurement on the transverse spin transfer, DTT, to Λ and Λ ̄ in transversely polarized proton-proton collisions at \sqrt{s} = 200 GeV at RHIC. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 18 pb1 taken at STAR experiment in the year of 2012, which cover mid-rapidity, |η| < 1.2 and pT up to 8GeV/cThe DTT value and precision at the highest pbin, where the effects are expected to be largest, are found to be DTT = 0.031 ± 0.033(stat.) ± 0.008(sys.) for Λ and DTT = 0.034 ± 0.040(stat.) ± 0.009(sys.) for Λ ̄ at η= 0.5 and pT= 6.7 GeV/cThe results for DTTare found to be consistent with zero for Λ and Λ̄ within uncertainties, and are also consistent with model predictions.
Paper draft and review:  
   Paper draft history
   Latest paper draft version:  paperDraft modified with PRD referee 

 PWGC review
   Collaboration review

Analysis Note:

   Analysis Note Draft

Support Materials:

   Web links:
  • Lambda reconstruction status
          1, Statistics of Lambda and anti-Lambda Reconstruction, Inclusive
 Statistics of Lambda and anti-Lambda Reconstruction, Jet near-side
  • MC production and data comparison
          1, MC production summary: hard_pT weight
MC and data comparison for inclusive hyperons
MC and data comparison for jet near-side hyperons
  • Trigger Bias

          1, Trigger bias parameters (fz_shift, feed-down fraction, fragmenting parton flavor fraction, subprocess fraction) plots 
Uncertainty to D_TT from trigger bias


Main Analysis Code: