Submit a new embedding request

Before submitting a new request, a double-check in the simulation request page is recommended, to see whether there are existing requests/data can be used. If not exist, one need to submit a new request. Please first read the 'Appendix A' in the embedding structure page for the rules to follow.
If the details of the embedding request has been thoroughly discussed within the PWG and hence approved by the PWG conveners. Please the PWG convener add a new request in the simulation request page and input all of the details there.

There are some key information that must be provided for each embedding request. (If you can not find some of the following items in the form, simply input it in the 'Simulation request description' box.)

Detailed information of the real data sample (to be embedded into).

  • Trigger sets name. for example, "AuAu_200_production_mid_2014", a full list of STAR real data trigger sets can be found in the data summary page.
  • file type. for example, "st_physics", "st_ht", "st_hlt", "st_mtd", "st_ssdmb". Please note that ONLY those "st_*_adc" files can be used for embedding production. Due to limitation of disk space, we usually sample 100K events (~200-500 daq files, depending on trigger and other event cuts), and this set of daq files will be embedded multiple times to reach the desired full statistics (say 1M).
  • Production tag. for example, "P15ic"
  • Run range with list of bad runs, or a list of good runs. for example, "15076101-15167014"
  • trigger IDs of the events to be embedded. for example, HT1 "450201, 450211"
  • vertex cut, and vertex selection method. for example, "|Vertex_z|<30cm", "Vr<2cm", "vertex is constrained by VPD vertex, |Vz-Vz_{VPD}|<3cm", "PicoVtxMode:PicoVtxVpdOrDefault, TpcVpdVzDiffCut:6" or "default highest ranked TPC vertex".

  • Other possible event cuts, for example, cut on refmult or grefmult, "refmult>250"
  • Each request can only have ONE type of dataset described above.

Details for simulation and reconstruction.

  • Particle type and decay mode (for unstable particle). for example, "Jpsi to di-muon"
  • pT range of input particle and the distribution. for example, "0-20GeV/c, flat", or "0-20GeV/c exponential"
  • pseudo rapidity or rapidity range (the distribution is flat), for example, "pseudo-rapidity eta, -1 to 1", or "rapidity, y, -1 to 1". Please do make clear it is "PSEUDO" rapidly or rapidity, as they are quite different quantities.
  • Number of MC particles per event. Usually "5% of refmult or grefmult" is recommended, one can also assign a fixed number, for example "5 particle per event" for pp collisions.
  • For event generator embedding request, like Pythia/HIJING/StarLight in zero-bias events, please provide the generator version at least. For example, "Pythia 8.1.62". The PWG embedding helper or PA's are fully responsible to tune-up the parameters for the generator in such embedding requests.
  • One can add special requirement for production chain in 'BFC tags' box, for example turn off IFT tracking in Sti.
  • Please indicate whether EMC or BTOF simulator is needed.

Finally, please think carefully about the number of events! The computing resources (i.e. the CPU cores and storage) are limited ! 

It is acceptable to modify the details of the request afterwards, although it will be of great help if all above detailed information can be provided when a new request is submitted, in order to avoid the time waste in communications. If this is inevitable, please notify the Embedding Coordinator immediately if the details of a request is modified, especially when the request is opened.