
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 1616

J/psi polarization paper proposal   Barbara 

NPE in d+Au      Olga

Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 1616

NPE v2 update - Daniel 


Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 1616

1. Upsilon trigger discussion for Run13 500 GeV      Manuel 

2. Upsilon analysis update      Anthony 

3. J/psi polarization update     Barbara

4. NPE v2 update         Daniel 

5. Upsilon-h correlation    Matt


Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849

1. D0 in 200 GeV U+U      Zhenyu Ye

2. e-D0 analysis         Witek Borowski      

3. Upsilon-h analysis     Matt Cervantes

3. embedding status update    David and Mustafa


Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849

1. Upsilon update         Anthony 

2. Upsilon update        Kurt

2. Embedding update   David, Mustafa


Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849

1. NPE v2    Daniel Kikola

2. Embedding update   David, Mustafa



Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849

1. NPE v2    Daniel Kikola

2. HF embedding priority list   Jaro



Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849

1. NPE v2    Daniel Kikola



Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849

1. J/ps analysis in 500 GeV    Qian Yang

2. run09 NPE analysis update   Xin L, Yifei

3. update on NPE v2     Daniel Kikola

4. embedding priority list discussion   Jaro

5. Hot datasets revisit     all



Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849

1. update on D->e and B-> e  Yifei Zhang



Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849

1. update on NPE v2 study.   Dainel Kikola

2. update on J/psi in low energy   Wangmeri Zha

3. embedding status   David Tlusty and Mustafa.



Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849

1. HF PWG paper status and plan   Wei Xie

2. NPE v2 jet correlation background Daniel Kikola

3. NPE v2 paper proposal.  Daniel Kikola

4. run09 NPE update    Xin Li

4. Who will be the next embedding helper?



Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849

. Password: 7999


1. NPE  AuAu200 Wei/Wenquin 

2.e-D0 in pp500 Witek

3.J/psi 62 Wangmei

4. NPE 62 Mustafa

5. NPE v2 Daniel 



2012/07/24 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

 1. e-D0 analysis in 500 GeV Witold Borowski (conitue from last week)

 2. Update on Upsilon analysis   Anthony 

 3. NPE spectra 200 GeV Update  Wenqin, Wei

 4. NPE high pT v2 update    Wenqin

 5. NPE v2 update   Daniel

 6 NPE low energy spectra update  Mustafa.

7. D0 analysis update  David


2012/07/17 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1. D0 analysis using run10 and run11 data    Yifei Zhang

2. D0 analysis in p+p 500 GeV   David Tlusty

3. NPE flow analysis in Au+Au collisions  Daniel Kikola

4. NPE analysis in 62 GeV Au+Au  M. Mustafa

5. J/psi paper in p+p and d+Au  Chris Powell

6. e-D0 analysis in 500 GeV Witold Borowski

5. Embedding status    M. Mustafa


2012/07/10 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1. Deadlines

2. Run 12 production priorities (need inputs)

3. Collaboration Meeting Agenda (update) 

4. Low-pT J/psi paper (Chris)

5. NPE v2 in 200 and 62 GeV Au+Au (Daniel)

6. NPE in 62 and 39 GeV Au+Au (Mustafa)


2012/07/03 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1. Lezsek: Low-pT J/psi

2. Collaboration Meeting Agenda (Preliminary)



2012/06/26 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1. Jonathan: update on TMVA analysis. 

2. Daniel:  update on NPE v2 analysis

3. Lezsek: J-psi 

4. Anthony: Upsilon


2012/06/19 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1. Leszek: nsigma_e cut effcieincy in p+p 200 GeV

2. Anothey: Upsilon update

3. Wei:      run10 200 GeV NPE update.

4. Mustafa:  Embedding update.



2012/06/12 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1.  Anthony:  effect of h+/h- issue on Upsilon. 

2. Wei:      run10 200 GeV NPE update.

3. Chris:    d+Au and p+p J/psi paper proposal. 

4. Leszek: nsigma_e cut effcieincy in p+p 200 GeV

5. Mustafa:  Embedding update.


2012/06/01 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1.  Anthony:  Upsilon update

2. Mustafa, Jaro:  Embedding update.


2012/05/22 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


1. Anthony Upsilon Update

2. Leszek Kosarzevski J/Psi

3. Mustafa Mustafa embeding update


2012/05/07 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1. Olga Hajkova dAu Update

2. Mustafa Mustafa ele 62GeV QA


2012/05/01 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


1) Andrew Peterson:   Upsilon pT Spectrum and fit



2). Chris Powell: Low pT J/psi paper proposal update



3).  Greg Wimsatt:



4). Pibero Djawotho




2012/04/02 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


1) Matt:  Upsilon correlation and spin update.

2) Hao:   J/psi v2 update.

3) Wei:   NPE purity.

4) Yifei:  D0 signal in Run11 Au+Au.

5) Summary of QM abstracts.



2012/04/02 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1. Spiros:       HFT plan for run13. 

2. Wei:          NPE spectra requests in Cu+Au.

3. Daniel:       NPE v2 request in Cu+Au.

4. all:          HOT datasets request (last call). 

5. Matt:         Upsilon-h correlation update.

6. Wangmei:      J/psi in 39 and 62 GeV Au+Au

7. Wenqin:       J/psi->e contribution to NPE in 200 GeV Au+Au  



2012/03/20 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1) Lijuan: MTD Run13 

http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/lfspectra/ruanlj/BUR13/BUR13_MTD.pdf .

2)  Wei: NPE Run10


3) David: D0,D* in pp500


4) Anthony: Upsilon in CuAu


5) Mustafa: NPE 62


6) Matt Upsilon-h



QM2012 abstracts:

1) Mustafa NPE


2) Yifei D in pp,AuAu 200 GeV


3) Anthony Upsilon


4) Wanqmei


5) David D,D* in pp200, pp500 (AuAu200?)











2012/03/20 Meeting Minutes

Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

1) Discussion on the QM abstract.

2) J/psi v2 paper?

3) Other topics?

4) Embedding status


2012/03/13 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


2012/03/06 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


2012/02/28 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


2012/02/21 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


2012/02/14 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999



2012/02/07 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

 2012/01/24 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


2012/01/24 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


2012/01/17 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999

2012/01/10 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


2012/01/03 Meeting Minutes

        Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999


o Xin Li: Run11 200 GeV Au+Au QA.