SpaceCharge and GridLeak Calibration for offline
calibration of SpaceCharge(SC) and GridLeak(GL)
cd /star/u/yjye/yjye1/HLT/SC_GL/run2018/AuAu27
operation step:
1. get the inital value of StarDb6.8_9/StarDb6.8_10/StarDb6.8_11, chain option of bfc.f and star version from Gene.
a. time relationship: (early)beginTime on the website < filename of the StarDb* < daqfile(late).
2. download the daqfile of this year which need to do calibration.
a. open star RunLog and choose th daqfiles
b. (20-30)daqfiles are needed and more than 5000 events for each daqfie.
c. contain a wide lumilosity for those events in the daqfiles
d. -f trans4
d. we can confirm the download result on websit:
3. cd submit
4. Use the StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker to create the root file from daq file for the following calibration.
5. Use the function of doEvent_SCGL_Calib.C to calibrate the SC and GL from the input root file and create some histogram for the next fitting.
6. ./moveHist.bash
7. Fit the histogram and get the SC and GL.
cd ../ and ./run_all.csh