iTPC run18 progress

 The page will contain material presented at the itpc software meetings,
or circulated with the group. Material will be in reverse order
The meeting will be on Mo and Th 11 in general.
The bluejeans information is

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+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
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Meeting ID: 634 285 245
Moderator Passcode: 6253 

Room System or

Meeting ID: 634 285 245

April 23, 2018 A few pictures comparing iTPC and TPC by Yuri

April 18, 2018 Update on Gain on iTPC  (Tonko)

April 16, 2018 Further analysis of clusters and distribution (Flemming)
File on Monday meeting

March 29, 2018
Analysis of 86040  . Charge distribution plots

Entry April 2, 2018/ update by 4/8/18

Adc vs pad for different rows (FV)

Yuri' update after gating grid leak fix 

Entry March 29,2018 

Charge distribution per row for inner sector The profile has been fitted with a landau distribution

Similar plot for the outer sector

March 2018  Tonko analysis of iTPC pulser run