eTOF software status

This page tries to summarize the status of the eTOF software.


  • integration of data storage classes into StEvent (StETofDigi, StETofHit, StETofHeader, StETofCollection)
  • StETofDigiMaker reads in .daq files and stores the digi inforamtion into StEvent

Under review:

  • StETofCalibMaker, StETofHitMaker, StETofMatchMaker
  • StEtofPidTraits
  • data storage classes in MuDsts
  • simple version of StETofSimMaker
  • data storage clases in PicoDsts

Under development:

  • StETofPidMaker (?) that decides which start time is used for the time-of-flight measurement, also calculates eTOF start time from matched tracks in 2019/20
  • database tables for calibrations & electronic id to geometry mapping  +  changes in the makers to fetch the relevant values from the database

Needs update for next year:

  • event builder update on CBM side to scale from one sector to the full wheel of eTOF modules
  • online monitoring code needs to be adapted to cover all 12 sectors
  • offline monitoring via StETofQAMaker (?)

Some milestones:

Feburary 22nd-24th 2018: start of software development during eTOF workshop at Rice University

March 24th 2018: first isobar data with eTOF information in the daq files (trigger window set)

April 25th 2018: online monitoring Jevp plots finished for data taking in 2018; mapping from electronic channels to geometry understood

April 28th 2018: noise rate monitoring via etofDaqDoer available

May 12th 2018: StETofDigiMaker and StEvent data classes ready for software peer review

June 5th 2018: firmware fix to properly save the reset time of the bTOF clock into the eTOF data

July 25th 2018: first patch of eTOF reconstruction software was included in the STAR CVS repository and is part of software library version SL18f

August 1st 2018: eTOF software included in production of calibration sample for Au+Au data at sqrt(sNN)=27GeV

August 23rd 2018: first 1/beta vs. momentum plot for simulation with full eTOF wheel

     eTOF PID in simulation (2 electrons, 2 pions, 2 kaons, 2 protons per event)          global XY position of simulated eTOF hits

September 6th 2018: first 1/beta vs. momentum plot for data

     first 1/beta vs. momentum plot from data  (w/o slewing corrections)

September 29th 2018: eTOF PID plots with improved slewing corrections; overlapping strip analysis shows 100ps time resolution in all modules;
                                 some more details of the calibration procedure

     1/beta vs. momentum plot with better (not yet finished) slewing corrections

December 6th 2018: first look to data taken with the full eTOF wheel during commissioning on November 23rd

status presentations:

July 20th 2018, collaboration meeting at Lehigh University: slides

September 6th 2018, eTOF meeting: slides

October 17th 2018, S&C meeting: slides

November 21th 2018, S&C meeting: slides

December 11th/12th 2018, winter analysis meeting at BNL: calibration status, general software status