detector resolution

detector resolution (local X, localY, time) of the eTOF counters


float   detectorResX[ 108 ]     // resolution in localX (cm) in each RPC counter (12 sectors * 3 modules * 3 counters)
float   detectorResY[ 108 ]     // resolution in localY (cm) in each RPC counter
float   detectorResT[ 108 ]     // resolution in time (ns) in each RPC counter
                                           // ( sector - 13 ) * 9  +  ( zPlane - 1 ) * 3  +  ( counter - 1 )


once per dataset

index name:

*table is not indexed


1296 bytes per entry

write access:

fseck          --  Florian Seck           ( TU Darmstadt )
weidenkaff  --  Philipp Weidenkaff   ( Heidelberg University )


/* etofDetResolution.idl


* table: etofDetResolution


* description: detector resolution (localX, localY, time)

*              of each etof counter


* author: Florian Seck ( TU Darmstadt )



struct etofDetResolution{

float  detectorResX[108];  /* detector resolution in local X (cm)  */
float  detectorResY[108];  /* detector resolution in local Y (cm)  */
float  detectorResT[108];  /* detector resolution in time (ns)     */


/* end etofDetResolution.idl */