Cuts Summary
Here's a list of the cuts applied to the data in the common spin trees.
Run 5
- standard spinDB requirements
- production triggers only
- 0.2 < detEta < 0.8
- 0.1 < E_neu / E_tot < 0.9
- pt > 2
- -1 < eta < 1
- nFitPoints > 25
- |DCA_global| < 1
- -1 < nSigmaPion < 2
- pt > 3.0
- photon energies > 0.1
- asymmetry < 0.8
- 0.08 < mass < 0.25
- charged track veto
- BBC timebin in {7,8,9}
Run 6
- standard spinDB requirements
- production triggers + trigId 5 (L2gamma early runs)
ConeJets, ConeJetEMC -- no cuts applied
- pt > 2
- -1 < eta < 1
- nFitPoints > 25
- |DCA_global| < 1
- -1 < nSigmaPion < 2
- pt > 5.2
- photon energies > 0.1
- asymmetry < 0.8
- 0.08 < mass < 0.25
- charged track veto
- BBC timebin in {7,8,9} update: timebin 6 added in 2007-07-18 production
- both SMD planes good
added as of 2007-07-18 production
- hardware or software trigger in (117001, 137213, 137221, 5, 137222, 137585, 137611, 137622)
- Global dE/dx cut changing with momentum
- nFitPoints >= 15
- nDedxPoints >= 10
- nHits / nPoss >= 0.52
- track Chi2 < 4
- DCAGlobal < 2
- NEtaStrips > 1 && NPhiStrips > 1
- Primary dE/dx cut changing with momentum
- 0.3 < P/E < 1.5
- -0.01287 < PhiDist < 0.01345
- ZDist in [-5.47,1.796] (West) or [-2.706,5.322] (East)