STAR run21-25 BUR


Background Materials

BUR Documents (2020)

Meeting Schedule & Time Line

Official charge Berndt Mueller

For the Sept 10-11 meeting of the PAC I would like you to prepare the following documents and presentations:
STAR: Beam Use Request for Run-21 and Run-22
STAR and sPHENIX: Beam Use Requests for Runs 23-25
The BURs should be based on the following number of expected cryo-weeks:
2021:  24 (28)
2022:  20
2023:  24 (28)
2024:  24 (28)
2025:  24 (28)
Presentations only:
STAR: Update on spin physics and isobar run analyses
PHENIX: Update on ongoing analysis efforts and data archiving effort
sPHENIX: Update on EIC EoI based on sPHENIX
The Beam Use requests should be submitted in written form no later than August 31. 2020.
Thank you, Berndt

2020 PAC Committee Members (Mini-PAC version)

John Harris (chair), Huan Huang, Volker Koch, Jen-Chieh Peng,
Scott Pratt , Krishna Rajagopal, Mikhail Stephanov, Julia Velkovska

Maria Chamizo‐Llatas, Bill Christie, Dmitri Denisov, Jamie Dunlop, Wolfram Fischer, Achim Franz (secretary),
Hong Ma, Berndt Mueller, Thomas Roser, Ferdinand Willeke

STAR BUR Committee and Assignments

Two-year BUR: Run-21 BES-II completion:  Daniel Cebra, Frank Geurts, Grazna Odyniec, Flemming Videbaek
Run-22 pp500: Bernd Surrow, Carl Gagliardi, Renee Fatemi, Scott Wissink, Elke Aschenauer

STAR in sPHENIX Era (Runs 23-25): Run-23,25 AuAu200: Heavy-ion running during sPHENIX Subcommittee (Frank Geurts,chair)
Run-24 pp200,pAu200: Cold QCD folks

Other programs:
O+O: Jiangyong Jia and Wei Li
Au-Au 17 GeV: Xiaofeng Luo
FXT extension to higher and lower energies: Daniel Cebra

Physics Highlights:
Cold QCD: Maria Zurek and Ting Lin
Jets: Raghav Elayavalli
BulkCorr+Isobar: Prithwish Tribedy, Niseem Magdy, Jiangyong Jia
LFSUPC: Daniel Cebra
Heavy Flavor: Matt Kelsey

BESII+FXT progress: Daniel Cebra, Flemming Videbaek

eTOF: Ingo Deppner
Forward : Elke Aschenauer, Scott Wissink, Flemming Videbaek

Ex-Officio    --  Helen Caines, Lijuan Ruan, Xin Dong, Rongrong Ma, Takafumi Niida
Chair         --  Ken Barish 

sPHENIX Running Periods (Runs 23-25)


Subcommittee on STAR in Runs 23-25

STAR in sPHENIX Era (Runs 23-25) :: BUR subcommittee

Run-23/25 AuAu200 Heavy-Ion running

Background Materials

PWG Inputs

Relevant guidance from Berndt Mueller


STAR and sPHENIX: Beam Use Requests for Runs 23-25

The BURs should be based on the following number of expected cryo-weeks:
2021: 24 (28)
2022: 20
2023: 24 (28)
2024: 24 (28)
2025: 24 (28)



JetCorr		: Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Peter Jacobs, Nihar Sahoo
BulkCorr	: Jiangyong Jia, Prithwish Tribedy, Fuqiang Wang
Heavy Flavor	: Zebo Tang, Barbara Trzeciak
LFS-UPC		: Tetyana Galatyuk, Wangmei Zha, Frank Geurts

chair: Frank Geurts