Paper Draft

Short description of changes
  1. In V1 Fig. 6 was added
  2. In V2 Fig. 6 and 7 reduced in size 
  3. in V3 comments from the PWG review included and Figures updated, based on the latest analysis results
  4. In V4 coorections were made to be consitent with latest AN
  5. V5 version with updets based on comments from the GPC about Analysis note an the paper V4
  6. V6 version includes comments from GPC and an additional figure, now Fig. 8
  7. V7 with comments from the GPC
  8. V8 with comments from GPC
  9. V9 comments from GPC and more systematic effects calculated. Table with data points include
  10. V10 efficiency includes collinearity cut
  11. V11 includes comments on V10 and V9
  12. V12 addresses Will's comments and change of the symbol of the syst. uncertainty in Fig 6 and 9 and corresponding captions.
  13. V13 addresses comments from Inst. review
  14. V14 addresses GPC comments to responses to inst. review