January 12

  • RAW to MuDst production
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics)
      392608 files have been converted out of 654286
      Around 60% Completion
    • Isobar (physics)
      Two additional tape drives have been allocated to the restoration of DAQ files, and this appears to be accelerating the completion rate (see the last few days on the plot below).
      238549 files have been converted out of 428465
      Around 56% completion
  • MuDst to PicoDst production
    • AuAu_200_production_2014
      56869 files have been converted out of 59259
      around 95% completion (STOPPED for ISOBAR)
    • AuAu_200_production_high_2014
      54312 files have been converted out of 54315
    • AuAu_200_production_low_2014
      9697 files have been converted out of 88297
      around 11% completion (STOPPED for ISOBAR)