

March 16

  • RAW to MuDst production
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics)
      456090 files have been converted out of 654286
      Around 70% Completion
    • pp500_production_2017 (rp)
      27111 files have been converted out of 253491
      Around 11% Completion
    • Isobar (physics)
      426k of 433k picoDsts (98%) are on distributed disk; this dataset will be automatically bootstrapped as usual for the distributed disk datasets to catch the missing files as they decay due to the usual fluctuations in node availability
  • MuDst to PicoDst production
    • AuAu_200_production_2014
      59257 files have been converted out of 59259
    • AuAu_200_production_high_2014
      54312 files have been converted out of 54315
    • AuAu_200_production_low_2014
      88292 files have been converted out of 88297
    • AuAu_200_production_mid_2014
      134062 files have been converted out of 134067


March 2

  • RAW to MuDst production
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics)
      425280 files have been converted out of 654286
      Around 66% Completion
    • pp500_production_2017 (rp)
      11524 files have been converted out of 253491
      Around 6% Completion
    • Isobar (physics)
      The main production pass has completed. PicoDsts are already being restored to distributed disk, as shown in the progress plot below. The rate has increased now that few other activities are using HPSS heavily except the pp500_production_2017 work, which has less HPSS demand (more weighted toward CPU needs) than the isobar production was. Currently the projection points to finishing next week, but this can easily be delayed if other demands (such as user restores) come up.
  • MuDst to PicoDst production
    • AuAu_200_production_2014
      59257 files have been converted out of 59259
    • AuAu_200_production_high_2014
      54312 files have been converted out of 54315
    • AuAu_200_production_low_2014
      18206 files have been converted out of 88297
      around 20% completion (STOPPED FOR ISOBAR)
    • AuAu_200_production_mid_2014
      30062 files have been converted out of 88297
      around 22% completion (STOPPED FOR ISOBAR)


March 23

  • RAW to MuDst production
    • production_14p5GeV_2019 (physics) DEV_Calib
      X files have been converted out of X
      Around X% Completion
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics)
      471862 files have been converted out of 654286
      Around 73% Completion
    • pp500_production_2017 (rp)
      32920 files have been converted out of 253491
      Around 14% Completion
  • MuDst to PicoDst production
    • AuAu_200_production_2014
      59257 files have been converted out of 59259
    • AuAu_200_production_high_2014
      54312 files have been converted out of 54315
    • AuAu_200_production_low_2014
      88292 files have been converted out of 88297
    • AuAu_200_production_mid_2014
      134062 files have been converted out of 134067


March 30

  • RAW to MuDst production
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics)
      486741 files have been converted out of 654286
      Around 75% Completion
    • pp500_production_2017 (rp)
      42087 files have been converted out of 253491
      Around 17% Completion
  • MuDst to PicoDst production
    • pp200_production_2012
      0 files have been converted out of 


March 9

  • RAW to MuDst production
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics)
      441849 files have been converted out of 654286
      Around 68% Completion
    • pp500_production_2017 (rp)
      19974 files have been converted out of 253491
      Around 9% Completion
    • Isobar (physics)
      The main production pass has completed. PicoDsts are already being restored to distributed disk and we are essentially done (we are trying to get just the last few % now). There was an HPSS downtime in the middle of last week, followed by a period of rapid restoration (possibly due to smaller st_physics_adc files) to conclude the main restoration pass.
  • MuDst to PicoDst production
    • AuAu_200_production_2014
      59257 files have been converted out of 59259
    • AuAu_200_production_high_2014
      54312 files have been converted out of 54315
    • AuAu_200_production_low_2014
      51802 files have been converted out of 88297
      around 59% completion 
    • AuAu_200_production_mid_2014
      30062 files have been converted out of 88297
      around 22% completion