pp500_production_2017 (physics)
441849 files have been converted out of 654286
Around 68% Completion
pp500_production_2017 (rp)
19974 files have been converted out of 253491
Around 9% Completion
Isobar (physics)
The main production pass has completed. PicoDsts are already being restored to distributed disk and we are essentially done (we are trying to get just the last few % now). There was an HPSS downtime in the middle of last week, followed by a period of rapid restoration (possibly due to smaller st_physics_adc files) to conclude the main restoration pass.
MuDst to PicoDst production
59257 files have been converted out of 59259
54312 files have been converted out of 54315
51802 files have been converted out of 88297
around 59% completion
30062 files have been converted out of 88297
around 22% completion