UpcDst files were producing using upcDst code: https://github.com/adamjaro/star-upcDst
The output can be found here: /star/data01/pwg_tasks/upc02/UPC_P20ic
Although, less than 1k (out of 254k) muDst files were not processed in the upcDst production, many triggers have less than 90% of events compare to Jamie's page:
Hence, more muDst files were lost than expected!
There was parallel analysis of muDst files by Bill Schmidke.
Following tables compare number of events in upcDst files, at Jamie's webpage and number of events analyzed by Bill.
Trigger #events #events
ID upcDst(M) webpage(M)
570209 3.20 8.4 38.1%
570219 12.43 17.6 70.6%
570229 105.4 114.1 92.4%
570701 182.9 233.0 78.5%
570702 7.61 10.0 76.1%
570703 25.81 31.5 81.9%
570704 9.30 10.0 93.0%
570705 628.1 670.8 93.6%
570709 85.99 99.1 86.8%
570711 36.65 39.8 92.1%
570712 34.92 39.9 87.5%
570719 84.30 91.3 92.3%
Comparison with Bill's numbers in M
Trigger upcDst Bill's Jamie's
JPsi*HTTP 121 130 140
RP_UPC 42.5 45 50
ZB 9.3 9.8 10