

April 26

  • Main Production
    • Going to start production_isobar_2018 (st_mtd) 
  • Calibration production (done) 
    • MuDst File list: /star/data14/GRID/NFS_FileList/production_7p7GeV_2021_P22ia_calib_SL22a_mudst.txt
    • event File list: /star/data14/GRID/NFS_FileList/production_7p7GeV_2021_P22ia_calib_SL22a_event.txt
    • picoDst File list: /star/data14/GRID/NFS_FileList/production_7p7GeV_2021_P22ia_calib_SL22a_pico.txt
  • MuDst to PicoDst conversion (resumed)
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics) SL21d
      43640 files have been converted out of 651818
      Around 6% completed 




February 2

  • Main Production
  • Fixed Target 2020 
    • production_13p5GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 5619 / 5644
    • production_5p75GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 4766 / 4868
    • production_7p3GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 6004 / 6005
    • production_19p5GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 6068 / 6068
    • production_31p2GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 36 / 6204 (In process)
    • production_9p8GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 0 / 7847. (In process)
  • MuDst to PicoDst conversion
    • pp500_production_2017  (physics) SL21d
      43640 files have been converted out of 651818
      Around 6% completed 

February 9


  • Main Production
  • Fixed Target 2020 
    • production_13p5GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 5644 / 5644
    • production_5p75GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 4766 / 4868
    • production_7p3GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 6004 / 6005
    • production_19p5GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 6068 / 6068
    • production_31p2GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 6204 / 6204 
    • production_9p8GeV_fixedTarget_2020 => 7847 / 7847
  • MuDst to PicoDst conversion
    • pp500_production_2017  (physics) SL21d
      43640 files have been converted out of 651818
      Around 6% completed 



June 1

  • Main Production
    • production_isobar_2018 (st_mtd) 
      66250 files have been submitted out of 66274
      Around 99% submission
  • Calibration production  
    •  Run 21 AuAu7.7 with DEV library is going to restart
  • MuDst to PicoDst conversion 
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics) SL21d
      0 files have been converted out of 651818
      Around 0% completed  
      STOPPED ........Need to restart 
    • UU_production_2012 (physics) P12id with SL22a
      4919 files have been converted out of 84094
      Around 5% completed
  • Pushing files  



May 11


  • Main Production
    • production_isobar_2018 (st_mtd) 
      8154 files have been submitted out of 66274
      Around 12% submission
  • Calibration production  
  • MuDst to PicoDst conversion 
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics) SL21d
      123047 files have been converted out of 651818
      Around 18% completed 

  • Pushing files  
    • trgsetupname=pp200_production_2012, production=P12id, library=SL21d
      HPSS: done   DD: going on  
    • trgsetupname=production_isobar_2018, production=P21id, library=SL21d, sname2~st_hf 
      HPSS: done.   DD: going on
    • trgsetupname=production_isobar_2018, production=P22ia, library=SL22a, sname2~st_upc 
      HPSS: done.   DD: going on

May 18


  • Main Production
    • production_isobar_2018 (st_mtd) 
      26392 files have been submitted out of 66274
      Around 39% submission
  • Calibration production  
  • MuDst to PicoDst conversion 
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics) SL21d
      173064 files have been converted out of 651818
      Around 26% completed 

  • Pushing files  
    • trgsetupname=pp200_production_2012, production=P12id, library=SL21d
      HPSS: done   DD: going on  
    • trgsetupname=production_isobar_2018, production=P21id, library=SL21d, sname2~st_hf 
      HPSS: done.   DD: going on
    • trgsetupname=production_isobar_2018, production=P22ia, library=SL22a, sname2~st_upc 
      HPSS: done.   DD: going on

May 25


  • Main Production
    • production_isobar_2018 (st_mtd) 
      55951 files have been submitted out of 66274
      Around 85% submission
  • Calibration production  
  • MuDst to PicoDst conversion 
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics) SL21d
      222335 files have been converted out of 651818
      Around 34% completed (Expected to be completed within 75~90 days) 
    • UU_production_2012 (physics) P12id with SL22a
      Going to start today
  • Pushing files  
    • trgsetupname=pp200_production_2012, production=P12id, library=SL21d
      HPSS: done   DD: done
    • trgsetupname=production_isobar_2018, production=P21id, library=SL21d, sname2~st_hf 
      HPSS: done.   DD: done
    • trgsetupname=production_isobar_2018, production=P22ia, library=SL22a, sname2~st_upc 
      HPSS: done.   DD: done

May 3

  • Main Production
    • production_isobar_2018 (st_mtd) 
  • Calibration production  
  • MuDst to PicoDst conversion 
    • pp500_production_2017 (physics) SL21d
      80909 files have been converted out of 651818
      Around 12% completed 

  • Pushing files  
    • trgsetupname=pp200_production_2012, production=P12id, library=SL21d
      HPSS: done   DD: going on  
    • trgsetupname=production_isobar_2018, production=P21id, library=SL21d, sname2~st_hf 
      HPSS: done.   DD: going on
    • trgsetupname=production_isobar_2018, production=P22ia, library=SL22a, sname2~st_upc 
      HPSS: done.   DD: going on