HFT project

The Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) project is part of the STAR upgrades for midterm and RHIC-II running.
A CD-0 proposal has been prepared and submitted to BNL (August 30) for submission to DOE. The proposal was submitted to DOE by the ALD S.Vigdor on about October 2. It can be found HERE
and it is also attached at the bottom of the page.

A CD-0 review is expected sometimes in January of  2008
This page will keep final documents on the project and documentation for the sub-systems (PIXEL, IST) and links to relevant other information.

Beam Pipe Doc-1

Beam Pipe Doc-2

Project Meetings

The project meetings are documented mainly via links to agenda and presentation or via other page.
So far this only includes the monthly meetings.

Later meetings can be found here

RHIC beam and luminosity

The first attached file describe the expected performance of RHIC with stochastic and e-cooling. The emphasis is on the bunch lengths and distributions.