=== PWGC preview =====
Title: PWGC preview on xx/xx/xxxx for ""
Dear PAs and Conveners
We will schedule your requested PWGC preview on xx/xx/xxxx. The PWGC meeting will start at 9:00 am (BNL time), and this preview will be the first item on the agenda. The Zoom connection to the meeting is: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1619294511?pwd=TkRhZzFjOWZSQnpvUVdGUGFVMmlHdz09
A typical agenda for such a preview is as follows:
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [PWG Rep]
- Paper proposal (15') [PA Rep]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Chair person: XXX
Please provide me the following materials, if not yet, at least two days before the preview:
1) Proposal webpage:
2) An indication of the PWG (primary/secondary in case that applies), PAs, and target journal
Targeted Journal:
3) Link to the presentation for the PWGC preview and the name of PA who will give the presentation.
- You can find requirements for the PWGC preview, and a template for preview presentation here: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/pwg/common/policies/pwgc-preview-requirements.
4) Name of the PWG convener who will introduce the paper at the beginning
As a reminder of its intended purpose, I copy below an excerpt from the STAR’s Publication Policies:
"This preview should include a brief introduction to the paper, an outline of the data and physics issues to be addressed in the paper, and draft copies of the figures and tables that would appear in the paper. When the conveners of that PWG agree, the Spokesperson or the Physics Analysis Coordinator will provide this material to the PWG Conveners. […] The principal author(s) will then present the proposal for discussion during a PWG Conveners meeting. The subsequent recommendation from the Conveners concerning the proposed paper is advisory to the principal author(s) and the Godparent committee.”
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Best regards
=== GPC formation request =====
Dear PAs and Conveners
It is great to see this paper moving forward.
PAs, I need some of the information outlined below from you for the GPC formation:
1) Please send me a link to the latest paper manuscript together with the paper supporting web page once the PWG approves. In the case the website is hosted on an off-site facility, the PAs are strongly encouraged to relocate the website to the STAR managed web server.
Paper draft:
2) Please submit the analysis technical note, approved by PWG, to the STAR website (https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/starnotes/submit_procedure). Please select "PWG" as the STAR Note Category.
3) Please prepare your analysis codes following the instructions: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/pwg/common/policies/Guidelines-paper-code-preparations. Once done, please send me the path to the codes, and I will then take a look and create a CVS repository for this paper. Afterwards, PAs will commit all the analysis source codes including a HOW-TO instruction file to this repository.
4) Please let me who the PWG and PA representatives will be.
5) You are also welcome to make suggestions on other GPC members. As a reminder, a GPC typically consists of the following members:
Member(s) at large:
Member for English/Grammar QA:
Member for Code QA:
PWG representative:
PA representative:
Best regards
=== Intention to form GPC =====
Title: Intention to form GPC for ""
Dear Conveners
Within a week, we will form a new GPC for the following paper:
Paper title:
Targeted journal:
Paper webpage:
Paper Manuscript:
Analysis note:
Please let me know if you have any comments. Thanks!
Best regards
=== GPC formation =====
Title: GPC #XXX for ""
Thank you for agreeing to serve on the God Parent Committee (GPC) for the new STAR paper. The committee members are:
Member(s) at large:
Member for English/Grammar QA:
Member for Code QA:
PWG representative:
PA representative:
Information on the STAR paper to be reviewed by the GPC :
Paper title:
Targeted journal:
Paper webpage:
Paper Manuscript:
Analysis note:
Code: $CVSROOT/offline/paper/psn0XXX
PWGC preview notes:
Charge to GPC:
The GPC is requested to review the new STAR paper indicated above, and let STAR Management know when it is considered ready for review by STAR. The GPC should ensure that the presentation of the physics message and data is clear and impactful. It should take into account the logical flow and construction as well as the technical accuracy and correctness of the analysis.
Please note that a dedicated mailing list (https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/star-gpc-XXX-l) has been created for this GPC, and all the PAs and GPC members have been subscribed. Please use this mailing list for all GPC communications, which will be archived automatically.
Version 1 - When the GPC Chair writes to the PAC/Spokespeople to ask for release to the collaboration review. The PAC/Spokespeople will download the current author list and acknowledgements, date them and send to the PAs for inclusion into the paper draft. The PAs and GPC should not be using an author list up to that point.
Version 2 - When the GPC Chair writes to the PAC/Spokespeople to ask for release to the collaboration review. The PAC/Spokespeople will download acknowledgements, and send to the PAs for inclusion into the paper draft. "The STAR Collaboration" will be used as the author. The PAs and GPC should not be using an author list up to that point.
It is highly recommended that PAs prepare YAML data tables to be uploaded to HepData before the paper is announced to RHIC. Instructions on preparing YAML tables can be found here: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/marr/instructions-hepdata-submission.
More information about the paper submission procedure can be found here: https://www.star.bnl.gov/central/collaboration/authors/
Guidance to GPC :
Guidance for the GPC process is described in the STAR publication policy item 14.
The Technical Notes and codes should be revised as necessary during the GPC process. The purpose of the STAR Technical note accompanying every paper is to describe the analysis, data and methods used, and all necessary background information. This would then allow each collaboration member, if desired, to repeat the analysis at a later time in the exact same fashion and reproduce the results published. A member in the GPC is assigned the responsibility to check, in discussion with PAs, if the analysis code compiles and processes the designated data set. When the paper is released by the GPC to the spokesperson for next steps towards publication, the PA's, in agreement with the GPC chair, are required to provide a note on the changes made to the Technical Note if any and the code check has been satisfactorily completed.
The manuscript recommended to the collaboration by the GPC should be a finished, sound, grammatically correct scientific publication ready for journal submission aside from final comments and tuning by the Collaboration at large. The GPC is requested to ensure that when the manuscript is released to management it should have the latest author list of STAR Collaboration, obtainable from the STAR web page and the latest acknowledgments.
It is presumed that most of your work can be carried out through email correspondence and also by phone/SeeVogh/BlueJeans conferences. If you require a meeting or direct discussion with the principal authors, then that should be also possible. Once you are satisfied with the manuscript, then STAR Management should be informed and it will be announced to STAR that the paper is available for review and comments by STAR for a two week period. At or near the end of those two weeks, the principal authors will be asked to prepare a modified version which addresses suggested changes with a statement about those changes that they feel are not warranted. This latter statement can take place in the form of email responses as the comments from STAR arrive and should be logged for reference if questions arise later. The God Parent Committee or GPC Chair may be asked for final review of the revised version before journal submission if deemed necessary.
Best regards
=== When a paper is ready for collaboration review =====
Version 1
Hello XXX
Thanks very much for bringing the paper to this stage.
I have prepared the author list and acknowledgement to be included in your manuscript. They can be found here "/star/u/marr/PAC/figures/XXX". The xml file should be included in the arXiv submission, and the star-author-list-2020-XX-XX.txt file contains the plain text version of the author list to be pasted to the Author(s) form field during arXiv submission. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Once the author list and acknowledgement are included, please send us latest:
- paper draft
- analysis note (updated on https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/starnotes/private/psn0XXX)
- paper webpage.
A reminder: it is strongly recommended that data tables, to be uploaded to HEPData, are prepared before the paper is announced to RHIC. Instructions on preparing such data tables can be found here: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/marr/instructions-hepdata-submission. Please pay particular attention to the guidance on significant digits.
Meanwhile, we will identify 5 institutional readers for this paper, and you are welcome to make suggestions.
Best regards
Version 2
=== One week after PA sends out responses to collaboration review =====
Hello Helen
It has been one week since PAs sent out their responses to the collaboration review comments. Could you go ahead and announce this paper to RHIC?
XXX, XXX: please send me the email address you used or plan to use to for your account on HEPData, and we will assign you as uploader and reviewer.
XXX: meanwhile, here are a few items for you to follow up:
- Make sure the analysis note on drupal and analysis code in CVS are up-to-date
- Send me all the paper figures in pdf format
- If not done yet, please prepare data tables in YAML format to be uploaded to HepData. You can find some instructions here: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/marr/instructions-hepdata-submission Please pay attention to the significant digits.
- One week after Helen makes the announcement, I will send you the final approval to submit your paper to arXiv and journal.
Best regards
=== One week after RHIC announcement =====
Version 1
Hello XXX
Please go ahead and submit your paper to arXiv and journal. When submitting to arXiv, please include the author xml file in the bundle of files uploaded, and select the license "CC BY-NC-ND". If there are any supplemental materials, please include them in the version submitted to arXiv. Please also forward the journal submission confirmation email to starpapers-l@lists.bnl.gov once received.
After submission, please send me the paper password on arXiv.
Best regards
Version 2
Hello XXX
Please go ahead and submit your paper to arXiv and journal. When submitting to arXiv, please select the license "CC BY-NC-ND". If there are any supplemental materials, please include them in the version submitted to arXiv. Please also forward the journal submission confirmation email to starpapers-l@lists.bnl.gov once received.
After submission, please send me the paper password on arXiv.
Best regards
=== Paper appear on INSPIRE =====
Hello Frank
Could you create a HepData entry for the following paper?
Inspire ID:
Uploader & Reviewer: please make sure that the email addresses above are the same as the ones you used for HEPData account. If they are different, please provide the correct ones. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the work.
Reviewer: You will need to review and approve all the data tables. Please pay attention to both central values and error bars. Please also check the formatting of the tables (do the column/row headers make sense, are text/symbols correctly type-set) and make sure that appropriate thumbnail plots are included in the submission.
Thank you!
Best regards
=== Paper accepted =====
Version 1
Hello XXX
Congratulations! This is great news.
When you receive the proofs, please forward them to Helen and myself, and we will check the formatting of the author list and acknowledgements. The PA is responsible for checking the rest of the proof. Please pay particular attention to the figures as these are occasionally altered in the formatting process. More details can be found here: https://www.star.bnl.gov/central/collaboration/authors/.
Please also prepare a short note for our STAR front page. It should be written for a non-expert, highlighting 1-2 of the key results with, preferable, only 1 figure. We link to the paper so no need to go into analysis details. The goal is to highlight to a non-expert the new results from STAR and why they are important to the field.
Meanwhile, could you check/followup on these items and let me know the status:
- Make sure the analysis note on drupal and analysis code in CVS are up-to-date
- If different, change the analysis note title on drupal to be the same as the accepted paper title
- If there are any changes to the figures, please send me the updated figures in PDF format
- If not done yet, please upload data tables to HepData at your earliest convenience. Some instructions can be found here: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/marr/instructions-hepdata-submission. If done and there are changes to data points, please update accordingly.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Best regards
Version 2
=== Paper published =====
Version 1
Meanwhile, could you follow up on the following?
- If not done yet, please upload the final paper version to arXiv.
Best regards
Version 2
Meanwhile, could you follow up on the following?
- If not done yet, please upload the final paper version to arXiv. When you do so, please include the xml file from the directory (/star/u/marr/PAC/figures/XXX). The "star-author-list-2022-XX-XX.txt" file contains the plain text version of the author list to be pasted to the Author(s) form field.
Best regards
Inform Frank to release HepData to public.