Prepare report for publication and citation statistics

This page details the instructions on preparing statistics for paper publication and citations. An example report can be found here: EXAMPLE

Github repository:

  • Go to "Citation" directory in the Git repository
  • Copy the latest "STAR_pub_YEAR_MON.txt" file, and create a new one with the appropriate date
    • Update the new text file as appropriate for bookkeeping
  • Go to:
  • Put in the search phrase as in the text file
    • If there are papers published in a new journal, add the new journal to the search phrase and make sure those papers are picked up correctly
  • Turn on “Cite Summary”
  • Click on "Exclude RPP"
  • Take a screen shot of the webpage, save it to the "Citation" directory with the name "CitationSummary_YEAR_MON.png"
  • Open Citation/citationvsyear.xlsx, add a new row with the date and the average citation, and update the plot, save the plot as a png file with the name "CitationChart_YEAR_MON.png"
  • Commit changes to Github
  • cd STAR-PAC/GPCs/GPCdist/
  • make a new directory 20XX_YYY by coping from the latest directory 
  • cd 20XX_YYY
  • rename STARpapersXXYYZZ.xlsx using appropriate date
  • copy to Sheet1 of STARpapersXXYYZZ.xlsx from the content on  
  • copy column “Date GPC Formed Date to Collaboration Date Submitted for publication Date Published (Accepted)” from Sheet4 to Sheet5
  • try to fix issues (unrecognizable input) on Sheet5
  • copy the content from Sheet5 to STARpapersXXYYZZ.txt, remove entries that are negative or 0
  • copy STARpapersXXYYZZ.txt to TimeInAll.txt, 
  • update plotStat.C as appropriate for “NGPC”, “NColl”, “NReview”, “NY”, “nx”
  • root.exe -x -b -q plotStat.C’(“GPC”)’
  • root.exe -x -b -q plotStat.C’(“Coll”)’
  • root.exe -x -b -q plotStat.C’(“Review”)’
  • Note: take a look at the files in the directory 2023_Feb to see how this works. Feel free to improve the process.