Real Data productions


Real Data Productions

AuAu 200GeV, run 2007, trigger data production; files: st_gamma, st_mtd, st_upsilon, st_upc;

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, ssd, tof, ftpc, pmd, emc, eemc, bsmd, esmd; set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment fot TPC, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections.

Production Series


pp 200GeV, run 2006, production with ITTF code

next detectors are on: tpc, svt, emc, eemc, ftpc, fpd, bsmd, esmd. Set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, beamline constraint, space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections.

Trigger sets

  • ppProductionTrans;
  • ppProductionTransNoEMC;
  • ppProductionTransFPDonly;
  • ppProductionLong;
  • ppProductionLongNoEmc;
  • ppProductionJPsi;
  • pp2006MinBias;
  • ppProduction;
  • barrelBackground;
  • ppEmcCheck;
  • ppEmcBackgroundCheck;
  • muonminbias;

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2006 Web page

Production Series

  • P06ie run with library SL06e
    no SVT in reconstruction, vertex finder PPV (tuned for run 2006 data) for piled-up events with 'no CTB' was used.
    Fully calibrated.


pp 62GeV, run 2006, production with ITTF code

Corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, beamline constraint. NO space charge and Grid Leak corrections.

Trigger sets

  • ppProduction62;
  • ppProductionMB62;
  • barrelBackground62;

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2006 Web page

Production Series

  • P06ie run with library SL06e
    no SVT in reconstruction, vertex finder PPV (tuned for run 2006 data) for piled-up events with 'no CTB' was used.
    Fully calibrated.

pp 200GeV, run 2006, J/Psi trigged files; production with ITTF code (preliminary production)

next detectors are on: tpc, svt, emc, eemc, ftpc, fpd, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, beamline constraint, space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections.

Trigger sets

  • ppProductionJPsi;
  • ppProductionTrans, st_jpsi files;
  • ppProductionLong, st_jpsi files;

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2006 Web page

Production Series

  • P06id run with library SL06d (tagged as SL06d_2)
    no SVT in reconstruction, vertex finder PPV for piled-up events with 'no CTB' was used.
    Production was used as first round, test production because calibrations weren't complete at that time for run 2006:
    EMC isn't fully calibrated; PPV vertex finder wasn't tuned for pileup effect for run 2006; beamline constraint didn't include space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections, not accurate.

pp 200GeV & 400GeV run 2005, production with ITTF code without SVT reconstruction

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, ssd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, beamline constraint, space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections.

Trigger sets

  • ppProductionMinBias
  • ppProduction
  • ppTransProductionMinBias
  • ppTransProduction
  • ppEmcBackgroundCheck
  • ppEmcCheck
  • Jpsi
  • pp400Production
  • pp400MinBias
  • eemc_led
  • ppVHM

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2005 Web page

Production Series

  • P05if, run with library SL05f
    no SVT & SSD in reconstruction, multyple vertices finding code (due to pileup in the events), CTB vertex matching

CuCu 22GeV run 2005, production with TPT+EST codes

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, ssd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, space charge and Grid Leak 3D corrections.

Trigger set

  • cu22ProductionMinBias

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2005 page

Production Series

  • P05if, run with library SL05f
    no SSD in reconstruction, TOF processing includes only raw data.

CuCu 62GeV run 2005, production with TPT+EST codes

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, ssd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge and Grid Leak corrections.

Trigger set

  • cu62productionMinBias

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2005 page

Production Series

  • P05id, run with library SL05d
    no SSD in reconstruction, TOF processing includes only raw data.
  • P07ib, run with library SL07b and ITTF code with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking for run numbers with complete tracking detectors set; production was running with TPC tracking (TPC+SVT or TPC+SSD tracking) if both detectors SVT & SSD or one of them were not present;

CuCu 200GeV run 2005

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, ssd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge and Grid Leak corrections.

Trigger set

  • cuProductionMinBias

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2005 page

Production Series

  • P05id, run with library SL05d
    no SSD in reconstruction, TOF processing includes only raw data;
    selected run numbers with lowest luminosity processed with TPT+EST codes.
  • P06ib, run with library SL06b and ITTF code;
    no SVT & SSD in reconstruction, TOF processing includes only raw data;
    Production used multiple vertices finder code which handle pile-up events at high luminosity; EMC track matching was used for vertex ranking;
    BEMC was fully commisioned for run numbers >= 6031103 and for lower run numbers there could be some uncertaincy with BEMC gain and overall performance. Analysis posted on the page show that vertex finding algorithm works well even with partially working BEMC.
    The remaining contamination of pile-up vertices could be cut off using rank of best vertex, rank >-3 ;
    run numbers without EMC detector in WERE NOT processed in this production.
  • P07ib, run with library SL07b and ITTF code with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking for run numbers with complete tracking detectors set; production was running with TPC tracking only (TPC+SVT or TPC+SSD tracking) if both detectors SVT & SSD or one of them were not present;
    Production has problem due to bug in EMC & SSD codes caused memory overwriting in some events; production will be droped;
  • P07ic, run with library SL07c and ITTF code with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking for run numbers with complete tracking detectors set; production was running with TPC tracking only (TPC+SVT or TPC+SSD tracking) if both detectors SVT & SSD or one of them were not present; bug in EMC & SSD codes caused memory overwriting has been fixed.

Trigger set

  • cuProductionHighTower

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2005 page

Production Series

  • P06ib, run with library SL06b and ITTF code;
    no SVT & SSD in reconstruction, TOF processing includes only raw data;
    Production used multiple vertices finder code which handle pile-up events at high luminosity; EMC track matching was used for vertex ranking;
    run numbers >= 6031103 have been processed which have good EMC calibrations;
    run numbers without EMC detector in WERE NOT processed in this production.
  • P07ib, run with library SL07b and ITTF code with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking for run numbers with complete tracking detectors set; production was running with TPC tracking only (TPC+SVT or TPC+SSD tracking) if both detectors SVT & SSD or one of them were not present;
    Production has problem due to bug in EMC & SSD codes caused memory overwriting in some events; production will be droped;
  • P07ic, run with library SL07c and ITTF code with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking for run numbers with complete tracking detectors set; production was running with TPC tracking only (TPC+SVT or TPC+SSD tracking) if both detectors SVT & SSD or one of them were not present; bug in EMC & SSD codes caused memory overwriting has been fixed.

AuAu 200GeV, run 2004, production with TPT+EST codes

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge and Grid Leak corrections.
Run numbers from the range 5069085 - 5072056 have been excluded from the production due to corrupted SVT & FTPC raw data and calibration problem.
Run numbers below 5042040 for productionMid/High/Low have 'minbias' trigger ID 15007 which isn't really 'minbias' but has 50% of central cut.
DO NOT USE trigger ID = 15007 for run numbers < 5042040

Trigger set

  • productionMid
  • productionHigh
  • productionLow
  • productionHalfHigh
  • productionHalfLow
  • productionCentral
  • productionMinBias

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2004 page

Production Series

  • P05ic, run with library SL05c
    East FTPC gain table has been fixed.
  • P05ib, run with library SL05b (run only for productionMid, small datasample, production is complementary to P05ic)
    DB scale factor for magnetic field and StTpcDbMaker bug were fixed, East FTPC data have offset due to wrong gain table, not recommended to use for FTPC data.

Trigger set

  • productionMinBias ( run numbers > 5023098 )

Production Series

  • P05ia, run with library SL05a
    due to bug in StTpcDbMaker Twist correction for high Pt tracks isn't set properly; Ftpc (West) tracking is set correctely in files produced after March 2.

AuAu 200GeV, express stream data, run 2004, production with TPT+EST codes


Corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge. Data are dubled in st_physics files.

Trigger sets

  • productionHigh
  • productionMid
  • productionLow

Production Series

  • P05ib, run with library SL05b
    with Grid Leak corrections
  • P04ik, run with library SL04ik
    no Grid Leak corrections, not recomended to use for analysis. REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog

AuAu 200GeV, run 2004, production with TPT+EST codes.

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction, EbyE space charge corrections, no Grid leak correctons, magnetic field scale factor slightly isn't correct for HalfField data but MuDst data were rerun and replaced with momentum shift corrections corresponding to the right value of magnetic field. Not recomended to use for analysis.

Next trigger sets are processed:

  • productionHalfLow
  • productionHigh
  • productionHalfHigh

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2004 page

Production Series

  • P04ik, run with library SL04k ; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog


pp 200GeV, run 2004 productions (st_physics, st_fast, st_zerobias files)

next deterctors are on: tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, eemc, bsmd, esmd but set of detectors varies with run numbers.
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, Space Charge R2 correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction.

Next trigger sets have been processed:

  • productionPP
  • productionPPnoBarrel
  • productionPPnoEndcap
  • ppMinBias
  • pp (no in P04ij production)

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2004 page

Production Series

  • P04ij production with ITTF chain, selected run numbers, run with library SL04j
  • P04ik production with TPT+EST chain, run with library SL04k


AuAu 62 GeV, production62GeV trigger set, year 2004 production

next deterctors are on tpc, svt, tof, emc, ftpc, pmd, ssd, eemc, bsmd, esmd
description of detector's geometry and status for run 2004 you can find here;
corrections included in the reconstruction: Shorted Ring correction, Space Charge R2 correction, sectors alignment, ExB correction, ExB 2D shape correction, ExB twist correction, clock correction, padRow 13 distortion, Field Cage correction.

Trigger set description could be found in Trigger 2004 page

  • production62GeV

Production Series

  • P05ic, run with library SL05c , fixed FTPC Est gain table, GridLeak corrections turned on; selected run numbers with limited statistics for FTPC group request.
  • P04id, run with library SL04d
  • P04ie, run with library SL04e - complementary to P04id; no GridLeak corrections in these last two productions; FTPC Est gain table is not correct.


pp 200 GeV ppLongRamp trigger set, year 2003 production

fpd, emc, eemc (1/3th of one cap) detector on, same run numbers have ftpc on
  • ppLongRamp

Production Series


pp 200 GeV ppTune trigger set, year 2003 production

only fpd detector on
  • ppTune

Production Series


pp 200 GeV year 2003 production

tpc, svt, fpd, ftpc, half of barrel EMC, EEMC (1/3th of one cap), one TRAY of TOF detectors processed in reconstruction, next corrections included: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction, St_tpcdaq_Maker has been fixed in this library not to skip events if there are no tpc hits found, all other detectors processed if there are no TPC on, spin bits included in StEvent

Trigger set, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2003 document

  • ppMinBias
  • ppTrans-1
  • ppLong-1

Production Series

  • P03ie, run with library SL03e ; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog
  • P03ih, run with library SL03h ,
    has corrected ftpc, EMC and dEdx calibrations, new V0 and Xi vertex finding code


pp 200 GeV year 2003 production

tpc, svt, fpd, ftpc, half of barrel EMC, EEMC (1/3th of one cap), one TRAY of TOF detectors processed in reconstruction, next corrections included: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction, only events which have tpc hits were reconstructed

Trigger set, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2003 document

  • ppFPDTOFu

Production Series

  • P03id, run with library SL03d , only events with found TPC hits have been processed; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog
  • P03ie, run with library SL03e , all events have been processed through reconstruction; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog
  • P03ih run with library SL03h , has corrected ftpc, EMC and dEdx calibrations (some problem with dEdx), new V0 and Xi vertex finding code


DeuteronAu 200 GeV year 2003 production

tpc, ftpc, fpd detectors processed in reconstruction, next corrections included: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction

Trigger set, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2003 document

  • dAuFPD

Production Series

  • P03id, run with library SL03d ; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog
  • P03ig, run with library SL03g , has corrected ftpc calibrations; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog
  • P03ih run with library SL03h , has corrected ftpc, EMC and dEdx calibrations (some problem with dEdx), new V0 and Xi vertex finding code


DeuteronAu 200 GeV year 2003 production

tpc, ftpc, svt, fpd, half of barrel EMC, one TRAY of TOF detectors processed in reconstruction, next corrections included: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction

Trigger set, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2003 document

  • dAuMinBias
  • dAuCombined
  • UPCCombined
  • dAuTOF

Production Series

  • P03ia, run with library SL03a EMC calibrations aren't correct;
  • P03ih, run with library SL03h
    has corrected ftpc, EMC and dEdx calibrations (some problem with dEdx), new V0 and Xi vertex finding code; REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog except for dAuMinBias
  • P04if, run with library SL04f
    more correction on ftpc, EMC and dEdx calibrations.


Proton-Proton 200 GeV year 2001-2002 production

tpc, ftpc, fpd, rich, quarter of barrel EMC detectors processed in reconstruction, svt hits are written, next corrections included: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction

Trigger set, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2001 document

  • ppMinBias
  • FPDXmas
  • FPDtbEMCproduction
  • FPDEMCproduction
  • fpdTrigger
  • fpdTopBottom
  • bbcTrigger

Production Series

  • P02ge, run with library SL02e (see above for production description)
  • P03gi, ppMinBias events run with library SL02i, selected run numbers processed with track reconstruction using SVT (EST code), test production;
    REMOVED from local, NFS area and FileCatalog;
  • P03if, ppMinBias events run with library SL03f, requested by SVT group. Revised SVT calibrations, EST tracking, some problem with dEdx corrections.


AuAu 200 GeV year 2001 production

tpc, rich, ftpc, quarter of barrel EMC detectors processed in reconstruction, next corrections inluded: sector alignment, ExB, ExB shape,twist correction, clock correction, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), field Cage correction, space charge correction

Trigger sets, description could be found in Star Trigger for Run 2001 document

  • ProductionMinBias
  • MinBiasVertex
  • productionCentral
  • productionCentral600
  • productionCentral1200
  • topology

Production Series

  • P02gc,run with library SL02c
  • P02gd,run with library SL02d , few bugs in the codes have been fixed, the most important fixes related to embedding, dEdx and MuDst codes.
  • P02ge,run with library SL02e , V0 integrated in common MuDst,ftpc and svt codes developed, QA histos added, ppLMV for pp run updated, calibrations for pp run processed and put in DB.
All production series add each other and should be used in analysis for complete statistics. MuDst files from P02gc, P02gd and earler P02ge productions have been reproduced with SL02e library to fix V0 MuDst,so all MuDst files have the same structure


AuAu 20 GeV year 2001 production (Half Field data)

tpc, ftpc, quarter of EMC detectors processed in reconstruction

Trigger set

  • minBias22GeVZDC

Production Series


AuAu 130 GeV year 2000 production

tpc and rich detectors processed in reconstruction

Trigger sets

  • minbias
  • central

Production Series

  • P00hi,run with library SL00i - first and the most complete production, processed all run numbers in parallel with datataking, tpc driftvelocity calibrations produced on-fly with T0 method, production includes bad run numbers, no proper corrections;
  • P00hm, run with library SL00m , new features: improved vertex and V0 finding codes, modified RICH code, added ExB and 10th padraw corrections, several bug fixed;
  • P01he, run with library SL01e, bad dE/dx for globals, bad distortion corrections;
  • P01hi, run with library SL01i, most complete corrections: sector alignment implemented, inner/outer z offset adjusted to remove residual step between inner and outer sector, gain and local t0 corrections revisited,tpc driftvelocity calibrations recreated and put in DB, ExB shape corrections, padrow 13th field correction (padrow 13th was taking off for tracking), clock correction, no vertex offset has been used.
All other real data productions found in FileCatalog are test or side productions by special requests, they are recorded but should not be used for physics analysis
Lidia Didenko

Datasets marked bad or unavailable

This page will list datasets we have marked as bad or unavailable with the reasons listed below.

Removed Real Data productions

Removed Real Data Productions

After the discussions with PWG the following productions/triggersets have been removed from local, NFS, HPSS (only test productions) area and FileCatalog, for reference look at the Jamie's email.

Test productions

  • P01gk - MinBiasVertex (year 2001 run), ProductionMinBias (year 2001 run), productionCentral (year 2001 run);
  • P01gl - MinBiasVertex(year 2001 run), ProductionMinBias (year 2001 run), productionCentral (year 2001 run);
  • P02ga - FPDtbEMCproduction (year_2003 run), ppMinBias(run year 2001/2002);
  • P02gb - productionCentral (year 2001), ProductionMinBias (year 2001);
  • P02gi1 - productionCentral (year 2001), ProductionMinBias (year 2001);
  • P02gi2 - productionCentral(year 2001), ProductionMinBias (year 2001) ;
  • P02gf - ppMinBias (year 2001/2002);
  • P02gh1 - FPDtbEMCproduction (year_2003 run), ppMinBias (year 2001/2002), ProductionMinBias (year 2001), productionCentral (year 2001);
  • P02gh2 - FPDtbEMCproduction (year_2003 run), ppMinBias (year 2001/2002), ProductionMinBias (year 2001), productionCentral (year 2001) ;
  • P03gi - ppMinBias (year 2001/2002);


Standard productions

  • P03ia - dAuFPD, ppLong-1 ( year 2003 run);
  • P03id - dAuFPD, ppFPDTOFu, ppMinBias, ppTrans-1 (year 2003 run), ProductionMinBias (year 2001 run) ;
  • P03ie - dAuMinBias, ppFPDTOFu, ppLong-1, ppMinBias, ppTrans-1 (year 2003 run), productionCentral (year 2001 run);
  • P03if - dAuCombined, dAuTOF, UPCCombined (year 2003 run);
  • P03ig - dAuFPD (year 2003 run) ;
  • P03ih - dAuCombined, dAuTOF, UPCCombined (year 2003 run);
  • P04ik - productionHalfHigh (year 2004 run), productionHigh (year 2004 run);
  • P04ik - productionMid, productionLow, productionMinBias (year 2004 run, express stream data );

Lidia Didenko