The STAR trigger simulator is designed to
It should provide a common framework for simulators of all trigger detectors.
Ideally, this could be as simple as adding StTriggerSimuMaker to your chain and then asking
in your analysis Maker. Because the trigger simulator is still in development this is not always the case. Here is a "straight from real-life" description of how to get it running:
( don't ask me, I'm just writing the docs .... )
Everything lives in StRoot/StTriggerUtilities. StTriggerSimuMaker is the "head Maker" and owns all of the subdetector simulators. Each subdetector simulator inherits from StVirtualTriggerSimu, which requires an implementation of isTrigger(int trigId). This means that a user can
Detailed documentation of the subsystem simulators follows below:
Detailed docs for the BBC trigger simulator
Detailed docs for the BEMC L0 simulator.
Detailed docs for the EEMC L0 simulator.
L2 simulator details.