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High Performance Computing Postdoctoral Scholar

Berkeley Lab’s Physics Division has two High Performance Computing Postdoctoral Scholar openings. Under the supervision of High Performance Computing experts and Computational Physicists, this role will develop and evaluate new software workflows that exploit the capabilities of the High Performance Computing facilities at National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC); may participate in a new research initiative to blend Advanced Scientific Research Computing tools and facilities into High-Energy Physics software to optimize high-dimensional parameter fitting and tuning of simulation to data.  The research will include designing, implementing, and validating a new chain integrating existing HEP tools with advanced optimization tools and approximation techniques, allowing new advances in Monte Carlo simulation predictions at the Large Hadron Collider.


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Work on high performance computing facilities at NERSC to evaluate software workflows and implement new software workflows for running experimental software on High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities, and analyze workflows from the ATLAS, ALICE, LUX, LZ, and Daya Bay experiments.

  • Develop and implement new Monte Carlo event generator tuning tools for experiments like ATLAS at the LHC, including the extension of existing tools for more efficient optimization algorithms, tunes against new regions of phase space, and the utilization of new computational techniques in order to automate the tuning of many-parameter numerical models.  Explore the inclusion of detector simulation, a computationally expensive process, directly in the tuning process.

  • Conduct original research independently and in collaborations.

  • Interact with LBNL and other investigators working on similar and related scientific problems.

  • Interact with the experimental High Energy and Nuclear Physics communities and the experimental communities involved in the work.

  • Report results to supervisor.

Required Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. in Physics, Computer Science, or related fields.

  • Experience with Physics or Nuclear Science software development, workflows, or production.

  • Proficiency with computing programming languages including C/C++ and python.

  • Demonstrated ability to conduct original research independently and as a team member.

  • Good communication and organizational skills.

  • Ability to work as a team member to accomplish goals.


Additional Desired Qualifications:

  • Experience in any of the following areas: the ROOT software framework, job scheduling, batch system operation, data management, HPC systems, NUMA and MIC system architectures, software performance evaluation and optimization is desirable.

  • Knowledge of event generators (Pythia8, Herwig7, Sherpa), generator tuning tools (Professor, Rivet), detector simulation (Geant4, Delphes, PGS), physics analysis in LHC experiments.


The following requested application materials listed below must be submitted through Academic Jobs Online:

  1. Curriculum Vitae.

  2. Cover Letter.

  3. Statement of Interest.

  4. 3 Letters of reference (to be uploaded on AJO by referee).

[Original link and more information]




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