Timing Scan 11/23/2007

Timing Scan 11/23/2007

EEMC timing scan was taken on11/23/2007.

To generate the curves, log into your favorite rcas node and

$ cvs co -D 11/27/2007 StRoot/StEEmcPool/StEEmcTimingMaker

and follow the instructions in the HOWTO

$ cat StRoot/StEEmcPool/StEEmcTimingMaker/HOWTO.l2ped

(tried to post code, but drupal wouldn't accept it...)

Will's notes on crate configuration:

FYI here are some (old) notes on how I set up config files
for EEMC tower timing scans that were taken a few days back (BTW,
these configs are still loaded).

1) Old running settings -- config files are on eemc-sc in directory
/home/online/mini/tcl with symbolic links:
tower-"n"-current_beam_config.dat ->
We had (I believe) been using directory 04.04.07 for the run with
ETOW TCD phase of 19; crate fifo (RHIC tic) 0x13. Those crate delay
settings are:
1 -> 0x12; 2 -> 0x8; 3 -> 0x56; 4 -> 0x50; 5 -> 0x2b; 6 -> 0x1f

2) new scan settings ... for time scans using only TCD phase
we usually create special config files with approprieate box delay and
TCD values.

nominal (ns) for (eff RHIC tic
run 7 scan ns)

1 -> 0x12 (18) 0x5a (-17) fifo 0x14 (e.g., 107-90)
2 -> 0x8 ( 8) 0x50 (-27) fifo 0x14 (e.g., 107-80)
3 -> 0x56 (86) 0x42 ( 66) fifo 0x13
4 -> 0x50 (80) 0x3c ( 60) fifo 0x13
5 -> 0x2b (43) 0x17 ( 23) fifo 0x13
6 -> 0x1f (31) 0xb ( 11) fifo 0x13

Here we have shifted crates "earlier" in time: 1&2 by 35 ns and
rest by 20 ns.Starting TCD scan at 5 then should start things
~ 34 (49) ns earlier than nominal with ~ 70 ns for scan to run
(suggested TCD: 5,10,15,25,35,45,55,65,75,70,60,50,40,30,20,10)

ETOW tcd phase delay
N events
8327013 5 136k
8327014 15 20k
8327015 25 20k
8327016 35 20k
8327017 45 20k
8327018 55 20k
8327019 65 20k
8327020 75 20k
8327021 70 20k
8327022 60 20k
8327023 50 20k
8327024 40 20k
8327025 30 20k
8327026 20 20k
8327027 10 20k

Figure 1 --Integral from ped+25 to ped+75, normalized to total number of events, versus TCD phase delay.

Channel-by-channel plots are attached below.