2005 election

In 2005, Dr. Timothy Hallman was running unopposed in the February Spokesperson Election. His statement is available as a sub-document.

Tim Hallman

Dear STAR Collaborators,

I am seeking your support for re-election to a second term as Spokesperson of STAR.

Together, in the last three years we have produced landmark scientific results, seen scores of students complete their Ph.D., recorded and analyzed a record number of events, and added important new capability to our detector. It has not  always been easy, but together we have met the challenges which faced us and made STAR a great success. This has been due to the talent and unswerving dedication of the members of the Collaboration who answered the call every time they were asked. Looking back over this period, one of the most important things I would like to say in this message is thank you very, very much. It has been an honor to be your Spokesperson during this time.

As successful as we have been, the planned start-up of the LHC and the rapid evolution of the RHIC scientific program portend even greater challenges we must meet to be successful in the future.

For example, to verify the existence of the quark gluon plasma and study its properties, as well as to extend our spin physics measurements to 500 GeV, essential new capability must be added to our detector. To maintain the vitality of the STAR program during the era of the LHC, this must be accomplished in a timely way, utilizing all the resources that may be available to us-- including running time. Establishing a realistic plan to accomplish our upgrade goals and to ensure timely construction of the major components is one of the main challenges we face in the coming year and one reason why I am seeking a second term as Spokesperson. A great deal of work has already been done in this direction, but the challenge of establishing a true, integrated blueprint that  takes available resources into account, and of beginning to build according to this plan remains a task that is still before us. If re-elected, this will be a priority of the next administration.

A related challenge will be to optimize our use of RHIC beams, not only to target measurements that will give the greatest insight as to the nature of the new matter we have produced in heavy ion collisions and to gain timely access to the spin structure of the proton, but to accomplish both as efficiently as possible, conserving precious resources that will be needed for constructing the upgrades. Among other things this means we will need to continue to evolve our trigger, DAQ, and analysis production capabilities. In addition, we will need to discuss and strategize carefully about how to proceed, making difficult decisions as necessary to secure the best possible future for STAR.

Finally we must ?grow? the next generation of leaders of STAR who will utilize this new capability and carry the STAR program forward in the future.

If re-elected as Spokesperson, I will work as hard as possible to see that, together, we meet these important goals. I will be personally involved in trying to ensure adequate resources on construction projects which are planned or ongoing; to push for continued strong effort on science analyses across the full spectrum of STAR interests, utilizing the full capability of our detector (including its new additions ? the BEMC, EEMC, SSD, and PMD); and to ensure continued quality operation of the STAR detector.

I will work proactively to promote the equitable distribution of talks, and that young scientists in particular receive the visibility and recognition so important for their careers. Most of all I will work diligently to ensure that the environment in STAR continues to be one in which the diversity of intellectual interests is fully represented, and in which the Collaboration membership feels excited, engaged, and empowered to participate fully.

To achieve this, I will establish a management team that strives to provide outstanding science leadership, that is representative of the Collaboration as well as the entire spectrum of physics interests in STAR, that is balanced in its approach and embraces the full diversity of views and opinions in the Collaboration. I will employ an open management style and will seek, through self assessment and dialog to further improve the process for producing science in STAR, and to maximize the scientific and technical productivity of STAR while maintaining quality assurance and intellectual freedom for those who carry out scientific analyses.

I bring to this task the experience of the last three years as Spokesperson, and a strong desire to ensure that the next three are just as vital and even more productive. Most importantly, I bring a deep and abiding appreciation of the importance of the STAR scientific program and of the responsibilities of the
STAR Spokesperson in helping to ensure its success. My commitment to this task will be complete; I will work to meet this challenge with every ounce of energy that I have, and will make it my personal responsibility to understand deeply all issues impacting the STAR program, vigorously and continuously fighting for those things important for its success. As in the last three years, my commitment to this task will transcend institution and career, and my willingness and ability to fight for the things important for the success of STAR will not be influenced by those considerations.

In summary, as Spokesperson of STAR I will work tirelessly to make STAR everything that it can be, to establish a realistic blueprint to achieve the next generation of STAR upgrades, and to insure the STAR scientific program is a success we can all be proud of well into the future. I ask for your support for re-election to the position of STAR Spokesperson.