offline framework description

How to compile & run full suit of L2-algos offline.

1) take the current copy deployed at the real L2 and manage to compile and run it offline.
Run over 100K events (takes ~1 minute).
2) fire the macro producing full set of L2-jet plots, so it will produce PDF with all plots fr this 100K eve. Only then you can control if the L2-jets works. 
3) Next, add your changes to L2jet , compile , run, view plots.
I'll ask Ross to take care of I/O new params (cuts) you have added/changed  to select  jets you want. Just make sure all new params are _variables_ defined in .h and have name starting with 
parWill_cut1, ....
You just set values in initRun() and recompile each time you want to change them.
Once you are happy with the cuts you tell me where is this version.
Make sure to run it on full 2006 event file (~600K eve).

Detailed instruction

  1. create a new directory at rcas6nnn and copy the recent version of code
    mkdir aaa
    cd aaa
    cp -rp  XXX/onlineL2 .
    cp -rp  XXX/StRoot .
    (ask Ross for actual location of both directories)
  2. compile full version of library (no exec yet)
    cd onlineL2
    make lib
  3. compile & exec the main code
    m 5000
  4. To modify L2jet finder code open another terminal on rcas6nnn
    cd ../StRoot/StTriggerUtilities/L2Emulator/L2jetAlgo/
    edit the code you want
    make install
    go back to primary terminal in "onlineL2" and type: touch multiTest.c make Now you can run 'm' again
  5. to view plots convert hist.bin to hist.root and run root macro (for the moment all output files are stored with the name: out5/run8...)
     binH2rootH-exe out5/run8.l2jet.hist.bin out5/run8.l2jet.hist.root
    root.exe plJetsL2.C
    Now you can display one age at a time by typing within root session
    Note, for L2jet algo the valid pages are: {1,2,3,4,5,6,10,20,21,22}