Manual generation of QA histograms
When there is a need or other interest in generating the Fast Offline QA histograms by hand, these are the steps to follow. You will need an account on rcf, the exact path to the hist.root files of the data you want.
To create a graphics output from a hist.root file
(see note at bottom if you do not have a hist.root file),
you will want to use the macro found here:
This macro is already in a path that will automatically
be found when running root4star.
The macro's arguments which may need attention are:
- MainFile: the full path name for
hist.root file you want. FastOffline hist.root
files can typically be found on the disks
- psFile: you can use the default of "", but
customizing this will avoid overwriting if you want
to make multiple sets of plots. A PDF can be obtained
by using a filename ending in ".pdf" .
- PrintList: for the short QA histogram output insert "qa_shift"
in the argument of PrintList. If you want the full 100+ page
output just leave the default, i.e. PrintList="" .
Here's an example of what your executed macro could look like:
root4star -l 'bfcread_hist_to_ps.C(\
Running the macro in batch mode (root4star's "-b" option) will
help it run more quickly by not showing the plots as they are
That's all there is to it. View the QA histos however you wish and
your in business.
If you want to combine statistics from multiple histogram files,
you can add them together using the bfcread_hist_files_add.C
macro first. Here is an example of doing so:
ls /star/data{09,1[012]}/reco/production_15GeV_2014/ReversedFullField/dev/2014/054/15054005/st_physics*.hist.root > filelist
root4star -b -q -l 'bfcread_hist_files_add.C(1000,"filelist","run15054005")'
root4star -b -q -l 'bfcread_hist_to_ps.C("run15054005.hist.root")'
If you do not have a hist.root file, you can process a DAQ
file by any usual receonstruction chain (you can check that
the 'EventQA' chain option gets used), or you can process
an existing event.root file with the macros:
bfcread_event_QAhist.C (skips hist.root file and draws plots)
bfcread_event_QA_outhistfile.C (creates a hist.root file)
(both are in $STAR/StRoot/macros/analysis)
Created: Fri April 21 13:54:24 EDT 2006; Last modified Tue March 10 12:30 EDT 2015