\documentclass[ reprint, amsmath,amssymb, aps, prc, ]{revtex4-2} \bibliographystyle{apsrev4-1} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{dcolumn} \usepackage{bm} \usepackage[mathlines]{lineno} \usepackage[mathlines]{lineno} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{placeins} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{ulem} \usepackage{lineno} \setcounter{tocdepth}{4} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} \linenumbers\relax \newcommand{\ppt}{p_{\rm T}} \newcommand{\sqrtsNN}{\mbox{$\sqrt{\mathrm{s}_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}}$}} \def \auau {Au+Au} \def \ruru {Ru+Ru} \def \zrzr {Zr+Zr} \newcommand{\mean}[1]{\left\langle #1 \right\rangle} \begin{document} \preprint{APS/123-QED} \title{Higher-Order Cumulants of Net-Proton Multiplicity Distributions in Zr+Zr and Ru+Ru Collisions at \mbox{$\sqrt{\mathrm{s}_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}}$}~= 200\,GeV by the STAR Experiment} \author{Ho-San Ko} \affiliation{Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA} \collaboration{for the STAR Collaboration} \begin{abstract} The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven is a facility to create and study the strongly interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma (sQGP). Higher-order cumulants of the conserved quantities and their ratios are powerful tools to study the properties of sQGP and explore the QCD phase structure, such as critical point and/or the first-order phase transition boundary. It has been reported by the STAR Collaboration that the fourth-order cumulant of the net-proton multiplicity distribution shows a non-monotonic energy dependence (\mbox{$\sqrt{\mathrm{s}_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}}$}~= 7.7 - 62.4 GeV). In addition, the comparison between the sixth-order net-proton cumulant results and Lattice QCD calculations suggests a smooth crossover transition in central Au+Au collisions at \mbox{$\sqrt{\mathrm{s}_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}}$}~= 200\,GeV. In this talk, we will present the net-proton cumulants and their ratios up to sixth-order as a function of multiplicity using high statistics data of Zr+Zr and Ru+Ru collisions at \mbox{$\sqrt{\mathrm{s}_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}}$}~= 200\,GeV. The STAR experiment collected two billion events for each colliding system. We will compare the multiplicity dependence to the published net-proton cumulants in Au+Au collisions at \mbox{$\sqrt{\mathrm{s}_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}}$}~= 200\,GeV. In addition, we will compare the results to Lattice QCD, the Hadron Resonance Gas model, and hadronic transport model calculations. The physics implications will be discussed. \end{abstract} \maketitle \end{document}