\documentclass[notitlepage,11pt]{revtex4-1} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{lineno} \begin{document} \linenumbers \title{Measurements of collective flow for light-nuclei and hyper-nuclei in Au+Au collisions from STAR} \author{Xionghong HE (for STAR Collaboration)} \affiliation{Institute of Modern Physics, China} \date{\today} \begin{abstract} The yield and collective flow of light-nuclei and hyper-nuclei are sensitive to the production mechanism of those particles and the dynamics of the late-time hadronic medium produced in high-energy nuclear collisions~\cite{cite1, cite2,cite3}. In particular, the production and flow of hyper-nuclei would probe the hyperon-nucleon interactions especially in the high baryon density region. In this talk, we report the first observation of hyper-nuclei $^3_{\Lambda}$H and $^4_{\Lambda}$H directed flow $v_1$ in 5-40\% central Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=3$ GeV measured by STAR experiment. The results will be compared to those of the copiously produced light nuclei with similar mass such as $^3$He and $^4$He measured in the same collision energy. In addition, energy dependence ($\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 3 - 39$ GeV) of the mid-rapidity light nuclei $v_1$ and elliptic flow $v_2$ in Au+Au collisions will be presented. These new results will be discussed within the framework of transport model + coalescence calculations. At 3 GeV, it is found that hadronic interactions dominate the medium properties. \end{abstract} \maketitle \begin{thebibliography}{**} \bibitem{cite1}P. Braun-Munzinger and B. D${\ddot{\rm o}}$nigus, Nucl. Phys. A, {\bf 987}, 144 (2019). \bibitem{cite2}J. Steinheimer, K. Gudima, A. Botvina, I. Mishustin, M. Bleicher and H. St${\ddot{\rm o}}$cker, Phys. Lett. B {\bf 714}, 85 (2012). \bibitem{cite3}A. Andronic, P. Braun-Munzinger, J. Stachel and H. St${\ddot{\rm o}}$cker, Phys. Lett. B {\bf 697}, 203 (2011). \end{thebibliography} \end{document}