Azimuthal anisotropy of K0s and lambda + antilambda production at midrapidity from Au+Au collisions at (sNN) = 130 GeV
C. Adler et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 132301 (2002).

Updates on 07/14/2021 by Rongrong Ma

Fig.2: Elliptic flow v2 as a function of pT

Only statistical errors are listed. Systematic errors of +-0.005 for particle identification and background subtraction and +0 -0.005 for nonflow effects. Data measured for |y|<1.0.

11-45% 0-11%
Particle pT v2 v2
K0s 0.349 0.036 +- 0.024
0.654 0.0438 +- 0.0073 0.0293 +- 0.0058
1.02 0.0820 +- 0.0065 0.0131 +- 0.0051
1.41 0.1136+-0.0089 0.0459+-0.0067
1.81 0.126 +- 0.014 0.058 +- 0.010
2.203 0.136 +- 0.022 0.055 +- 0.016
2.604 0.165 +- 0.033 0.098 +- 0.025
Lambda + antilambda 0.682 0.039 +- 0.013
0.936 0.0566 +- 0.0087 0.0207 +- 0.0092
1.422 0.0905 +- 0.0090 0.0300 +- 0.0093
1.816 0.146 +- 0.012 0.067 +- 0.012
2.207 0.135 +- 0.018 0.050 +- 0.019
2.594 0.192 +- 0.027 0.047 +- 0.029

Fig.3: Elliptic flow v2 as a function of pT from minimum-bias Au+Au collisions.

Only statistical errors are listed. Strange particle systematic errors of +-0.005 for particle identification and background subtraction, and +0 -0.005 for nonflow effects. Data measured for |y|<1.0 (strange) or |η| <0.75 (charged).

Particle pT v2
Charged particles 0.175 0.0146+-0.0007
0.225 0.0188+-0.0006
0.275 0.0234+-0.0006
0.325 0.0286+-0.0007
0.375 0.0317+-0.0007
0.425 0.0381+-0.0007
0.475 0.0426+-0.0008
0.525 0.0474+-0.0008
0.575 0.0527+-0.0009
0.625 0.0572+-0.0009
0.675 0.0604+-0.0010
0.725 0.0656+-0.0010
0.775 0.0697+-0.0011
0.825 0.0749+-0.0012
0.875 0.0783+-0.0013
0.925 0.0830+-0.0013
0.975 0.0822+-0.0014
1.025 0.0878+-0.0015
1.075 0.0939+-0.0016
1.125 0.0968+-0.0017
1.175 0.1013+-0.0018
1.225 0.1020+-0.0019
1.275 0.1066+-0.0021
1.325 0.1126+-0.0022
1.375 0.1167+-0.0024
1.425 0.1173+-0.0026
1.475 0.1213+-0.0028
1.525 0.1262+-0.0030
1.575 0.1244+-0.0032
1.625 0.1341+-0.0035
1.675 0.1435+-0.0038
1.725 0.1358+-0.0041
1.775 0.1345+-0.0045
2.025 0.1550+-0.0021
2.475 0.1644+-0.0037
2.925 0.1684+-0.0064
3.375 0.185+-0.011
3.825 0.164+-0.017
4.275 0.157+-0.026
Lambda + antilambda pT v2
0.68 0.044+-0.012
0.94 0.0539+-0.0079
1.42 0.0875+-0.0082
1.82 0.120+-0.011
2.21 0.102+-0.017
2.59 0.166+-0.026
2.93 0.145+-0.070
K0s pT v2
0.349 0.003 +- 0.039
0.654 0.0474 +- 0.0095
1.021 0.073 +- 0.011
1.409 0.0996 +- 0.010
1.808 0.114 +- 0.019
2.204 0.160 +- 0.021
2.604 0.150 +- 0.031
3.027 0.124 +- 0.046

Fig.4: Integrated elliptic flow v2 as a function of particle mass.

Only statistical errors are listed. Strange particle v2 integrated using exponential model of yields. Integration for pT < 2 GeV/c and |y| or |η|<1.0.
Mass h- Measured v2 Hydrodynamic calculation v2
0.14 (h-) 0.0417+- 0.0002 0.042 -0.004 + 0.005
0.495 (K0s) 0.0448+-0.0063 0.053 - 0.008 + 0.003
1.11568 (lambda + antilambda) 0.067+-0.011 0.062 - 0.005 + 0.008