Collision Energy Dependence of pt Correlations in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC
Fig.1 Relative dynamical correlation in percent
***************** Data ****************
7.7 GeV
Centrality Npart data stat sys
0-5% 337.4 0.210662 0.324558 0.096850
5-10% 290.4 0.461255 0.190850 0.144918
10-20% 226.2 0.931224 0.069162 0.099264
20-30% 160.2 1.260074 0.094326 0.075089
30-40% 109.9 1.735171 0.061460 0.055699
40-50% 71.8 2.248124 0.106658 0.094201
50-60% 44.7 2.506263 0.196608 0.190255
60-70% 25.6 3.151569 0.196221 0.252995
70-80% 13.9 2.100238 0.983775 0.546314
11.5 GeV
Centrality Npart data stat sys
0-5% 338.2 0.772576 0.038894 0.054037
5-10% 290.6 0.887039 0.056609 0.045771
10-20% 226.0 1.147942 0.051772 0.044608
20-30% 159.6 1.514114 0.036208 0.069104
30-40% 110.0 1.857884 0.044962 0.078941
40-50% 72.5 2.323281 0.048333 0.118473
50-60% 44.5 2.775814 0.037161 0.114402
60-70% 25.7 3.534279 0.155195 0.171702
70-80% 14.1 3.878925 0.161126 0.328285
14.6 GeV
Centrality Npart data stat sys
0-5% 338.0 0.872529 0.010785 0.059411
5-10% 290.0 1.033967 0.013756 0.059319
10-20% 225.5 1.236642 0.004533 0.056529
20-30% 160.0 1.558204 0.014237 0.064251
30-40% 109.0 1.906545 0.017191 0.069821
40-50% 71.5 2.288752 0.024406 0.086865
50-60% 44.2 2.799806 0.037497 0.106160
60-70% 25.6 3.458021 0.021792 0.132553
70-80% 14.0 3.867409 0.240409 0.228742
19.6 GeV
Centrality Npart data stat sys
0-5% 338.0 0.938691 0.026568 0.030964
5-10% 289.2 1.085482 0.021077 0.040416
10-20% 224.9 1.296035 0.014328 0.039742
20-30% 158.1 1.600764 0.007993 0.051264
30-40% 108.0 1.950029 0.011407 0.065449
40-50% 70.8 2.424478 0.026911 0.087681
50-60% 43.9 2.979966 0.024850 0.115816
60-70% 25.5 3.718223 0.062009 0.147900
70-80% 13.8 4.493978 0.122693 0.174834
27 GeV
Centrality Npart data stat sys
0-5% 343.3 0.966550 0.011580 0.025145
5-10% 299.3 1.121054 0.008871 0.030048
10-20% 233.6 1.333493 0.007508 0.039381
20-30% 165.5 1.653956 0.006436 0.050912
30-40% 114.0 2.039773 0.008818 0.066154
40-50% 75.0 2.507160 0.003930 0.085487
50-60% 46.7 3.098507 0.022370 0.111878
60-70% 26.8 3.898081 0.038194 0.153799
70-80% 13.8 5.143322 0.022908 0.204498
39 GeV
Centrality Npart data stat sys
0-5% 341.7 1.029284 0.004090 0.030726
5-10% 293.9 1.176349 0.007625 0.032882
10-20% 229.8 1.401188 0.006014 0.038430
20-30% 162.4 1.737177 0.002532 0.052840
30-40% 111.4 2.142309 0.005152 0.071457
40-50% 73.5 2.614013 0.016788 0.091653
50-60% 45.5 3.228945 0.009684 0.120120
60-70% 26.3 4.155336 0.017442 0.152530
70-80% 14.1 5.473674 0.087604 0.208547
62.4 GeV
Centrality Npart data stat sys
0-5% 346.5 1.083929 0.004398 0.026845
5-10% 293.9 1.205040 0.011507 0.032093
10-20% 229.8 1.385462 0.012809 0.038539
20-30% 164.1 1.675801 0.014436 0.047956
30-40% 114.3 2.065391 0.012561 0.059995
40-50% 76.3 2.491623 0.016438 0.076869
50-60% 47.9 3.040474 0.030156 0.110010
60-70% 27.8 3.881077 0.037173 0.131669
70-80% 15.3 5.262410 0.066540 0.183521
200 GeV
Centrality Npart data stat sys
0-5% 350.6 1.185474 0.005509 0.033493
5-10% 298.6 1.295536 0.007714 0.036616
10-20% 234.3 1.482348 0.004558 0.040111
20-30% 167.6 1.773450 0.008187 0.050217
30-40% 117.1 2.131476 0.006912 0.057571
40-50% 78.3 2.561043 0.005192 0.075948
50-60% 49.3 3.173742 0.010559 0.099364
60-70% 28.8 4.075916 0.006170 0.137244
70-80% 15.7 5.611563 0.049709 0.188375
***************** UrQMD ***************
7.7 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD stat
0-5% 337.4 0.360553 0.027051
5-10% 290.4 0.615712 0.031311
10-20% 226.2 0.812930 0.039761
20-30% 160.2 1.071886 0.025406
30-40% 109.9 1.340315 0.052700
40-50% 71.8 1.757693 0.031932
50-60% 44.7 2.340383 0.076333
60-70% 25.6 3.093565 0.070642
70-80% 13.9 4.093267 0.108873
11.5 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD stat
0-5% 338.2 0.639019 0.011338
5-10% 290.6 0.797803 0.034440
10-20% 226.0 0.950867 0.013448
20-30% 159.6 1.056158 0.023531
30-40% 110.0 1.263487 0.034898
40-50% 72.5 1.594167 0.057309
50-60% 44.5 2.089958 0.046479
60-70% 25.7 2.955776 0.210465
70-80% 14.1 3.745510 0.073828
14.6 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD stat
0-5% 338.0 0.631838 0.017511
5-10% 290.0 0.766438 0.019605
10-20% 225.5 0.857605 0.017308
20-30% 160.0 1.048828 0.012386
30-40% 109.0 1.224419 0.040837
40-50% 71.5 1.554684 0.074799
50-60% 44.2 2.159524 0.053113
60-70% 25.6 2.772648 0.073594
70-80% 14.0 3.510938 0.123980
19.6 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD stat
0-5% 338.0 0.668310 0.020597
5-10% 289.2 0.752461 0.019866
10-20% 224.9 0.846798 0.008515
20-30% 158.1 1.017284 0.019227
30-40% 108.0 1.293883 0.022307
40-50% 70.8 1.564917 0.053193
50-60% 43.9 2.055385 0.054052
60-70% 25.5 2.830899 0.112464
70-80% 13.8 3.687293 0.109371
27 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD stat
0-5% 343.3 0.636789 0.011194
5-10% 299.3 0.787361 0.021974
10-20% 233.6 0.880696 0.024063
20-30% 165.5 1.092155 0.019192
30-40% 114.0 1.293252 0.016870
40-50% 75.0 1.638608 0.028451
50-60% 46.7 2.176521 0.031697
60-70% 26.8 2.967145 0.054374
70-80% 13.8 3.930378 0.057033
39 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD stat
0-5% 341.7 0.697724 0.009913
5-10% 293.9 0.835612 0.015984
10-20% 229.8 0.936804 0.016578
20-30% 162.4 1.140327 0.028112
30-40% 111.4 1.384485 0.018967
40-50% 73.5 1.723159 0.043758
50-60% 45.5 2.240744 0.052768
60-70% 26.3 3.059645 0.049940
70-80% 14.1 4.171227 0.081471
62.4 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD stat
0-5% 346.5 0.766250 0.008225
5-10% 293.9 0.909219 0.009272
10-20% 229.8 0.970469 0.010284
20-30% 164.1 1.206673 0.017948
30-40% 114.3 1.495198 0.015278
40-50% 76.3 1.887001 0.028482
50-60% 47.9 2.420194 0.048264
60-70% 27.8 3.346630 0.044345
70-80% 15.3 4.357964 0.057194
200 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD stat
0-5% 350.6 0.959442 0.006542
5-10% 298.6 1.109936 0.010900
10-20% 234.3 1.287702 0.007298
20-30% 167.6 1.589674 0.006460
30-40% 117.1 1.992972 0.015952
40-50% 78.3 2.523262 0.009197
50-60% 49.3 3.232220 0.016731
60-70% 28.8 4.224950 0.014195
70-80% 15.7 5.474195 0.025783
******** Data/Power Law Ratios *********
7.7 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/PL stat sys
0-5% 337.4 0.173367 0.267098 0.378348
5-10% 290.4 0.352164 0.145712 0.239874
10-20% 226.2 0.627489 0.046604 0.071827
20-30% 160.2 0.714551 0.053490 0.033792
30-40% 109.9 0.814980 0.028867 0.015077
40-50% 71.8 0.853470 0.040491 0.015908
50-60% 44.7 0.750734 0.058893 0.022739
60-70% 25.6 0.714418 0.044481 0.018197
70-80% 13.9 0.350818 0.164327 0.043450
11.5 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/PL stat sys
0-5% 338.2 0.636552 0.032046 0.057629
5-10% 290.6 0.677480 0.043235 0.039410
10-20% 226.0 0.773179 0.034870 0.026173
20-30% 159.6 0.857000 0.020494 0.025833
30-40% 110.0 0.873013 0.021127 0.019966
40-50% 72.5 0.886292 0.018438 0.019453
50-60% 44.5 0.829614 0.011106 0.012318
60-70% 25.7 0.802737 0.035249 0.011034
70-80% 14.1 0.652569 0.027107 0.014238
14.6 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/PL stat sys
0-5% 338.0 0.718694 0.008884 0.056086
5-10% 290.0 0.788881 0.010495 0.043771
10-20% 225.5 0.831999 0.003050 0.030755
20-30% 160.0 0.883060 0.008068 0.023368
30-40% 109.0 0.891797 0.008041 0.017130
40-50% 71.5 0.867077 0.009246 0.014378
50-60% 44.2 0.833959 0.011169 0.011294
60-70% 25.6 0.783887 0.004940 0.008689
70-80% 14.0 0.648321 0.040302 0.009915
19.6 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/PL stat sys
0-5% 338.0 0.773191 0.021883 0.027170
5-10% 289.2 0.827042 0.016059 0.028368
10-20% 224.9 0.870798 0.009627 0.020603
20-30% 158.1 0.901777 0.004503 0.018041
30-40% 108.0 0.907943 0.005311 0.015627
40-50% 70.8 0.913988 0.010145 0.013634
50-60% 43.9 0.884605 0.007377 0.011537
60-70% 25.5 0.841223 0.014029 0.008999
70-80% 13.8 0.747956 0.020421 0.006475
27 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/PL stat sys
0-5% 343.3 0.802356 0.009613 0.021596
5-10% 299.3 0.868932 0.006876 0.020775
10-20% 233.6 0.913131 0.005141 0.020223
20-30% 165.5 0.953298 0.003709 0.017742
30-40% 114.0 0.975753 0.004218 0.015514
40-50% 75.0 0.972789 0.001525 0.013230
50-60% 46.7 0.948673 0.006849 0.011055
60-70% 26.8 0.904116 0.008859 0.009151
70-80% 13.8 0.856030 0.003813 0.006617
39 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/PL stat sys
0-5% 341.7 0.852439 0.003387 0.024723
5-10% 293.9 0.903528 0.005857 0.021470
10-20% 229.8 0.951650 0.004085 0.018628
20-30% 162.4 0.991843 0.001446 0.017367
30-40% 111.4 1.013049 0.002436 0.015773
40-50% 73.5 1.004054 0.006448 0.013467
50-60% 45.5 0.975826 0.002927 0.011243
60-70% 26.3 0.954750 0.004007 0.008434
70-80% 14.1 0.920861 0.014738 0.006410
62.4 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/PL stat sys
0-5% 346.5 0.903979 0.003668 0.020654
5-10% 293.9 0.925565 0.008838 0.020455
10-20% 229.8 0.940969 0.008700 0.018893
20-30% 164.1 0.961795 0.008285 0.016424
30-40% 114.3 0.989307 0.006017 0.013914
40-50% 76.3 0.975103 0.006433 0.012074
50-60% 47.9 0.942790 0.009351 0.011219
60-70% 27.8 0.916812 0.008781 0.008014
70-80% 15.3 0.922223 0.011661 0.006112
200 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/PL stat sys
0-5% 350.6 0.994498 0.004622 0.023702
5-10% 298.6 1.002998 0.005972 0.021881
10-20% 234.3 1.016581 0.003126 0.018557
20-30% 167.6 1.028636 0.004748 0.016424
30-40% 117.1 1.033391 0.003351 0.013095
40-50% 78.3 1.015321 0.002058 0.011757
50-60% 49.3 0.998392 0.003322 0.009849
60-70% 28.8 0.980003 0.001484 0.008096
70-80% 15.7 0.996184 0.008824 0.005959
********** Data/UrQMD Ratio ************
7.7 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/UrQMD stat sys
0-5% 337.4 0.584276 0.901234 1.275854
5-10% 290.4 0.749141 0.312299 0.511693
10-20% 226.2 1.145516 0.101869 0.142593
20-30% 160.2 1.175567 0.092306 0.062186
30-40% 109.9 1.294599 0.068511 0.056255
40-50% 71.8 1.279020 0.064977 0.033290
50-60% 44.7 1.070877 0.090978 0.047665
60-70% 25.6 1.018750 0.067560 0.034851
70-80% 13.9 0.513096 0.240727 0.064997
11.5 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/UrQMD stat sys
0-5% 338.2 1.209002 0.064534 0.111537
5-10% 290.6 1.111853 0.085665 0.080541
10-20% 226.0 1.207258 0.057062 0.044290
20-30% 159.6 1.433606 0.046856 0.053736
30-40% 110.0 1.470442 0.053998 0.052729
40-50% 72.5 1.457364 0.060531 0.061384
50-60% 44.5 1.328167 0.034476 0.035515
60-70% 25.7 1.195720 0.100029 0.086713
70-80% 14.1 1.035620 0.047616 0.030451
14.6 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/UrQMD stat sys
0-5% 338.0 1.380938 0.041906 0.114361
5-10% 290.0 1.349054 0.038897 0.082424
10-20% 225.5 1.441972 0.029579 0.060729
20-30% 160.0 1.485662 0.022183 0.043051
30-40% 109.0 1.557102 0.053797 0.059930
40-50% 71.5 1.472166 0.072548 0.074918
50-60% 44.2 1.296492 0.036308 0.036401
60-70% 25.6 1.247191 0.034024 0.035875
70-80% 14.0 1.101532 0.078751 0.042389
19.6 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/UrQMD stat sys
0-5% 338.0 1.404575 0.058773 0.065651
5-10% 289.2 1.442575 0.047276 0.062441
10-20% 224.9 1.530512 0.022872 0.039346
20-30% 158.1 1.573566 0.030761 0.043308
30-40% 108.0 1.507114 0.027439 0.036715
40-50% 70.8 1.549269 0.055398 0.057508
50-60% 43.9 1.449834 0.039998 0.042558
60-70% 25.5 1.313442 0.056591 0.054038
70-80% 13.8 1.218774 0.049133 0.037659
27 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/UrQMD stat sys
0-5% 343.3 1.517849 0.032289 0.048794
5-10% 299.3 1.423812 0.041302 0.052324
10-20% 233.6 1.514136 0.042240 0.053254
20-30% 165.5 1.514397 0.027257 0.038763
30-40% 114.0 1.577243 0.021675 0.032438
40-50% 75.0 1.530055 0.026674 0.033745
50-60% 46.7 1.423605 0.023140 0.026552
60-70% 26.8 1.313748 0.027300 0.027503
70-80% 13.8 1.308607 0.019863 0.021515
39 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/UrQMD stat sys
0-5% 341.7 1.475202 0.021763 0.047643
5-10% 293.9 1.407770 0.028432 0.042944
10-20% 229.8 1.495711 0.027236 0.039469
20-30% 162.4 1.523403 0.037622 0.046065
30-40% 111.4 1.547369 0.021522 0.032090
40-50% 73.5 1.516989 0.039735 0.043566
50-60% 45.5 1.441015 0.034209 0.037778
60-70% 26.3 1.358111 0.022889 0.025206
70-80% 14.1 1.312246 0.033136 0.027209
62.4 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/UrQMD stat sys
0-5% 346.5 1.414590 0.016232 0.035710
5-10% 293.9 1.325357 0.018516 0.032259
10-20% 229.8 1.427621 0.020078 0.032411
20-30% 164.1 1.388778 0.023871 0.031450
30-40% 114.3 1.381349 0.016426 0.024014
40-50% 76.3 1.320414 0.021751 0.025778
50-60% 47.9 1.256293 0.027981 0.029175
60-70% 27.8 1.159697 0.018961 0.018409
70-80% 15.3 1.207539 0.022006 0.017753
200 GeV
Centrality Npart Data/UrQMD stat sys
0-5% 350.6 1.235587 0.010195 0.030629
5-10% 298.6 1.167217 0.013405 0.027925
10-20% 234.3 1.151158 0.007422 0.022003
20-30% 167.6 1.115606 0.006861 0.018380
30-40% 117.1 1.069496 0.009236 0.016030
40-50% 78.3 1.014973 0.004233 0.012321
50-60% 49.3 0.981908 0.006042 0.010939
60-70% 28.8 0.964725 0.003555 0.008604
70-80% 15.7 1.025094 0.010284 0.007805
**** UrQMD direct from the model ***
7.7 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_raw stat
0-5% 337.4 0.301974 0.026965
5-10% 290.4 0.587397 0.011837
10-20% 226.2 0.768160 0.015842
20-30% 160.2 1.071720 0.024293
30-40% 109.9 1.334306 0.004506
40-50% 71.8 1.643106 0.035339
50-60% 44.7 2.187575 0.035152
60-70% 25.6 3.005878 0.028397
70-80% 13.9 4.321044 0.081555
11.5 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_raw stat
0-5% 338.2 0.588908 0.023803
5-10% 290.6 0.735069 0.013078
10-20% 226.0 0.840823 0.022337
20-30% 159.6 1.054575 0.019636
30-40% 110.0 1.189965 0.017149
40-50% 72.5 1.522482 0.029876
50-60% 44.5 1.993522 0.032911
60-70% 25.7 2.590165 0.069784
70-80% 14.1 3.963277 0.095358
14.6 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_raw stat
0-5% 338.0 0.650272 0.012466
5-10% 290.0 0.702053 0.019447
10-20% 225.5 0.836380 0.019482
20-30% 160.0 0.993056 0.009993
30-40% 109.0 1.218828 0.020885
40-50% 71.5 1.476550 0.020920
50-60% 44.2 1.940019 0.021819
60-70% 25.6 2.634533 0.056282
70-80% 14.0 3.592972 0.080909
19.6 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_raw stat
0-5% 338.0 0.638110 0.009894
5-10% 289.2 0.709354 0.019641
10-20% 224.9 0.801661 0.007097
20-30% 158.1 0.991429 0.014062
30-40% 108.0 1.207283 0.011012
40-50% 70.8 1.467662 0.024087
50-60% 43.9 1.907082 0.033123
60-70% 25.5 2.642314 0.049007
70-80% 13.8 3.855520 0.085198
27 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_raw stat
0-5% 343.3 0.647584 0.010584
5-10% 299.3 0.694954 0.008680
10-20% 233.6 0.825233 0.015200
20-30% 165.5 1.018167 0.015464
30-40% 114.0 1.230394 0.010393
40-50% 75.0 1.514838 0.012442
50-60% 46.7 2.017293 0.022910
60-70% 26.8 2.724538 0.027601
70-80% 13.8 3.964767 0.074702
39 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_raw stat
0-5% 341.7 0.662094 0.015878
5-10% 293.9 0.751069 0.006809
10-20% 229.8 0.873696 0.011673
20-30% 162.4 1.035040 0.005535
30-40% 111.4 1.294394 0.006731
40-50% 73.5 1.613537 0.025711
50-60% 45.5 2.117580 0.009948
60-70% 26.3 2.876430 0.015709
70-80% 14.1 4.072331 0.051178
62.4 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_raw stat
0-5% 346.5 0.732466 0.011009
5-10% 293.9 0.821291 0.005257
10-20% 229.8 0.933384 0.007430
20-30% 164.1 1.118188 0.003862
30-40% 114.3 1.394530 0.009084
40-50% 76.3 1.771487 0.013105
50-60% 47.9 2.274306 0.014106
60-70% 27.8 3.145812 0.031509
70-80% 15.3 4.302167 0.034847
200 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_raw stat
0-5% 350.6 0.935384 0.007565
5-10% 298.6 1.051432 0.008185
10-20% 234.3 1.222708 0.007065
20-30% 167.6 1.504733 0.006248
30-40% 117.1 1.896824 0.008721
40-50% 78.3 2.390596 0.011645
50-60% 49.3 3.088735 0.006060
60-70% 28.8 4.024302 0.017478
70-80% 15.7 5.543421 0.021174
***** UrQMD with fixed efficiency *****
7.7 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_fixed stat
0-5% 337.4 0.258306 0.052641
5-10% 290.4 0.590066 0.042050
10-20% 226.2 0.780301 0.013492
20-30% 160.2 1.048023 0.033311
30-40% 109.9 1.326855 0.027624
40-50% 71.8 1.632453 0.040067
50-60% 44.7 2.169817 0.045191
60-70% 25.6 2.969567 0.070313
70-80% 13.9 4.268873 0.125981
11.5 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_fixed stat
0-5% 338.2 0.593435 0.018388
5-10% 290.6 0.736818 0.019095
10-20% 226.0 0.856665 0.013330
20-30% 159.6 1.055547 0.008699
30-40% 110.0 1.157886 0.037421
40-50% 72.5 1.516095 0.033967
50-60% 44.5 1.930137 0.067914
60-70% 25.7 2.658640 0.017783
70-80% 14.1 3.977777 0.140059
14.6 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_fixed stat
0-5% 338.0 0.637584 0.013812
5-10% 290.0 0.678645 0.017404
10-20% 225.5 0.846689 0.009004
20-30% 160.0 1.006955 0.014558
30-40% 109.0 1.225212 0.029031
40-50% 71.5 1.482630 0.031501
50-60% 44.2 1.888498 0.072360
60-70% 25.6 2.592541 0.056881
70-80% 14.0 3.657628 0.106860
19.6 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_fixed stat
0-5% 338.0 0.646419 0.005618
5-10% 289.2 0.706146 0.003246
10-20% 224.9 0.807152 0.018759
20-30% 158.1 0.970516 0.022129
30-40% 108.0 1.203792 0.013836
40-50% 70.8 1.469803 0.029605
50-60% 43.9 1.924907 0.046350
60-70% 25.5 2.672339 0.063112
70-80% 13.8 3.914652 0.053193
27 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_fixed stat
0-5% 343.3 0.652195 0.022093
5-10% 299.3 0.710781 0.017737
10-20% 233.6 0.811122 0.009384
20-30% 165.5 1.014056 0.011067
30-40% 114.0 1.217478 0.028941
40-50% 75.0 1.507300 0.024913
50-60% 46.7 2.010662 0.036483
60-70% 26.8 2.744765 0.035682
70-80% 13.8 3.921256 0.095315
39 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_fixed stat
0-5% 341.7 0.653054 0.009174
5-10% 293.9 0.756512 0.009964
10-20% 229.8 0.879008 0.014213
20-30% 162.4 1.035290 0.011897
30-40% 111.4 1.283531 0.017366
40-50% 73.5 1.618736 0.023385
50-60% 45.5 2.093582 0.026241
60-70% 26.3 2.904248 0.020729
70-80% 14.1 4.021098 0.088453
62.4 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_fixed stat
0-5% 346.5 0.733533 0.011034
5-10% 293.9 0.828126 0.017082
10-20% 229.8 0.940515 0.008765
20-30% 164.1 1.114944 0.016395
30-40% 114.3 1.402458 0.014392
40-50% 76.3 1.766994 0.020977
50-60% 47.9 2.285945 0.017521
60-70% 27.8 3.132462 0.014405
70-80% 15.3 4.308093 0.034199
200 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_fixed stat
0-5% 350.6 0.925205 0.006599
5-10% 298.6 1.053106 0.008689
10-20% 234.3 1.218323 0.007404
20-30% 167.6 1.502888 0.006279
30-40% 117.1 1.888301 0.009577
40-50% 78.3 2.391234 0.013110
50-60% 49.3 3.092908 0.014753
60-70% 28.8 4.031239 0.021972
70-80% 15.7 5.543304 0.062920
*** UrQMD with complete efficiency calculation ***
7.7 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_complete stat
0-5% 337.4 0.360553 0.027051
5-10% 290.4 0.615712 0.031311
10-20% 226.2 0.812930 0.039761
20-30% 160.2 1.071886 0.025406
30-40% 109.9 1.340315 0.052700
40-50% 71.8 1.757693 0.031932
50-60% 44.7 2.340383 0.076333
60-70% 25.6 3.093565 0.070642
70-80% 13.9 4.093267 0.108873
11.5 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_complete stat
0-5% 338.2 0.639019 0.011338
5-10% 290.6 0.797803 0.034440
10-20% 226.0 0.950867 0.013448
20-30% 159.6 1.056158 0.023531
30-40% 110.0 1.263487 0.034898
40-50% 72.5 1.594167 0.057309
50-60% 44.5 2.089958 0.046479
60-70% 25.7 2.955776 0.210465
70-80% 14.1 3.745510 0.073828
14.6 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_complete stat
0-5% 338.0 0.631838 0.017511
5-10% 290.0 0.766438 0.019605
10-20% 225.5 0.857605 0.017308
20-30% 160.0 1.048828 0.012386
30-40% 109.0 1.224419 0.040837
40-50% 71.5 1.554684 0.074799
50-60% 44.2 2.159524 0.053113
60-70% 25.6 2.772648 0.073594
70-80% 14.0 3.510938 0.123980
19.6 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_complete stat
0-5% 338.0 0.668310 0.020597
5-10% 289.2 0.752461 0.019866
10-20% 224.9 0.846798 0.008515
20-30% 158.1 1.017284 0.019227
30-40% 108.0 1.293883 0.022307
40-50% 70.8 1.564917 0.053193
50-60% 43.9 2.055385 0.054052
60-70% 25.5 2.830899 0.112464
70-80% 13.8 3.687293 0.109371
27 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_complete stat
0-5% 343.3 0.636789 0.011194
5-10% 299.3 0.787361 0.021974
10-20% 233.6 0.880696 0.024063
20-30% 165.5 1.092155 0.019192
30-40% 114.0 1.293252 0.016870
40-50% 75.0 1.638608 0.028451
50-60% 46.7 2.176521 0.031697
60-70% 26.8 2.967145 0.054374
70-80% 13.8 3.930378 0.057033
39 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_complete stat
0-5% 341.7 0.697724 0.009913
5-10% 293.9 0.835612 0.015984
10-20% 229.8 0.936804 0.016578
20-30% 162.4 1.140327 0.028112
30-40% 111.4 1.384485 0.018967
40-50% 73.5 1.723159 0.043758
50-60% 45.5 2.240744 0.052768
60-70% 26.3 3.059645 0.049940
70-80% 14.1 4.171227 0.081471
62.4 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_complete stat
0-5% 346.5 0.766250 0.008225
5-10% 293.9 0.909219 0.009272
10-20% 229.8 0.970469 0.010284
20-30% 164.1 1.206673 0.017948
30-40% 114.3 1.495198 0.015278
40-50% 76.3 1.887001 0.028482
50-60% 47.9 2.420194 0.048264
60-70% 27.8 3.346630 0.044345
70-80% 15.3 4.357964 0.057194
200 GeV
Centrality Npart UrQMD_complete stat
0-5% 350.6 0.959442 0.006542
5-10% 298.6 1.109936 0.010900
10-20% 234.3 1.287702 0.007298
20-30% 167.6 1.589674 0.006460
30-40% 117.1 1.992972 0.015952
40-50% 78.3 2.523262 0.009197
50-60% 49.3 3.232220 0.016731
60-70% 28.8 4.224950 0.014195
70-80% 15.7 5.474195 0.025783
Fig.3 Relative dynamical correlation in percent
************ STAR 19.6 GeV ************
Centrality Npart NpartErr Data Stat Sys Local_Equilibrium Partial_Thermalization
0-5% 338.0 2.3 0.938691 0.026568 0.032986 2.826482 4.117159
5-10% 289.2 6.0 1.085482 0.021077 0.037233 2.526262 2.952287
10-20% 224.9 8.6 1.296035 0.014328 0.030664 2.173476 2.283638
20-30% 158.1 10.5 1.600764 0.007993 0.032025 1.820439 1.898157
30-40% 108.0 10.6 1.950029 0.011407 0.033563 1.495660 1.571623
40-50% 70.8 10.1 2.424478 0.026911 0.036165 1.228821 1.266886
50-60% 43.9 8.7 2.979966 0.024850 0.038865 1.064425 1.076569
60-70% 25.5 6.8 3.718223 0.062009 0.039777 0.950263 0.968504
70-80% 13.8 5.0 4.493978 0.122693 0.038904
************ STAR 200 GeV ************
Centrality Npart NpartErr Data Stat Sys Local_Equilibrium Partial_Thermalization
0-5% 350.6 2.4 1.185474 0.005509 0.028253 4.102560 5.291975
5-10% 298.6 4.1 1.295536 0.007714 0.028263 3.695808 3.738181
10-20% 234.3 4.6 1.482348 0.004558 0.027059 3.290745 2.981107
20-30% 167.6 5.4 1.773450 0.008187 0.028316 2.746270 2.564761
30-40% 117.1 5.2 2.131476 0.006912 0.027010 2.291288 2.222611
40-50% 78.3 5.3 2.561043 0.005192 0.029655 1.812457 1.805547
50-60% 49.3 4.7 3.173742 0.010559 0.031308 1.450172 1.455678
60-70% 28.8 3.7 4.075916 0.006170 0.033672 1.223111 1.209132
70-80% 15.7 2.6 5.611563 0.049709 0.033569 1.075639 1.079352
************ ALICE 2.76 TeV ************
Centrality Npart NpartErr Data Stat Sys Local_Equilibrium Partial_Thermalization
0-5% 382.8 3.1 0.925300 0.002100 0.068400 0.965919 0.961769
5-10% 329.7 4.6 1.087000 0.002000 0.078000 1.077497 1.081665
10-15% 281.1 4.8 1.249000 0.003000 0.068000 1.216141 1.225561
15-20% 238.6 4.2 1.414000 0.003000 0.074000 1.372589 1.378042
20-25% 201.8 3.8 1.571000 0.003000 0.079000 1.590912 1.578924
25-30% 169.5 4.2 1.740000 0.003000 0.084000 1.816040 1.809143
30-35% 141.6 3.5 1.945000 0.004000 0.091000 2.057425 2.026327
35-40% 116.2 3.1 2.174000 0.004000 0.099000 2.321852 2.269361
40-45% 94.1 3.6 2.422000 0.005000 0.107000 2.610172 2.522300
45-50% 75.4 2.6 2.716000 0.006000 0.118000 2.923183 2.761159
50-55% 59.4 2.0 3.036000 0.007000 0.129000 3.236510 3.011146
55-60% 45.8 1.5 3.411000 0.008000 0.144000 3.556122 3.333767
60-65% 34.5 1.6 3.838000 0.011000 0.161000 3.863159 3.719140
65-70% 25.1 1.1 4.416000 0.018000 0.190000 4.117645 4.392380
70-75% 17.8 1.4 5.226000 0.033000 0.225000 4.372299 5.247095
75-80% 12.5 1.0 6.242000 0.048000 0.268000 4.504553 6.035479
Fig.4 Relative dynamical correlation in percent
************ STAR 7.7 GeV ************
Centrality Npart NpartErr Data Stat Sys
0-5% 337.4 2.1 0.210662 0.324558 0.096850
5-10% 290.4 6.0 0.461255 0.190850 0.144918
10-20% 226.2 7.9 0.931224 0.069162 0.099264
20-30% 160.2 10.2 1.260074 0.094326 0.075089
30-40% 109.9 11.0 1.735171 0.061460 0.055699
40-50% 71.8 10.2 2.248124 0.106658 0.094201
50-60% 44.7 8.7 2.506263 0.196608 0.190255
60-70% 25.6 7.1 3.151569 0.196221 0.252995
70-80% 13.9 4.4 2.100238 0.983775 0.546314
************ STAR 200 GeV ************
Centrality Npart NpartErr Data Stat Sys
0-5% 350.6 2.4 1.185474 0.005509 0.033493
5-10% 298.6 4.1 1.295536 0.007714 0.036616
10-20% 234.3 4.6 1.482348 0.004558 0.040111
20-30% 167.6 5.4 1.773450 0.008187 0.050217
30-40% 117.1 5.2 2.131476 0.006912 0.057571
40-50% 78.3 5.3 2.561043 0.005192 0.075948
50-60% 49.3 4.7 3.173742 0.010559 0.099364
60-70% 28.8 3.7 4.075916 0.006170 0.137244
70-80% 15.7 2.6 5.611563 0.049709 0.188375
************ ALICE 2.76 TeV ************
Centrality Npart NpartErr Data Stat Sys
0-5% 382.8 3.1 0.925300 0.002100 0.068400
5-10% 329.7 4.6 1.087000 0.002000 0.078000
10-15% 281.1 4.8 1.249000 0.003000 0.068000
15-20% 238.6 4.2 1.414000 0.003000 0.074000
20-25% 201.8 3.8 1.571000 0.003000 0.079000
25-30% 169.5 4.2 1.740000 0.003000 0.084000
30-35% 141.6 3.5 1.945000 0.004000 0.091000
35-40% 116.2 3.1 2.174000 0.004000 0.099000
40-45% 94.1 3.6 2.422000 0.005000 0.107000
45-50% 75.4 2.6 2.716000 0.006000 0.118000
50-55% 59.4 2.0 3.036000 0.007000 0.129000
55-60% 45.8 1.5 3.411000 0.008000 0.144000
60-65% 34.5 1.6 3.838000 0.011000 0.161000
65-70% 25.1 1.1 4.416000 0.018000 0.190000
70-75% 17.8 1.4 5.226000 0.033000 0.225000
75-80% 12.5 1.0 6.242000 0.048000 0.268000
Fig.5 Relative dynamical correlation in percent
************ 0-5% ************
Energy Data Stat Sys
7.7 GeV 0.210662 0.324558 0.096850
11.5 GeV 0.772576 0.038894 0.054037
14.6 GeV 0.872529 0.010785 0.059411
19.6 GeV 0.938691 0.026568 0.030964
27.0 GeV 0.966550 0.011580 0.025145
39.0 GeV 1.029284 0.004090 0.030726
62.4 GeV 1.083929 0.004398 0.026845
200 GeV 1.185474 0.005509 0.033493
Energy Data Stat
7.7 GeV 0.360553 0.027051
11.5 GeV 0.639019 0.011338
14.6 GeV 0.631838 0.017511
19.6 GeV 0.668310 0.020597
27.0 GeV 0.636789 0.011194
39.0 GeV 0.697724 0.009913
62.4 GeV 0.766250 0.008225
200 GeV 0.959442 0.006542
Energy Data Stat Sys
8.7 GeV 1.080000 0.090000 0.420000
12.3 GeV 0.940000 0.080000 0.180000
17.3 GeV 0.990000 0.070000 0.280000
Energy Data Stat Sys
2760 GeV 0.925300 0.002100 0.068400
Energy UrQMD Stat
2760 GeV 0.923683 0.003566
Energy Boltzmann-Langevin
19.6 GeV 0.950263
200 GeV 1.075639
2760 GeV 0.965919
Fig.6 Relative dynamical correlation in percent
************ 0-5% ************
Energy data stat sys
7.7 GeV 0.210662 0.324558 0.096850
11.5 GeV 0.772576 0.038894 0.054037
14.6 GeV 0.872529 0.010785 0.059411
19.6 GeV 0.938691 0.026568 0.030964
27.0 GeV 0.966550 0.011580 0.025145
39.0 GeV 1.029284 0.004090 0.030726
62.4 GeV 1.083929 0.004398 0.026845
200 GeV 1.185474 0.005509 0.033493
2760 GeV 0.925300 0.002100 0.068400
************ 5-10% ************
Energy data stat sys
7.7 GeV 0.461255 0.190850 0.144918
11.5 GeV 0.887039 0.056609 0.045771
14.6 GeV 1.033967 0.013756 0.059319
19.6 GeV 1.085482 0.021077 0.040416
27.0 GeV 1.121054 0.008871 0.030048
39.0 GeV 1.176349 0.007625 0.032882
62.4 GeV 1.205040 0.011507 0.032093
200 GeV 1.295536 0.007714 0.036616
2760 GeV 1.087000 0.002000 0.078000
************ 10-20% ************
Energy data stat sys
7.7 GeV 0.931224 0.069162 0.099264
11.5 GeV 1.147942 0.051772 0.044608
14.6 GeV 1.236642 0.004533 0.056529
19.6 GeV 1.296035 0.014328 0.039742
27.0 GeV 1.333493 0.007508 0.039381
39.0 GeV 1.401188 0.006014 0.038430
62.4 GeV 1.385462 0.012809 0.038539
200 GeV 1.482348 0.004558 0.040111
2760 GeV 1.331500 0.002121 0.050249
************ 20-30% ************
Energy data stat sys
7.7 GeV 1.260074 0.094326 0.075089
11.5 GeV 1.514114 0.036208 0.069104
14.6 GeV 1.558204 0.014237 0.064251
19.6 GeV 1.600764 0.007993 0.051264
27.0 GeV 1.653956 0.006436 0.050912
39.0 GeV 1.737177 0.002532 0.052840
62.4 GeV 1.675801 0.014436 0.047956
200 GeV 1.773450 0.008187 0.050217
2760 GeV 1.655500 0.002121 0.057656
************ 30-40% ************
Energy data stat sys
7.7 GeV 1.735171 0.061460 0.055699
11.5 GeV 1.857884 0.044962 0.078941
14.6 GeV 1.906545 0.017191 0.069821
19.6 GeV 1.950029 0.011407 0.065449
27.0 GeV 2.039773 0.008818 0.066154
39.0 GeV 2.142309 0.005152 0.071457
62.4 GeV 2.065391 0.012561 0.059995
200 GeV 2.131476 0.006912 0.057571
2760 GeV 2.059500 0.002828 0.067235
************ 40-50% ************
Energy data stat sys
7.7 GeV 2.248124 0.106658 0.094201
11.5 GeV 2.323281 0.048333 0.118473
14.6 GeV 2.288752 0.024406 0.086865