Azimuthal Anisotropy in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV
J. Adams et al, Phys. Rev. C72 (2005) 014904

Figure 7b: v2{2} (%) vs. centrality for kaons

pt (GeV/c) 70-80% 60-70% 50-60% 40-50% 30-40% 20-30% 10-20% 5-10% 0-5%
0.20 0.144+/-1.9 1.03+/-1.1 1.45+/-0.66 1.28+/-0.47 0.92+/-0.36 0.596+/-0.29 0.148+/-0.26 0.452+/-0.34 -0.311+/-0.38
0.28 1.29+/-1.3 2.04+/-0.71 1.38+/-0.44 1.85+/-0.31 1.95+/-0.23 1.41+/-0.19 0.965+/-0.17 0.0745+/-0.22 -0.278+/-0.25
0.36 5.6+/-1.3 2.74+/-0.69 3.77+/-0.42 2.56+/-0.3 2.22+/-0.22 2.02+/-0.18 1.14+/-0.16 1.13+/-0.22 0.211+/-0.25
0.44 4.25+/-2 4.12+/-1 4.55+/-0.64 3.3+/-0.45 2.93+/-0.35 2.7+/-0.28 1.63+/-0.26 0.771+/-0.36 0.962+/-0.42
0.52 6.69+/-5.5 12.4+/-2.9 2.99+/-1.8 4.89+/-1.3 4.7+/-1 2+/-0.91 2.2+/-0.93 -1.4+/-1.4 1.58+/-1.7
0.60 7.92+/-2.4 4.05+/-1.3 5.66+/-0.78 4.97+/-0.55 4.65+/-0.44 2.67+/-0.39 1.12+/-0.41 -0.126+/-0.66 0.337+/-0.88
0.68 12.6+/-2.3 7.29+/-1.3 6.72+/-0.77 6.45+/-0.54 5.57+/-0.44 4.86+/-0.39 2.4+/-0.39 1.24+/-0.63 -0.0675+/-0.83

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