>Dear Nu and Zhangbu, > > >please find below our comments. > >Reader by the FIAS group for the new STAR paper: >ˇ°Beam energy dependence of charge separation along the magnetic field in Au+Au collisions at RHIC.ˇ± > > >Thanks for including us as readers for the paper draft. >Please find below a few technical comments: > > >1. The article refers largely to the results and discussions >in the previous publications, which have to be carefully read >in parallel. PAs: Thanks for reading the related papers. The current paper is an extension of STAR's effort to explore this topic. >2. Figure 2 is not easy to understand, since it refers to >the text, where the explanation is scattered along the article. >The same for Figs. 3 and 4. PAs: We followed the convention of our previous papers in making the figures 2 and 3. The discussion of Fig 2 starts from "Figure 2 presents..." on page 4, and ends with the systematic uncertainty discussion on the top-right of page 5. The three paragraphs are one after another, not scattered, though. >3. Page 5, right column, line 5 refers to Fig. 3 and 4, >which are not yet presented and discussed. PAs: This part explains one type of systematic uncertainties, that applies to all the three figures. Since this draft is intended for a letter, we want to keep the text as terse as possible. >4. Page 5, right column, line 8 after the formula (5): >ˇ°The line for k=1, (H_ss - H_os) ˇ° with comma would be more clear. PAs: Now it is changed to "The (H_ss - H_os) curve for k=1 suggests...". >5. In Ref. 27 a blank space "V. A. Okorokovˇ± is required. PAs: Done. >Best regards, >Ivan Kisel.