const int maxF = 4; TH1F* bkgdFrac[maxF]; //f's for background correction [tau,Z,EEMC,QCD] TH1F* beta; //1 - sum(f's) -> polarization dilution factor TH1F* betaSyst; TH1F* betaSystUp; TH1F* betaSystDn; TH1F* zFracSecondEEMC; ofstream outSummary; TFile *outF; TCanvas *cc; TCanvas *dd; const int maxEta = 8; //storage of Second EEMC background histos (data and Z MC) for mirror etaBin TH1F* mirrorSecondEEMC[2][maxEta]; TH1F* mirrorZSecondEEMC[2][maxEta]; const int mirrorEtaBin[maxEta] = {4,3,2,1,0,0,0,8}; void plBkgdEtaDep(int year=2012){ gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptDate(0);"bkgdSummary_%d.txt",year)); TString outFile = "betaBkgdModel_"; outFile+=year; outFile+=".hist.root"; TString name[maxF]={"tau","zee","end","qcd"}; for(int charge=-1; charge<=1; charge+=2) { char Q = 'N'; if(charge>0) Q = 'P'; //if(charge > 0) continue; //create output histo file if(charge==-1) outF = new TFile(outFile,"RECREATE"); //create new file else if(charge==1) outF = new TFile(outFile,"UPDATE"); //write P to same file as N //write summary text file outSummary<<"W"<=4 && ieta<=6) continue; plBkgdEtaDepX(charge,Form("Eta%d",ieta+1),ieta+1,true,year); } //initialize background fraction histograms for(int iF=0; iFDivide(4,2); dd = new TCanvas("dd","dd",1200,800); dd->Divide(4,2); for(int ieta=0; ieta=4 && ieta<=6) continue; cout<SetBinContent(7,0.898); beta->SetBinError(7,0.030); } else if(charge==-1) { beta->SetBinContent(7,0.903); beta->SetBinError(7,0.016); } //write histos to output file if(outF->IsOpen()){ outF->cd(); for(iF=0; iFWrite(); } beta->Write(); zFracSecondEEMC->Write(); } outF->Close(); cc->Print(Form("bkgdET_%d_%c.png",year,Q)); cc->Print(Form("",year,Q)); dd->Print(Form("beta_%d_%c.png",year,Q)); dd->Print(Form("",year,Q)); } outSummary.close(); return; } // ******************************************************** // This code makes the necessary root histos for the // background subtraction and systematic uncertainty calculations // Set charge == 1 for postive charges // Set charge == -1 for negative charges // Set charge == 0 for the sum of both (not tested) // ******************************************************** void plBkgdEtaDepX(int charge=1, char* etaBin="Eta8", int starPhysEtaBin=8, bool secondEEMC=false, int year) { // ****************************************************** // Read in the data set and all the histograms needed to do the actual calculation // ****************************************************** TString dataDir="/star/u/devika/wAnalysis/2012/makeALplots/testwithrun13test/"; dataDir+=year; dataDir+="/"; string dataName; if(year==2012) dataName = "53eta.wana.hist.root"; else if(year==2011) dataName = "run11long_P11id.wana.hist.root"; TFile *f1 = new TFile(Form("%s%s",dataDir.Data(),dataName)); f1->cd(etaBin); //needed for eta dependent // get the signal w/ and w/o the EEMC in the algo if (charge == 1) { TH1F *signal = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("pos_muclustpTbal_wE"); TH1F *signal_wo_eemc = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("pos_muclustpTbal_noE"); } else if (charge == -1) { TH1F *signal = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("neg_muclustpTbal_wE"); TH1F *signal_wo_eemc = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("neg_muclustpTbal_noE"); } else if (charge == 0) { TH1F *signal = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("muclustPtBal"); TH1F *signal_wo_eemc = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("muclustPtBalnoE"); } // ****************************************************** // Read in all the MC data sets for background subtractions and studies // ****************************************************** TFile *MC_fs[6]; // TString mcDir="/star/institutions/mit/stevens4/freezer/2012-W-PRL-9.12.13/GPC/"; mcDir+=year; mcDir+="/"; TString mcDir="/star/u/devika/wAnalysis/2012/makeALplots/testwithrun13test/"; mcDir+=year; mcDir+="/"; MC_fs[0] = new TFile(Form("%sWplus_enu.wana.hist.root",mcDir.Data())); // W+ -> e++nu MC_fs[1] = new TFile(Form("%sWminus_enu.wana.hist.root",mcDir.Data())); // W- -> e-+nu MC_fs[2] = new TFile(Form("%sWplus_taunu.wana.hist.root",mcDir.Data())); // W+ -> tau+nu MC_fs[3] = new TFile(Form("%sWminus_taunu.wana.hist.root",mcDir.Data())); // W- -> tau+nu MC_fs[4] = new TFile(Form("%sZ_eplus_eminus_inter.wana.hist.root",mcDir.Data())); // Z/gamma* -> e+ e- //get eta dependent signal and background from MC TH1F *MC_dists_raw[5][3]; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { MC_fs[i]->cd(etaBin); if (charge == 1) { MC_dists_raw[i][0] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("pos_muclustpTbal_wE"); MC_dists_raw[i][1] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("pos_muclustpTbal_noE"); } else if (charge == -1) { MC_dists_raw[i][0] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("neg_muclustpTbal_wE"); MC_dists_raw[i][1] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("neg_muclustpTbal_noE"); } else if (charge == 0) { MC_dists_raw[i][0] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("muclustPtBal"); MC_dists_raw[i][1] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("muclustPtBalnoE"); } MC_dists_raw[i][2] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("muclustPtBal_bckgrd"); } float WplusXsec = 98.5; float WminusXsec = 31.3; float ZgammaXsec = 23.9; float WplusEvents, WminusEvents, ZgammaEvents; float dataLumi; if(year==2012) { WplusEvents = 109051; WminusEvents = 34936.; // WplusEvents = 80000; WminusEvents = 20000.; ZgammaEvents = 25126.; dataLumi = 77.4; //From Jamie's numbers 77.4 for Run 12 (638 runs) //ZgammaEvents = 7000.; dataLumi = 40.4; } else if(year==2011) { WplusEvents = 11919; WminusEvents = 3816.; ZgammaEvents = 2749.; dataLumi = 9.4; //From Jamie's numbers 9.4 for Run 11 longitudinal (? runs) } //pure lumi from pythia to scale MC float lumi[5] = {WplusEvents/WplusXsec,WminusEvents/WminusXsec,WplusEvents/WplusXsec,WminusEvents/WminusXsec,ZgammaEvents/ZgammaXsec}; //scale MC to match lumi of the dataset float lumi_fact[6]; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {lumi_fact[i] = dataLumi/lumi[i];} for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { MC_dists_raw[i][j]->Scale(lumi_fact[i]); } } // Repack the MC histograms to mesh with the odd staggered binning that is being used char str[200]; TH1F *MC_dists_repack[5][3]; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { MC_dists_repack[i][0]=(TH1F*) MC_dists_raw[i][0]->Clone(); MC_dists_repack[i][1]=(TH1F*) MC_dists_raw[i][1]->Clone(); MC_dists_repack[i][2]=(TH1F*) MC_dists_raw[i][2]->Clone(); } // Make second endcap background distributions for the MC for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { MC_dists_repack[i][1]->Add(MC_dists_repack[i][0],-1); MC_dists_raw[i][1]->Add(MC_dists_raw[i][0],-1.); } TH1F *zeemc = MC_dists_raw[4][1]->Clone(); // Make second endcap background distribution for the data TH1F *eemc_bkgd = signal_wo_eemc->Clone(); eemc_bkgd->Add(signal,-1.); //this is the '2nd endcap' bkgd // first pass of macro sets second EEMC background to use for mirror etaBin if(secondEEMC) { if(charge>0) { mirrorSecondEEMC[0][starPhysEtaBin-1] = eemc_bkgd; mirrorZSecondEEMC[0][starPhysEtaBin-1] = zeemc; } else { mirrorSecondEEMC[1][starPhysEtaBin-1] = eemc_bkgd; mirrorZSecondEEMC[1][starPhysEtaBin-1] = zeemc; } return; } // Now eemc_bkgd and zeemc is for the mirror etaBin int bin = starPhysEtaBin-1; eemc_bkgd = charge > 0 ? mirrorSecondEEMC[0][mirrorEtaBin[bin]-1] : mirrorSecondEEMC[1][mirrorEtaBin[bin]-1]; zeemc = charge > 0 ? mirrorZSecondEEMC[0][mirrorEtaBin[bin]-1] : mirrorZSecondEEMC[1][mirrorEtaBin[bin]-1]; // ********************************************** // ********************************************** // Repack all necessary histograms // ********************************************** // ********************************************** //all histos rebinned to match binning starting at 25 GeV TH1F *zsig = MC_dists_raw[4][0]->Clone(); TH1F *zback = MC_dists_raw[4][2]->Clone(); zsig->Add(zeemc,-1.); // remove second EEMC Zs from the Z MC in the signal for(int i=0; iGetNbinsX(); i++){ if(zsig->GetBinContent(i)<0.) zsig->SetBinContent(i,0.); } TH1F *wsig; if(charge>0) wsig = (TH1F*)MC_dists_raw[0][0]->Clone(); else if(charge<0) wsig = (TH1F*)MC_dists_raw[1][0]->Clone(); else { wsig = (TH1F*)MC_dists_raw[0][0]->Clone(); wsig->Add(MC_dists_raw[1][0]); } TH1F *tausig; if(charge>0) tausig = (TH1F*)MC_dists_raw[2][0]->Clone(); else if(charge<0) tausig = (TH1F*)MC_dists_raw[3][0]->Clone(); else { tausig = (TH1F*)MC_dists_raw[2][0]->Clone(); tausig->Add((TH1F*)MC_dists_raw[3][0]); } // Subtract second endcap background from the signal distribution TH1F *signal_final = signal->Clone(); signal_final->Add(eemc_bkgd,-1); // Subtract off MC Z background from the signal distribution signal_final->Add(zsig,-1.); // Subtract off MC tau background from the signal distribution signal_final->Add(tausig,-1); // First get the "nominal" QCD background shape (charge summed) f1->cd(etaBin); //switch back to data file for gDirectory TH1F *bkgd_shape1 = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("muclustPtBal_bckgrd"); TH1F *bkgd_shape_nom = (TH1F*)bkgd_shape1->Clone(); TH1F *eemc_bkgd2 = (TH1F*)eemc_bkgd->Clone(); TH1F *tausig_bkgd2 = (TH1F*)tausig->Clone(); TH1F *zsig_bkgd2 = (TH1F*)zsig->Clone(); TH1F *zeemc_bkgd2 = (TH1F*)zeemc->Clone(); TH1F *zback_bkgd2 = (TH1F*)zback->Clone(); TH1F *signal_final2 = signal_final->Clone(); signal_final2->SetLineColor(2); signal_final2->SetLineWidth(2.*signal_final2->GetLineWidth()); TH1F *signal2 = (TH1F*)signal->Clone(); TH1F *wsig2 = (TH1F*)wsig->Clone(); //use W MC for signal in normalization window TH1F *signal_in_norm_region = (TH1F*)wsig->Clone(); // ****************************************************************************** // ****************************************************************************** // Do the normalization of the W signal to the background for the nominal shape // ****************************************************************************** // ****************************************************************************** TH1F *bkgd_shape_unnorm = (TH1F*)bkgd_shape_nom->Clone(); // subtract off the remaining Z events from the background shape bkgd_shape_unnorm->Add(zback_bkgd2,-1.); // make sure background shape is non-negative (caused by Z subtraction) for (int j=1; j<=bkgd_shape_unnorm->GetNbinsX(); j++) { if (bkgd_shape_unnorm->GetBinContent(j) < 0) bkgd_shape_unnorm->SetBinContent(j,0.); } // calculate the normalization factor int minBin = bkgd_shape_unnorm->FindBin(14.01); int maxBin = bkgd_shape_unnorm->FindBin(15.99); float normt = 0, normb = 0.; for (int k=minBin; k<=maxBin; k++) { if (bkgd_shape_unnorm->GetBinContent(k) > 0) { normt += signal_final2->GetBinContent(k)-signal_in_norm_region->GetBinContent(k); normb += bkgd_shape_unnorm->GetBinContent(k); } } //determine normalization for background shape float new_bkgd_norm; if (normb > 0 && normt > 0) { float norm = normt/normb; bkgd_shape_unnorm->Scale(norm); new_bkgd_norm=norm; } else if(normb > 0 && normt < 0){ float norm = 0; bkgd_shape_unnorm->Scale(norm); new_bkgd_norm=norm; } //final QCD background TH1F *new_bkgd; new_bkgd = (TH1F*)bkgd_shape_unnorm->Clone(); new_bkgd->SetName("new_bkgd"); // ****************************************************** // ****************************************************** // Calculate all the 60 shapes for the background systematic uncertainty // ****************************************************** // ****************************************************** // get the various background shapes made by using different parameters for sPtBal cut TH2F *bkgd_hists_from_file; TH2F *bkgd_hists_from_file2; char str[200]; sprintf(str,"pos_failAwaySide_Awayside_pt_bin_%d",0); bkgd_hists_from_file = (TH2F*)gDirectory->Get(str); sprintf(str,"neg_failAwaySide_Awayside_pt_bin_%d",0); bkgd_hists_from_file2 = (TH2F*)gDirectory->Get(str); bkgd_hists_from_file->Add(bkgd_hists_from_file2); // make array of TH1F's from the 2D histogram above const int maxSteps = 81; TH1F *bkgd_hists[maxSteps]; for (int i=0; iGetNbinsX(),0,100); for (int k=1; k<=100; k++) bkgd_hists[i]->SetBinContent(k,bkgd_hists_from_file->GetBinContent(k,i+1)); } // loop over the possible combinations of normalizationi ranges and background shapes const int maxNorm = 10; int normLow = bkgd_hists[0]->FindBin(14.01); int normHigh[maxNorm]; //upper end of normalization region in ET (16, 17, 18, 19, 20) for(int i=0; iFindBin(15.99+i*0.5); TH1F *new_bkgd_hists[maxSteps][maxNorm]; float new_bkgd_norm[maxSteps][maxNorm]; for (int i=0; iClone(); // subtract off the Z contamination to background shape bkgd_shape_unnorm->Add(zback_bkgd2,-1.); // make sure background shape is non-negative (caused by Z subtraction) for (int m=1; m<=100; m++) if (bkgd_shape_unnorm->GetBinContent(m) < 0) {bkgd_shape_unnorm->SetBinContent(m,0.);} // calculate the normalization factor for 1 bin float normt = 0, normb = 0.; for (int k=15; k<=normHigh[j]; k++) { if (bkgd_shape_unnorm->GetBinContent(k) > 0) { normt += signal_final2->GetBinContent(k)-signal_in_norm_region->GetBinContent(k); normb += bkgd_shape_unnorm->GetBinContent(k); } } if (normb > 0 && normt > 0) { float norm = normt/normb; bkgd_shape_unnorm->Scale(norm); } else if(normb > 0 && normt < 0){ float norm = 0; bkgd_shape_unnorm->Scale(norm); } // save each of the background distributions for syst study later new_bkgd_hists[i][j] = (TH1F*)bkgd_shape_unnorm->Clone(); new_bkgd_norm[i][j] = (normb > 0 && normt > 0) ? normt/normb : 0.; } } #if 0 // plot all the QCD background distributions signal_final2->SetStats(kFALSE); if (charge == 1) { signal_final2->SetTitle("W+ Background Shapes"); } else if (charge == -1) { signal_final2->SetTitle("W- Background Shapes"); } signal_final2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,70.); signal_final2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("2x2 Cluster E_{T} (GeV)"); signal_final2->Draw(); //eemc_bkgd->Draw("same"); eemc_bkgd->SetLineColor(kRed); //zsig->Draw("same"); zsig->SetLineColor(kGreen); //tausig->Draw("same"); tausig->SetLineColor(kMagenta); for (int i=0; iDraw("same"); } } new_bkgd->SetLineColor(4); new_bkgd->Draw("same"); return; #endif // ************************************************ // Calculate all background numbers and their // systematic uncertainties (and spit them out to histograms) // ************************************************ // First get the simple numbers (backgrounds and their statistical uncertainties) float tau_norm = lumi_fact[2]; float Z_norm = lumi_fact[4]; float bkgd_sum = 0.; float signal_sum = 0.; float raw_sum = 0.; float QCD_sum = 0., tau_sum = 0., eemc_sum = 0.; float QCD_raw_sum = 0.; float zsig_sum = 0., zeemc_sum = 0.,zback_sum = 0.; //get counts in ET>25 && ET<50 for different contributions int minBin25 = signal_final->FindBin(25.01); int maxBin50 = signal_final->FindBin(49.99); for (int i=minBin25; i<=maxBin50; i++) { bkgd_sum += new_bkgd->GetBinContent(i); bkgd_sum += tausig_bkgd2->GetBinContent(i); bkgd_sum += eemc_bkgd2->GetBinContent(i); QCD_raw_sum += bkgd_shape_nom->GetBinContent(i); QCD_sum += new_bkgd->GetBinContent(i); tau_sum += tausig_bkgd2->GetBinContent(i); eemc_sum += eemc_bkgd2->GetBinContent(i); signal_sum += signal_final2->GetBinContent(i); raw_sum += signal2->GetBinContent(i); zsig_sum += zsig_bkgd2->GetBinContent(i); zeemc_sum += zeemc_bkgd2->GetBinContent(i); zback_sum += zback_bkgd2->GetBinContent(i); } cout << "The total background for 25 < ET < 50 is " << bkgd_sum+zsig_sum << endl; cout << "QCD = " << QCD_sum << ", tau = " << tau_sum << ", eemc = " << eemc_sum << ", and Z = " << zsig_sum << endl; cout << "Raw = " << raw_sum << endl; cout << "W Signal (w/o tau) = " << signal_sum-QCD_sum << endl; cout << "Z in sig = " << zsig_sum << endl; cout << "Z in eemc = " << zeemc_sum << endl; cout << "Z in back = " << zback_sum << endl; cout << "QCD raw in back = " << QCD_raw_sum << endl; cout << "The QCD stat unc. is " << sqrt(new_bkgd_norm*QCD_sum) << endl; float QCD_stat = new_bkgd_norm*sqrt(QCD_sum/new_bkgd_norm); float tau_stat = tau_norm*sqrt(tau_sum/tau_norm); float tau_syst = 0.13*tau_sum; cout << "The tau stat unc. is " << tau_stat << " syst is " << tau_syst << " and total is " << sqrt(tau_stat*tau_stat + tau_syst*tau_syst) << endl; float eemc_stat = feldmanCousins(eemc_sum); float eemc_syst = 0.13*zeemc_sum; cout << "The eemc stat unc. is " << eemc_stat << " syst is " << eemc_syst << " and total is " << sqrt(eemc_stat*eemc_stat + eemc_syst*eemc_syst) << endl; float zsig_stat = (zsig_sum>0) ? Z_norm*sqrt(zsig_sum/Z_norm) : 0; float zsig_syst = 0.13*zsig_sum; cout << "The Z stat unc. is " << zsig_stat << " syst is " << zsig_syst << " and total is " << sqrt(zsig_stat*zsig_stat + zsig_syst*zsig_syst) << endl; //find fs and beta float f_tau = tau_sum/raw_sum; float f_z = zsig_sum/raw_sum; float f_eemc = eemc_sum/raw_sum; float f_QCD = QCD_sum/raw_sum; float beta_sum = 1. - f_z - f_eemc - f_QCD; //find error on fs and beta float ferr_tau = (tau_sum>0) ? f_tau*sqrt(tau_stat*tau_stat/tau_sum/tau_sum + 1./raw_sum) : 0; float ferr_z = (zsig_sum>0) ? f_z*sqrt(zsig_stat*zsig_stat/zsig_sum/zsig_sum + 1./raw_sum) : 0; float ferr_eemc = (eemc_sum>0) ? f_eemc*sqrt(eemc_stat*eemc_stat/eemc_sum/eemc_sum + 1./raw_sum) : 0; float ferr_QCD = (QCD_sum>0) ? f_QCD*sqrt(QCD_stat*QCD_stat/QCD_sum/QCD_sum + 1./raw_sum) : 0; float beta_stat = sqrt( ferr_z*ferr_z + ferr_eemc*ferr_eemc + ferr_QCD*ferr_QCD ); bkgdFrac[0]->SetBinContent(starPhysEtaBin,f_tau); bkgdFrac[0]->SetBinError(starPhysEtaBin,ferr_tau); bkgdFrac[1]->SetBinContent(starPhysEtaBin,f_z); bkgdFrac[1]->SetBinError(starPhysEtaBin,ferr_z); bkgdFrac[2]->SetBinContent(starPhysEtaBin,f_eemc); bkgdFrac[2]->SetBinError(starPhysEtaBin,ferr_eemc); bkgdFrac[3]->SetBinContent(starPhysEtaBin,f_QCD); bkgdFrac[3]->SetBinError(starPhysEtaBin,ferr_QCD); zFracSecondEEMC->SetBinContent(starPhysEtaBin,(eemc_sum>0) ? zeemc_sum/eemc_sum : 0); cout << "f_tau = " << f_tau << endl; cout << "f_Z = " << f_z << endl; cout << "f_eemc = " << f_eemc << endl; cout << "f_QCD = " << f_QCD << endl; // ********** Old method max-extent uncertainty ********** // Now go through all the background shapes and find the // high and low in each ET bin to give the maximum extent uncertainty TH1F *QCD_syst_high_err = new TH1F("QCD_syst_high_err","QCD_syst_high_err",signal_final->GetNbinsX(),0.,100.); TH1F *QCD_syst_low_err = new TH1F("QCD_syst_low_err","QCD_syst_low_err",signal_final->GetNbinsX(),0.,100.); TH1F *low_bkgd = new_bkgd->Clone(); low_bkgd->SetName("low_bkgd"); TH1F *high_bkgd = new_bkgd->Clone(); high_bkgd->SetName("high_bkgd"); TH2F *minCounter = new TH2F("minCounter","minCounter; ;shape index",signal_final->GetNbinsX(),0,100.,maxSteps,0,maxSteps); TH2F *maxCounter = new TH2F("maxCounter","maxCounter; ;shape index",signal_final->GetNbinsX(),0,100.,maxSteps,0,maxSteps); float low_sum = 0.; float high_sum = 0.; int minBin = signal_final->FindBin(14.01); int maxBin = signal_final->FindBin(99.99); for (int i=minBin; i<=maxBin; i++) { float high = 0.; float low = 10000.; int imin=61; int imax=61; for (int j=0; jGetBinContent(i) < low) { if (new_bkgd_hists[j][k]->GetBinContent(i) >= 0) { low = new_bkgd_hists[j][k]->GetBinContent(i); imin=j+k*20; } } if (new_bkgd_hists[j][k]->GetBinContent(i) > high) { high = new_bkgd_hists[j][k]->GetBinContent(i); imax=j+k*20; } } // end of k-loop } // end of j-loop maxCounter->Fill(i,imax); minCounter->Fill(i,imin); // calculate the sum low_bkgd->SetBinContent(i,0.); if ((low != 10000) && (new_bkgd->GetBinContent(i)-low > 0)) { if ((i>=minBin25)&&(i<=maxBin50)) {low_sum += low;} low_bkgd->SetBinContent(i,low); } if ((i>=minBin25)&&(i<=maxBin50)) {high_sum += high;} high_bkgd->SetBinContent(i,high); // set the bin-by-bin error too if ((low != 10000) && (new_bkgd->GetBinContent(i)-low > 0)) { QCD_syst_low_err->SetBinContent(i,new_bkgd->GetBinContent(i)-low); } else { QCD_syst_low_err->SetBinContent(i,0.); } QCD_syst_high_err->SetBinContent(i,high-new_bkgd->GetBinContent(i)); } // end of i-loop cout << "QCD shape sys. unc. calc************" << endl; cout << "The QCD low sum = " << low_sum << endl; cout << "The QCD high sum = " << high_sum << endl; cout << "The QCD low error = " << QCD_sum-low_sum << endl; cout << "The QCD high error = " << high_sum-QCD_sum << endl; // ********** New method for systematic variation of beta with shape/norm region ********** // get beta for each of the possible shape/normalizations combinations float beta_width = 0.025; if(charge>=0) beta_width = 0.015; float minBeta = beta_sum - beta_width; float maxBeta = beta_sum + beta_width; TH1F* hBetaPDF = new TH1F("hBetaPDF","hBetaPDF",50,minBeta,maxBeta); for (int j=0; jGetBinContent(i); // fill many values for beta here //float weight = (new_bkgd_sum>0.) ? 1./(new_bkgd_sum*new_bkgd_norm[j][k]) : 0; //weight by QCD statistical error hBetaPDF->Fill(1. - f_z - f_eemc - new_bkgd_sum/raw_sum); } } dd->cd(starPhysEtaBin); hBetaPDF->Draw(); TLine* ln = new TLine(beta_sum,0,beta_sum,hBetaPDF->GetMaximum()); ln->SetLineColor(kBlue); ln->Draw("same"); //return; // average beta from varying QCD shape and normalization cout << "QCD systematic error from beta RMS = " << hBetaPDF->GetRMS() << endl; beta->SetBinContent(starPhysEtaBin,hBetaPDF->GetMean()); beta->SetBinError(starPhysEtaBin,sqrt(beta_stat*beta_stat + hBetaPDF->GetRMS()*hBetaPDF->GetRMS())); betaSyst->SetBinContent(starPhysEtaBin,hBetaPDF->GetRMS()); // fill QCD systematic ********* old method *********** float f_QCDmax = high_sum/raw_sum; float f_QCDmin = low_sum/raw_sum; float beta_max = 1. - f_z - f_eemc - f_QCDmin; float beta_min = 1. - f_z - f_eemc - f_QCDmax; betaSystUp->SetBinContent(starPhysEtaBin,beta_max); betaSystDn->SetBinContent(starPhysEtaBin,beta_min); outSummary<cd(starPhysEtaBin); // repack histos so start at 14 GeV with 4 GeV wide bins TH1F* zsig_bkgd_repack = new TH1F("zsig_bkgd_repack","zsig_bkgd_repack",50,2.,102.); TH1F* wsig_repack = new TH1F("wsig_repack","wsig_repack",50,2.,102.); TH1F* tausig_bkgd_repack = new TH1F("tausig_repack","tausig_repack",50,2.,102.); TH1F* eemc_bkgd_repack = new TH1F("eemc_bkgd_repack","eemc_bkgd_repack",50,2.,102.); TH1F* new_bkgd_repack = new TH1F("new_bkgd_repack","new_bkgd_repack",50,2.,102.); TH1F* signal2_repack = new TH1F("signal2_repack","signal2_repack",50,2.,102.); #if 1 zsig_bkgd2->Rebin(2); wsig2->Rebin(2); tausig_bkgd2->Rebin(2); eemc_bkgd2->Rebin(2); new_bkgd->Rebin(2); signal2->Rebin(2); #endif for (int k=1; k<=50; k++) { zsig_bkgd_repack->SetBinContent(k,zsig_bkgd2->GetBinContent(2*k+1)+zsig_bkgd2->GetBinContent(2*k+2)); wsig_repack->SetBinContent(k,wsig2->GetBinContent(2*k+1)+wsig2->GetBinContent(2*k+2)); tausig_bkgd_repack->SetBinContent(k,tausig_bkgd2->GetBinContent(2*k+1)+tausig_bkgd2->GetBinContent(2*k+2)); eemc_bkgd_repack->SetBinContent(k,eemc_bkgd2->GetBinContent(2*k+1)+eemc_bkgd2->GetBinContent(2*k+2)); new_bkgd_repack->SetBinContent(k,new_bkgd->GetBinContent(2*k+1)+new_bkgd->GetBinContent(2*k+2)); signal2_repack->SetBinContent(k,signal2->GetBinContent(2*k+1)+signal2->GetBinContent(2*k+2)); } //4 GeV bins THStack *hs = new THStack("hs",";E_{T}^{e} (GeV);Counts"); int rebin=1; zsig_bkgd_repack->SetFillColor(kViolet+9); zsig_bkgd_repack->Rebin(rebin); hs->Add(zsig_bkgd_repack); tausig_bkgd_repack->SetFillColor(49); tausig_bkgd_repack->Rebin(rebin); hs->Add(tausig_bkgd_repack); eemc_bkgd_repack->SetFillColor(30); eemc_bkgd_repack->Rebin(rebin); hs->Add(eemc_bkgd_repack); new_bkgd_repack->SetFillColor(kCyan-10); new_bkgd_repack->Rebin(rebin); hs->Add(new_bkgd_repack); wsig_repack->SetLineColor(kRed); wsig_repack->SetLineWidth(2); wsig_repack->SetLineStyle(2); wsig_repack->Rebin(rebin); wsig_repack->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(10,70); hs->Add(wsig_repack); signal2_repack->Rebin(rebin); signal2_repack->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(10,70); signal2_repack->SetTitle(Form("%s: %s; E_{T} (GeV)",signal2->GetTitle(),etaBin)); float max; if(year==2012) { max = 250; if(charge==1 && starPhysEtaBin==8) max=800; if(charge==-1 && starPhysEtaBin<8) max=135; if(charge==-1 && starPhysEtaBin==8) max=420; } else if(year==2011) { float max = 50; if(charge==1 && starPhysEtaBin==8) max=110; if(charge==-1 && starPhysEtaBin<8) max=35; if(charge==-1 && starPhysEtaBin==8) max=80; } signal2_repack->SetMaximum(max); tx=new TLatex(60,max*0.4,"W+"); if(charge==-1) tx=new TLatex(60,max*0.4,"W-"); tx->SetTextAlign(21); tx->SetTextSize(0.1); gPad->SetGridx(false); gPad->SetGridy(false); signal2_repack->Draw("he"); hs->Draw("same"); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.5,0.63,0.89,0.89); leg->SetEntrySeparation(0.01); leg->SetMargin(0.2); leg->SetFillColor(0); leg->SetTextSize(0.04); leg->SetLineColor(kWhite); leg->AddEntry(signal2_repack," STAR 2012 Data","el"); leg->AddEntry(wsig_repack," W #rightarrow e #nu MC","l"); leg->AddEntry(new_bkgd_repack," Data-driven QCD","f"); leg->AddEntry(eemc_bkgd_repack," Second EEMC","f"); leg->AddEntry(tausig_bkgd_repack," W #rightarrow #tau #nu MC","f"); leg->AddEntry(zsig_bkgd_repack," Z #rightarrow ee MC","f"); leg->Draw(); tx->Draw("same"); // write histos to output file for pub quality plot TDirectory *dir; if(charge==1) dir = outF->mkdir(Form("pubPos%d",starPhysEtaBin)); else if(charge==-1) dir = outF->mkdir(Form("pubNeg%d",starPhysEtaBin)); dir->cd(); signal2_repack->Write(); wsig_repack->Write(); new_bkgd_repack->Write(); eemc_bkgd_repack->Write(); tausig_bkgd_repack->Write(); zsig_bkgd_repack->Write(); return; } // 1-sigma CL upper bound for poisson process with small number of observed events // from Feldman-Cousins paper -> arXiv:physics/9711021 float feldmanCousins(int x){ if(x==0) return 1.29; else if(x==1) return 1.75; else if(x==2) return 2.25; else if(x==3) return 2.30; else if(x==4) return 2.78; else if(x==5) return 2.81; else if(x==6) return 3.28; else if(x==7) return 3.30; else if(x==8) return 3.32; else if(x==9) return 3.79; return sqrt(x); }