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2 //
3 // Create suitable canvas
4 // Plot everything on one page.
6 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",1200,900);
7 gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
8 gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
9 c1->SetFillColor(0);
10 c1->SetFrameBorderSize(0);
11 c1->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
12 c1->Clear();
13 c1->Divide(4,3);
16 // Here are centrality and b/b_0 definitions.
17 double AuAu200GeV_11_xpos[] = {1.4, 1.68, 2.0, 2.38, 2.84, 3.33, 3.87, 4.46, 5.08, 5.54, 5.95};
18 double eAuAu200GeV_11_xpos[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
19 double AuAu200GeV_11_BbyB0[] = {0.05, 0.11, 0.16, 0.22, 0.28, 0.35, 0.43, 0.52, 0.63, 0.74, 0.85};
21 double AuAu62GeV_11_xpos[] = {1.4, 1.68, 2.0, 2.38, 2.84, 3.33, 3.87, 4.46, 5.08, 5.54, 5.95};
22 double eAuAu62GeV_11_xpos[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
23 double AuAu62GeV_11_BbyB0[] = {0.05, 0.11, 0.16, 0.22, 0.28, 0.35, 0.43, 0.52, 0.63, 0.74, 0.85};
25 double CuCu200GeV_11_xpos[] = { 1.53606, 1.86899, 2.25134, 2.67618, 2.99479, 3.16154, 3.33324, 3.49001, 3.69143, 3.89892};
26 double eCuCu200GeV_11_xpos[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
27 double CuCu200GeV_11_BbyB0[] = { 0.15, 0.22, 0.31, 0.41, 0.49, 0.54, 0.59, 0.64, 0.72, 0.83};
29 double CuCu62GeV_11_xpos[] = { 1.53606, 1.86899, 2.25134, 2.67618, 2.99479, 3.16154, 3.33324, 3.49001, 3.69143, 3.89892};
30 double eCuCu62GeV_11_xpos[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
31 double CuCu62GeV_11_BbyB0[] = { 0.15, 0.22, 0.31, 0.41, 0.49, 0.54, 0.59, 0.64, 0.72, 0.83};
33 // position is which gPad to use. -1 means don't draw parameter.
34 // margin is supposed to move y axis label so numbers can be seen.
35 // min and max are the minimum and y plotting limits.
37 int ChiSquares_position = 4;
38 double ChiSquares_margin = 0.13;
39 double ChiSquares_min = 100;
40 double ChiSquares_max = 500;
41 int offset_position = 1;
42 double offset_margin = 0.13;
43 double offset_min = -0.5;
44 double offset_max = 0.1;
45 int cosPhi_position = 5;
46 double cosPhi_margin = 0.10;
47 double cosPhi_min = 0;
48 double cosPhi_max = 0.6;
49 int cos2Phi_position = 9;
50 double cos2Phi_margin = 0.10;
51 double cos2Phi_min = -0.1;
52 double cos2Phi_max = 0.3;
53 int MjAmp_position = 2;
54 double MjAmp_margin = 0.10;
55 double MjAmp_min = 0;
56 double MjAmp_max = 1.5;
57 int MjEta_position = 6;
58 double MjEta_margin = 0.10;
59 double MjEta_min = 0;
60 double MjEta_max = 3.5;
61 int MjPhi_position = 10;
62 double MjPhi_margin = 0.10;
63 double MjPhi_min = 0;
64 double MjPhi_max = 3.5;
65 int stringAmp_position = -1;
66 double stringAmp_margin = 0.10;
67 double stringAmp_min = 0;
68 double stringAmp_max = 0.04;
69 int stringEta_position = -1;
70 double stringEta_margin = 0.10;
71 double stringEta_min = 0;
72 double stringEta_max = 1.5;
73 int negAmp_position = -1;
74 double negAmp_margin = 0.10;
75 double negAmp_min = -0.08;
76 double negAmp_max = 0;
77 int negEta_position = -1;
78 double negEta_margin = 0.10;
79 double negEta_min = 0;
80 double negEta_max = 1.5;
81 int expAmp_position = 3;
82 double expAmp_margin = 0.10;
83 double expAmp_min = 0;
84 double expAmp_max = 1;
85 int expEta_position = 7;
86 double expEta_margin = 0.10;
87 double expEta_min = 0;
88 double expEta_max = 0.6;
89 int expPhi_position = 11;
90 double expPhi_margin = 0.10;
91 double expPhi_min = 0;
92 double expPhi_max = 0.6;
93 int jetOvercosphi_position = -1;
94 double jetOvercosphi_margin = 0.10;
95 double jetOvercosphi_min = 1;
96 double jetOvercosphi_max = 3;
97 int cos_etaD_position = -1;
98 double cos_etaD_margin = 0.10;
99 double cos_etaD_min = 1;
100 double cos_etaD_max = 3;
101 int cos_2etaD_position = -1;
102 double cos_2etaD_margin = 0.10;
103 double cos_2etaD_min = 1;
104 double cos_2etaD_max = 3;
105 int cos_3etaD_position = -1;
106 double cos_3etaD_margin = 0.10;
107 double cos_3etaD_min = 1;
108 double cos_3etaD_max = 3;
109 int cos_4etaD_position = -1;
110 double cos_4etaD_margin = 0.10;
111 double cos_4etaD_min = 1;
112 double cos_4etaD_max = 3;
115 // Define colors, styles etc. for each data set
116 int AuAu200GeV_11__color = 1;
117 int AuAu200GeV_11__style = 20;
118 char *AuAu200GeV_11__mode = "ACP";
120 int AuAu62GeV_11__color = 1;
121 int AuAu62GeV_11__style = 24;
122 char *AuAu62GeV_11__mode = "CP";
124 int CuCu200GeV_11__color = 1;
125 int CuCu200GeV_11__style = 22;
126 char *CuCu200GeV_11__mode = "CP";
128 int CuCu62GeV_11__color = 1;
129 int CuCu62GeV_11__style = 26;
130 char *CuCu62GeV_11__mode = "CP";
134 // AuAu fits.
135 .x fitResults/cos_plotCode_AuAu200GeV_11c.C
136 .x fitResults/cos_plotCode_AuAu62GeV_11c.C
138 // CuCu fits.
139 .x fitResults/cos_plotCode_CuCu200GeV_11c.C
140 .x fitResults/cos_plotCode_CuCu62GeV_11c.C
142 //
143 // Here are binary scaling lines for minijet amplitudes.
144 // Tried taking them from the paper draft, but had problems finding x_max.
146 double AuAu200GeV_xpos[] = {1.4, 1.68, 2.0, 2.38, 2.84, 3.33, 3.87, 4.46, 5.08, 5.54, 5.95};
147 double AuAu200GeVBinaryScaling[] = {0.07989651499010804, 0.09277066208801726, 0.10657193605683837, 0.12186562965956817, 0.13902740863353683, 0.1559494480263731, 0.173263876556129, 0.1908819487877142, 0.20822311899650667, 0.22046042536393212, 0.23099470070980724};
148 TGraph *gAuAu200GeVBinaryScaling = new TGraph(11,AuAu200GeV_xpos,AuAu200GeVBinaryScaling);
149 gAuAu200GeVBinaryScaling->SetLineColor(1);
150 gAuAu200GeVBinaryScaling->SetLineStyle(7);
151 gAuAu200GeVBinaryScaling->SetMarkerColor(1);
153 double AuAu62GeV_xpos[] = {1.4, 1.68, 2.0, 2.38, 2.84, 3.33, 3.87, 4.46, 5.08, 5.54, 5.95};
154 double AuAu62GeVBinaryScaling[] = {0.054087467161180645, 0.06343510136022981, 0.07366482504604051, 0.0852601653044146, 0.098606180802071, 0.11212268443929063, 0.12633100486031612, 0.1411935732231137, 0.15623385378479587, 0.16709979899764252, 0.17662468738172454};
155 TGraph *gAuAu62GeVBinaryScaling = new TGraph(11,AuAu62GeV_xpos,AuAu62GeVBinaryScaling);
156 gAuAu62GeVBinaryScaling->SetLineColor(46);
157 gAuAu62GeVBinaryScaling->SetLineStyle(7);
158 gAuAu62GeVBinaryScaling->SetMarkerColor(46);
160 // Lines to indicate limits of nu.
161 double minNuAuAu[] = {1.25, 1.25};
162 double ampRangeAuAu[] = {0.0, 1.0};
163 TGraph *gminnuAuAu = new TGraph(2,minNuAuAu,ampRangeAuAu);
164 gminnuAuAu->SetLineColor(17);
165 gminnuAuAu->SetLineWidth(10);
166 gminnuAuAu->SetLineStyle(3);
168 double maxNuAuAu[] = {6.1, 6.1};
169 TGraph *gmaxnuAuAu = new TGraph(2,maxNuAuAu,ampRangeAuAu);
170 gmaxnuAuAu->SetLineColor(17);
171 gmaxnuAuAu->SetLineWidth(10);
172 gmaxnuAuAu->SetLineStyle(3);
174 c1->cd(MjAmp_position);
175 gAuAu200GeVBinaryScaling->Draw("CP");
176 gAuAu62GeVBinaryScaling->Draw("CP");
177 gminnuAuAu->Draw("CP");
178 gmaxnuAuAu->Draw("CP");
180 // Line to indicate eta_Delta/phi_Delta width if nothing is happening
181 double nuRange[] = {1.25, 6.1};
182 double angularWidth[] = {0.675, 0.675};
183 TGraph *gangularWidth = new TGraph(2,nuRange,angularWidth);
184 gangularWidth->SetLineColor(17);
185 gangularWidth->SetLineWidth(10);
186 gangularWidth->SetLineStyle(3);
188 c1->cd(MjEta_position);
189 gangularWidth->Draw("CP");
190 c1->cd(MjPhi_position);
191 gangularWidth->Draw("CP");
194 c1->Print("cosAmpFits.gif");