Run QA

Update:  3/11/2008

All of my analysis leading up to the preliminary result uses one runlist which consist of the golden runlist from below plus about a dozen runs from the jet group's list.  I added to my list any run that the jet group deemed good as long as the run log browser for that run didn't show any problems.  the final runlist can be found here.


Update:  6/19/2007

At the collaboration meeting in Berkeley some of out collaborators pointed out some flaws in my initial QA, most notably that I did not include BBC time bin #6.  I have now redone my run QA and asymmetry calculations including this timebin.  This results in a new 'golden' runlist which can be found below.

All pages below should be up to date.

My first task is to determine a preliminary runlist over which I will run my analyses.  Using Murad's jet QA as a guide (found here), I have looked at a number of different event criteria.  At the moment, I am focusing on the second longitudinal period runs only.  The data set is comprised of about 390 runs, with about 420,000 triggered events (including production and test L2-G triggers.)  Each run number has an index (for easier plotting;) this index can be found here.  I am also (for now) restricting myself to one trigger,:

  • HTTP-L2Gamma (137611)
  • Min Bias (117001, for reference)

Some book keeping stats for this running period

  • Run Range: 7131043 - 7156040
  • Fill Range:  7847 - 7957
  • Days: 131 - 156 (May 11 - June 5, 2006)

My results can be found on the pages below.

Preliminary Run List

As of 2/1/07 I have created a preliminary list of 'good' runs.  If a run failed any of my QA tests for either HT trigger, I excluded it from this list.  I tried to be as discriminating as possible for this list.  I feel it will be easier to go back and add runs if they are later determined to be good.  The preliminary list includes 302 runs, and can be seen by clicking below.

Furthermore, using the run log browser I have checked all of my excluded runs to see if there is an obvious reason why it shouldn't be included.  Many of the runs did indeed have glaring reasons, but not all of the runs.  A summary of this check can be found here.

Also, since I plan on gathering polarization information on a fill by fill basis, I have created a list of relevent fills which can be found here.  Or if you would like a complete list of run numbers with associated fills, that can be found here.

