
Jigsaw Fits (1st try)


Data Sets

For the cross section analysis I am using a number of Monte Carlo samples along with one data set.  The details of each of these sets can be found below:


Cross Section Analysis

On the pages listed below I'm going to try to keep track of the work towards measuring the cross section for inclusive pion production in pp collisions from run 6.  I'll try to keep the posts

2008.08.14 Shower shape with bug fixed dd-library

Ilya Selyuzhenkov August 14, 2008

Data sets:

19) Absolute BSMD Calibration, table ver2.0, Isolated Gamma Algo description


 BSMD calibration algo has been developed based on M-C response of BSMD & towers to single gammas.

Executive summary

Working Group Members

Plots Jan



Locations of Akio's pages in protected/spin


August 13, 3 runs produced with PPV w/o using CTB

dAu200 (2008)


Some studies were done initially to get a good guess at the SpaceCharge in dAu.

Detailed event comparison PPV & VPD vertex, (Rosi)



Jan's notes


 -------- Loose notes, needs cleanup, Jan

drawings for the FGT full-size prototype frames, HV layer, and GEM foils, August 11, 2008


  These are the current drawings for the FGT full-size prototype frames, HV layer, and GEM foils.  

18 Absolute gains, take 2


 Goal: reco isolated gammas from bht0,1,2 -triggered events 

CDEV Monitoring

(Archived into Drupal from MIT servers in August 2008. Original analysis by Julie Millane and Bernd Surrow.)

CDEV Monitoring

(Archived into Drupal from MIT servers in August 2008. Original analysis by Julie Millane and Bernd Surrow.)


 Details for the 2006 RHIC run (Run 6)


 Details for the 2005 RHIC run (Run 5)

Beam Polarizations

The beam polarization of the proton beams is measured with a set of polarimeters at IP12.
Carbon polarimeters: fast measurement several times during a RHIC fill, two devices per beam

PLOTS - Query Cache


 Query cache does not seem to help under 150 connections.....

15a ped stability day 47, take 2


 On August 8, BSMD peds in the offline DB where corrected for day 47.

Runs minb 34 & 74 were used to determine and upload DB peds.