Technical information |
Data analysis Elastic proton-proton scattering Central Exclusive Production Single Diffractive Dissociation pAu/pAl Ultra Peripheral Collisions |
Software Geant4 simulation Reconstruction |
Pictures DX-D0 chamber Roman Pot Setup in the tunnel Other useful figures |
Meetings history |
2009 setup (Phase I) Technical notes Paper reviews: A_NN and A_SS 2009 drupal website (PP2PP) |
Run 15 preparation Photographs of crates Roman Pot naming convention |
Alignment |
DAQ-expert materials Packages tests (Si + trig.count.) Trigger counters tests |
Test of Si detector packages:
A-6 A : STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A6_detAcorrect.pdf
A-6 B : STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A6_detBcorrect.pdf
A-6 C : STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A6_detCcorrect.pdf
A-6 D: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A6_detDcorrect.pdf
A-6 Trigger system: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/A_6_cosmic.pdf
A-1 A: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/AssemblyA1_detA(1).pdf
A-1 B: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A1_detB(1).pdf
A-1 C: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembl_A1_detC.pdf
A-1 D: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembl_A1_detD.pdf
Trigger system for A-1 assembly: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/PMT_A1.pdf
A-4 A: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A_4_detA.pdf
A-4 B: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A_4_detB.pdf
A-4 C: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A4_detC.pdf
A-4 D: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A4_detD.pdf
Trigger system for A-4 assembly: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/PMT_A_4.pdf
B-1 A: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B1_detA.pdf
B-1 B: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B_1_detB.pdf
B-1 C: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B_1_detC(1).pdf
B-1 D: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B_1_detD.pdf
Trigger system for B-1 assembly: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/B_1_cosmic.pdf
B-2 A: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B2_detA.pdf
B-2 B: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B_2_B.pdf
B-2 C: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B_2_C.pdf
B-2 D: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B_2_D.pdf
Trigger system for B-2 assembly: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/PMTB2.pdf
B-4 A: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B4_detA.pdf
B-4 B: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B4_detB.pdf
B-4 C: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B4_C.pdf
B-4 D: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_B4_detD.pdf
Trigger system for B-4 assembly: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/B_4_cosmic.pdf
B(A)-5 A: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_BA5_detA.pdf
B(A)-5 B: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly%20_BA5_detB.pdf
B(A)-5 C: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_BA5_detC.pdf
B(A)-5 D: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_BA5_detD.pdf
Trigger system for B(A)-5 assembly: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/PMT_BA5.pdf
A-3 A: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A3_detA.pdf
A-3 B: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A3_detB.pdf
A-3 C: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A_3_detC.pdf
A-3 D: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/Assembly_A3_detD.pdf
A-3 Trigger system: STAR/system/files/userfiles/2729/file/Assembly_test/A_3_cosmic.pdf
Test of trigger counters:
Test of the trigger counters was performed using (see first photo):
- high voltage power supply,
- Tektronix MSO 3034 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope,
- beta radiation source 90Sr.
Trigger counters were left in the storage boxes to avoid possible damages. Both PMTs in the counter were supplied with the same voltage, which was changed in a range 800-1200 V. Beta source was always sitting on the surface of the scintillator, pointing to it (like on the second photo). Measurements were done with the source in a few different points on the surface of the scintillator, in order to determine position dependencies. As shown in the third photograph, storage boxes with trigger counters were additionally placed inside the folder with zipper to fully avoid influence of the external light.
In order to enable offline analysis, some number of waveforms from both channels (PMTs) was stored on a USB flash memory in *.isf format (internal save format of the scope). Then, isf files were converted into ROOT histograms and processed (contact me to get the converting program).
Dark noise measurement
This measurement was done without use of the 90Sr source. Signals were triggered with very low threshold value (order of mV, depends on supplying voltage). The lack of signal in the PMT other than the triggering one (like on the figure below; red = channel 1, blue = channel 2) was a confirmation for non-cosmic-ray origin of the pulse.
For such events the dark-noise peak amplitudes were histogramed. Links to plots of these histograms are contained below.
A-3 A-6 B(A)-5 B-1
As an output the dark noise levels as a function of the supplying voltage were prepared for each channel separately: DARK NOISE vs. VOLTAGE.
Detailed tests with 90Sr source - part 1
The main part of the test was done with the beta source placed in three points on the scintillator, as shown in red on the right-hand side sketch. For each position of the source and each PMT voltage, about 150 triggers were collected. The triggering threshold was set to ~2sigma above the noise level, based on the dark noise measurement (see above). Only one of the channels was set to trigger. An exemplary output from oscilloscope is presented in the left-hand side figure (below), together with description of quantities whose distributions are available in the table below.
quantity \ counter | A-3 | A-6 | B(A)-5 | B-1 |
Signal amplitudes (correlation between channels and 1-D amplitude distributions) |
Signal integrals (correlation between channels and 1-D integral distributions) |
Time difference between moments of reaching the threshold by signals in two channels |
Rise time (correlation between channels and 1-D rise time distributions) |
Fall time (correlation between channels and 1-D fall time distributions) |
quantity \ counter | A-3 | A-6 | B(A)-5 | B-1 |
Average-signal amplitudes |
Time difference (for average signals) |
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests: SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
E1U | E1D | E2U | E2D | W1U | W1D | W2U | W2D | |
A | B-4 | A-3 | B-1 | Spare | A-4 | B(A)-5 | A-1 |
B | B-4 | A-3 | B-1 | A-6 | A-4 | B(A)-5 | A-1 | B-2 |
C | B-4 | A-3 | B-1 | A-6 | A-4 | B(A)-5 | A-1 | B-2 |
D | B-4 | A-3 | B-1 | A-6 | A-4 | B(A)-5 | A-1 | B-2 |
TC | B-4 | B-1 | A-4 | A-6 | A-3 | B(A)-5 | A-1 | B-2 |
EHI | EHO | EVU | EVD | WHI | WHO | WVU | WVD | |
A | A-3 | B-4 | A-1 | B-1 | B(A)-5 | A-6 | B-2 |
B | A-3 | B-4 | A-1 | B-1 | B(A)-5 | A-6 | B-2 | A-4 |
C | A-3 | B-4 | A-1 | B-1 | B(A)-5 | A-6 | B-2 | A-4 |
D | A-3 | B-4 | A-1 | B-1 | B(A)-5 | A-6 | B-2 | A-4 |
TC | A-3 | B-4 | A-1 | B-1 | B(A)-5 | A-6 | B-2 | A-4 |
A hint for which VME to reboot in /log/esb.log or /log/daq.log in daqman or in STAR Run Control Panel:
The first example may be seen in the STAR Run Control panel (used by the STAR Shifters) or in /log/esb.log
esb.log:[pp01-l 08:32:39 060] (pp2ppMain): CRITICAL: det.C [line 140]: PP2PP: RDO 1 -- too many auto-recoveries. Stopping!
esb.log:[pp01-l 08:32:49 060] (pp2ppMain): CRITICAL: esbTask.C [line 2458]: Recovery failed for RDO(s): 1 -- stopping run!
If one sees the above the "CRITICAL" message for pp01-l, one knows that it's the pp01-l (VME) in the East that's at fault and so we should reboot that VME crate. { From Tonko, this one was due to crashes in one of the sequencers and we got a message of failed recovery as there is NO recovery possible ! }
Another example, either in the Run Control panel or /log/daq.log, one might see:
daq.log:[daqman 14:14:39 065] (scDeamon): CRITICAL: scDeamon.C [line 1218]: PP2PP[1] [0x6111] Rebooted
In this case, from Tonko, "PP2PP[1]" also pointed out thtat pp01-l (VME) should be rebooted. Also from Tonko, we got this message that said "CPU rebooted" because either the CPU or the Ethernet had crashed.
Also, we don't need to worry about the the "ERROR" messages about "External clock" such as :
esb.log:[pp02-l 11:06:51 060] (pp2ppMain): ERROR: ppSEQ.C [line 97]: ppSEQ05: External clock reqired, but lost, status 0x80520C0F, trying to fix
esb.log:[pp01-l 11:06:51 060] (pp2ppMain): ERROR: ppSEQ.C [line 97]: ppSEQ03: External clock reqired, but lost, status 0x80520C0F, trying to fix
Tonko said: "Yes, the loss of clock seems to happen fairly often. It happens to both sides (crates) at the same time so it must be somehow related to the driver module at the TCD end. But it doesn't seem to cause any issues.
Also, you will see this message at EVERY run-stop because of the way clock switch-over is sequenced. But this is completely innocuous because the run has already stopped."
Documents Roman Pot naming convention |
Drawings / Schemes / Pictures Photographs of crates on EAST and WEST |
East |
Central Exclusive Production of pi+pi-, K+K- and pi+pi-pi+pi- - analysis update (5 August 2015, UPC weekly meeting)
Preliminary mass plots in PDF and EPS formats are attached at the bottom of webpage.
Elastic proton-proton scattering
analysis webpage
Single Diffractive Dissociation
analysis webpage
pAu/pAl Ultra Peripheral Collisions
analysis webpage
StMuRpsUtil::updateVertex(double x, double y, double z)
This method should be invoked before StMuRpsUtil::process(). The unit of arguments is meter.starver SL16cMake sure you have the latest definitions of Roman Pot data classes in your StRoot.
cvs co offline/users/rafal_s/StMuRpsUtil
mv offline/users/rafal_s/StMuRpsUtil myAnalysisDir/StRoot/.
#define RUN_ON_MUDST // set if afterburner is used on MuDST
class StMuRpsUtil;
class MyAnalysisMakerClass: public StMaker{
StMuRpsUtil* mAfterburner;
/*...*/In the analysis maker constructor, create StMuRpsUtil object passing as an argument pointer to StMuDstMaker.
#include "StMuRpsUtil/StMuRpsUtil.h"
#include "StMuRpsUtil/StMuRpsCollection2.h"
MyAnalysisMakerClass::MyAnalysisMakerClass(StMuDstMaker* maker): StMaker("MyAnalysisMakerClass"){ /*...*/ mAfterburner = new StMuRpsUtil(maker); }At the beginning of MyAnalysisMaker::Make() method in your analysis maker class, invoke StMuRpsUtil::process() which will provide you post-processed RP data collection. Don't forger to call StMuRpsUtil::clear() at the end of MyAnalysisMaker::Make().
Int_t MyAnalysisMaker::Make( ){ /*...*/ StMuRpsCollection2* muRpsColl = mAfterburner->process(); // <-- muRpsColl can be used to get corrected proton tracks etc.
/* here analysis of an event */
mAfterburner->clear(); // <-- critical!!! return kStOK; }
to the macro which starts the analysis chain. It ensures that afterburner libraries are accessible.<SandBox installer="ZIP"> <Package> <!-- Any other files.... --> <File>file:./Alignment</File> <File>file:./HotStrips</File> <!-- etc. --> </Package> </SandBox>
mkdir MY_PATH cd MY_PATH
cvs co offline/UPC cd offline/UPC
CODE_DIRECTORY=/absolute/path/to/MY_PATH/offline/UPC OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=/absolute/path/to/MY_PATH/outputOUTPUT_DIRECTORY does not have to exist, in such case it will be automatically created by the analysis launching script.
If there are any problems with the configuration file, e.g. wrong data directory etc., you will receive appropriate message(s) in the terminal.stardev
cd MY_PATH/offline/UPC
cvs update
cvs commit rpAnalysis.cpp rpAnalysis.hhNOTE: Before 'commit' always make sure that the code compiles and executes without errors! If the code doesn't work, but you would like to save all your work, you can easily comment lines in the code you have added, commit and work out the problem later.
cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `rpAnalysis.cpp'
cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!
it means that described conflict has occured. In such case simply do
cvs update
If you don't get any warnings, you can re-commit (first command in bullet #5). However, if you find a warnig like
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge cvs update: conflicts found in rpAnalysis.cppyou need to manually edit the file you want to commit. Click here to learn about the details.
condor_q -submitter $USER
or, if you do not have any other jobs submitted, usecondor_q -submitter $USER | tail -n1
If the output is:0 jobs; 0 completed, 0 removed, 0 idle, 0 running, 0 held, 0 suspendedit means that all jobs are finished. If all jobs were successfull, in your OUTPUT_SIRECTORY you should see a number of ROOT files called analysisOutput.SOME_LONG_NAME_WITH_VARIOUS_CHARACTERS.TRIGGER.root. Those are output files from each single job (SOME_LONG_NAME_WITH_VARIOUS_CHARACTERS is the ID of submission and ID of the job, separated by underscore "_"). To merge them into single file type
hadd allRunsMerged.root analysisOutput.*
This will create a single file called allRunsMerged.root. Remember to merge files only from one submission! If you suspect something went wrong during job execution you can check log and error files of each single job that are placed in OUTPUT_DIRECTORY and have extensions .log and .err, respectively.DX-D0 chamber | Roman Pot |
Setup in the tunnel Roman Pot vertical station (old) |
Other useful figures |
Analysis notes |
Drawings / Schemes / Pictures |
Other ADC and TAC distributions Silicon performance (cluster data) |
for(Int_t j=0; j<nOfPlanesInRpPerCoordinate; ++j){ Int_t nClusters = rps->numberOfClusters(i,Planes[coordinate][j]); nOfClusters[i][Planes[coordinate][j]]->Fill(nClusters); if(nClusters < maxNumberOfClusterPerPlane) for(Int_t k=0; k < nClusters; ++k){ Int_t lenCluster = rps->lengthCluster(i,Planes[coordinate][j],k); clusterLength[i][Planes[coordinate][j]]->Fill(lenCluster); if(lenCluster <= maxClusterLength && lenCluster>0){ Int_t enCluster = rps->energyCluster(i,Planes[coordinate][j],k); clusterEnergy[i][Planes[coordinate][j]][lenCluster-1]->Fill(enCluster); if(lenCluster==1) clusterEnergy_vs_strip[i][Planes[coordinate][j]]->Fill(1e3*rps->positionCluster(i,Planes[coordinate][j],k)/Pitch[coordinate], enCluster); } } }