Technical information |
Data analysis Elastic proton-proton scattering Central Exclusive Production Single Diffractive Dissociation pAu/pAl Ultra Peripheral Collisions |
Software Geant4 simulation Reconstruction |
Pictures DX-D0 chamber Roman Pot Setup in the tunnel Other useful figures |
Meetings history |
2009 setup (Phase I) Technical notes Paper reviews: A_NN and A_SS 2009 drupal website (PP2PP) |
Run 15 preparation Photographs of crates Roman Pot naming convention |
Alignment |
DAQ-expert materials Packages tests (Si + trig.count.) Trigger counters tests |
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests: SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
Run 2009 performance: SVX pedestals:
Cluster properties (silicon data):
Trigger counter:
Pre-2015 tests:
SVX ped. and cluster properties:
Trigger counter:
E1U | E1D | E2U | E2D | W1U | W1D | W2U | W2D | |
A | B-4 | A-3 | B-1 | Spare | A-4 | B(A)-5 | A-1 |
B | B-4 | A-3 | B-1 | A-6 | A-4 | B(A)-5 | A-1 | B-2 |
C | B-4 | A-3 | B-1 | A-6 | A-4 | B(A)-5 | A-1 | B-2 |
D | B-4 | A-3 | B-1 | A-6 | A-4 | B(A)-5 | A-1 | B-2 |
TC | B-4 | B-1 | A-4 | A-6 | A-3 | B(A)-5 | A-1 | B-2 |
EHI | EHO | EVU | EVD | WHI | WHO | WVU | WVD | |
A | A-3 | B-4 | A-1 | B-1 | B(A)-5 | A-6 | B-2 |
B | A-3 | B-4 | A-1 | B-1 | B(A)-5 | A-6 | B-2 | A-4 |
C | A-3 | B-4 | A-1 | B-1 | B(A)-5 | A-6 | B-2 | A-4 |
D | A-3 | B-4 | A-1 | B-1 | B(A)-5 | A-6 | B-2 | A-4 |
TC | A-3 | B-4 | A-1 | B-1 | B(A)-5 | A-6 | B-2 | A-4 |
Documents Roman Pot naming convention |
Drawings / Schemes / Pictures Photographs of crates on EAST and WEST |
East![]() ![]() ![]() |
DX-D0 chamber | Roman Pot |
Setup in the tunnel Roman Pot vertical station (old) |
Other useful figures |
Analysis notes |
Drawings / Schemes / Pictures |
Other ADC and TAC distributions Silicon performance (cluster data) |
for(Int_t j=0; j<nOfPlanesInRpPerCoordinate; ++j){ Int_t nClusters = rps->numberOfClusters(i,Planes[coordinate][j]); nOfClusters[i][Planes[coordinate][j]]->Fill(nClusters); if(nClusters < maxNumberOfClusterPerPlane) for(Int_t k=0; k < nClusters; ++k){ Int_t lenCluster = rps->lengthCluster(i,Planes[coordinate][j],k); clusterLength[i][Planes[coordinate][j]]->Fill(lenCluster); if(lenCluster <= maxClusterLength && lenCluster>0){ Int_t enCluster = rps->energyCluster(i,Planes[coordinate][j],k); clusterEnergy[i][Planes[coordinate][j]][lenCluster-1]->Fill(enCluster); if(lenCluster==1) clusterEnergy_vs_strip[i][Planes[coordinate][j]]->Fill(1e3*rps->positionCluster(i,Planes[coordinate][j],k)/Pitch[coordinate], enCluster); } } }