Operations 2019

Escope traces

Here are some scope traces took on Feb 26, 2019, with beam:

Ch1: EPD East Position 1, Tile 31 (last/outer tile)
Ch2: QTB clock
Ch3: QTC clock


Post-installation / pre-beam commissioning 2019

1. Verify proper mapping from TUFF to StEvent (tests databases, cabling...)  ("Seven Patterns" test) - DONE
We followed the instructions listed at: drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/subsys/epd/operations-2018/pre-and-post-beam-commissioning

2. Vped adjustment - DONE
The instructions written for this year can be found at: drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/rjreed/epd-vped-scans-2019

3. Verifying fiber mapping/pre-post
In 2018 we verified the pre-post by running special runs.  It was noted this year that if we are in the right bunch crossing, we should see the epd-bbc correlation.  If not, then we will not.

In progress:  *.daq files have been requested from HPSS and restored to NFS.  Then the bfc.C has been run, creating pico/MuDsts.  These need to be analyzed.

EPD Timing Scan 2019

Nominal Values for 2018 were
B Gate End = 48
B Gate Start = 32
C Gate End = 39
C Gate Start = 23
TAC Stop = 64