STAR run23-25 BUR

Background Materials

BUR Documents (2022)

Meeting Schedule & Timeline

Meeting URL:
  • Meeting recordings
  • Friday, Apr 1, 2022
    • Timeline Update (official charge => BUR due to PAC on 5/6 and draft to collaboration a week earlier)
    • Last year's sampled luminosity assumptions (Rongrong's email)
    • DAQ Upgrade (Flemming)
    • Assumptions for BUR (discussion)

BNL Nuclear Physics PAC 2021 Charge and Agenda

* STAR: Beam Use Requests for Runs 23-25 
* sPHENIX: Beam Use Requests for Runs 23-25 
* CeC: Beam Use Requests 

The Beam Use Requests should be submitted in written form to PAC by May 6, 2022
The BURs should be based on the following number of cryo-weeks. The first number is the 
proposed RHIC run duration for scenario 1 and the second number corresponds to optimal 
duration (scenario 2) presented to the DOE-ONP in BNL’s FY24 Lab Managers’ Budget Briefing:
2023: 24 (28) 
2024: 24 (28) 
2025: 24 (28)

2022 PAC Committee Members

Roberta Armaldi, John Harris (chair), Huan Huang, Leticia Cunqueiro Mendez, Jen-Chieh Peng, 
Scott Pratt, Krishna Rajagopal, Claudia Ratti, Mikhail Stephanov, Julia Velkovska 

Maria Chamizo‐Llatas, Bill Christie, Dmitri Denisov, Jamie Dunlop, Wolfram Fischer, 
Achim Franz (secretary), Haiyan Gao, Hong Ma, Michiko Minty

STAR BUR Committee and Assignments

Daniel Brandenburg, Daniel Cebra, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Frank Geurts, Jiangyong Jia, 
Xiaofeng Luo, Niseem Magdy, Sooraj Radhakrishnan, Nihar Sahoo, Sevil Salur, Subhash Singha, 
Barbara Trzeciak, Fuqiang Wang, Yi Yang, Zhenyu Ye, Hanna Zbroszczyk

Assignments (Google Doc)

Ex-Officio -- Helen Caines, Lijuan Ruan, Xin Dong, Rongrong Ma, Takafumi Niida 
Chair -- Ken Barish