iTPC NIM paper page

  This page is meant to have reference links, suggested plots, tables etc.

- From Zhangbu

Last week, Robert brought to my attention that iTPC is one of the greatest accomplishments STAR did in the last decade, and 
now that the BESII data have been taken, and analyses are on-going, 
we should write a NIMA paper to document:  
mechanic structure and pad/electronic layouts,  

Operation and performance, 

Online/offline Calibration and Physics technical performance


It is also important to document this for future physics paper references and also 
serve as a historic document before everyone moves on and forgets about all the details.

From Robert -
outline based on DNP talk  NIM_outline

Reference documents
The technical design report is available as a STAR note SN0644.

The iTPC closeout report with KPP and performance plots

The Shandong group wrote two NIM performance papers
1)   F. Shen et al., MWPC prototyping and performance test for the STAR inner TPC upgrade, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 896, 90 (2018).

2) X. Wang et al., Design and implementation of wire tension measurement system for MWPCs used in the STAR iTPC upgrade, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 859 (2017) 90–94.