SN0644 : Technical Design Report for the iTPC Upgrade

Author(s):The STAR Collaboration
Date:Nov. 30, 2015
File(s): TDRiTPCUpgrade_final.pdf
Abstract:We propose to upgrade the inner sectors of the STAR TPC to increase the segmentation on the inner padplane and to renew the inner sector wire chambers. These two improvements will extend the capabilities of the TPC in many ways. Most significantly, the enhanced tracking at small angles relative to the beamline will expand the TPC’s acceptance out to pseudo-rapidity |eta| ≤ 1.5, compared to the current limitation of |eta| ≤ 1. Furthermore, the detector will have better acceptance for tracks with low momentum, as well as better resolution in both momentum and dE/dx for tracks of all momenta. These changes will enable the collection of data that is critical to the physics mission for Phase-II of the Beam Energy Scan (BES-II). In addition, the improved dE/dx and momentum resolution, as well as tracking at higher pseudorapidity, provide the foundation for another proposed upgrade - the endcap time of flight project (endcap-TOF) by the STAR/CBM collaboration.

The enhanced performance resulting from the iTPC project will be critical for making the measurements needed to fully address the physics questions which form the basis for the BES-II program.
Keywords:iTPC, TDR, Technical Design Report