Working Group Meeting Notes and Review reports

HFT Sub-system
FGT Sub-system
TOF Sub-system

GMT review committee report (November 2008)

SSD upgrade Committee Review Report (03/14/2008)

QT Board Committee Review Report (04/28/2008)

photonHBT convertor Committee Review Report

TOF DOE Committee Review Report (08/27/2008)


Notes from Sept. 9, 2003 (.doc)
Notes from Sept. 23, 2003 (.doc)


STAR Heavy Ion Task Force 2010

Charge to the STAR Heavy Ion Task Force

In response to the call for a new decadal plan from the BNL management, we are forming a Heavy Ion task force in STAR. This is an effort in parallel to two others in the collaboration: The Spin task force and Upgrade Program chaired by Bernd Surrow and Flemming Videbaek, respectively.

The members of the Heavy Ion task force are X. Dong, J. Dunlop* (chair), Y. Gorbunov, D. Keane, L. Ruan, M. Lisa, B. Mohanty*, J. Putschke, P. Sorensen, N. Xu* and Z.B. Xu and the charges are:
(1) Review current experimental and physics status at RHIC;
(2) Combine the information from RHIC mid-term plan, machine performance and experimental upgrades, prepare a HI program for the STAR for the next 3-, 5-, and 10- years.  The final report should be send to the STAR management in April, 2010. The outputs of the task force will be used for future BURs and RHIC decadal plan.