Pythia Analysis ver 3.21: Analysis of set C5 events using geant record


Analysis of all setC5 events using Geant tracks and vertices


In this analysis I attempt to get a feeling for the effects that imperfect tracking will have on the trigger patch ET spectrum while still using geant tracking information. My main focus was on the inefficencies which will arise in trying to identify converting Pi0's, so I focused on cuts 5 and 8. Both of these cuts have large numbers of events with no charged tracks and it is likely that many of these events are Pi0's. In v3.2 of the analysis code cuts 5 and 8 both throw away events with no charged tracks, so to simulate the tracking inefficency I use a random number generator to allow 30% of events with zero charged tracks to pass each cut. The code I used for this analysis is v3.21 which uses the same cuts as v3.2 except for the code introducing the 30% inefficency. Descriptions of the cuts used as well as explanations of the plots in the pdf files can be found on the page describing v3.2 of my code found here. I have also changed the 2-D plots of the trigger patch ET Vs. the cut quantities found on pages 23-33 of the 2-D plot pdf. They now show the plots after all cuts but themselves have been applied as opposed to v3.2 where they were shown after all cuts were applied.


Fig 1: These plots show the effects of all the cuts applied in sequence on the trigger patch ET spectrum. The top plot is from v3.2 and the bottom plot is from v3.21. The number of events cut for v3.2 can be found on the main page for that analysis. The numbers for v3.21 are given here. For the QCD sample: The raw spectrum contains 9.9E5 events in the region 20-70, the spectrum after the phase space cuts (1-3) contains 8.2E5 events, and the spectrum after all cuts contains 1906 events. For the W sample: The raw spectrum contains 1671 events in the region 20-70, the spectrum after the phase space cuts contains 1347 events and the spectrum after all cuts contains 1078 events.


Fig 2: This plot shows the final trigger patch ET spectra after all cuts have been applied. The QCD background is in black and the W signal is in red. The plot on the left is from v3.2 and the plot on the right is from v3.21.