ver 1.2 : e/h isolation based on TPC tracks (Brian)


Hi everyone,

I have some results for my first iteration of isolation cut and I would
appreciate some feedback as to whether they look reasonable or not.

 These plots were made after requiring that the 3x3 trigger patch ET be greater than 20GeV.

First I find the eta and phi coordinates of the highest tower in the end
cap. I then set a value for the radius. I then loop over all tracks and
towers and if their endcap crossing point lies within my radius I add
their Pt or Et to the total.


By highest tower you mean:
- reco vertex is found
- ADC is converted to ET in event reference frame (you are using event-
eta, not detector eta
- you find highest ET tower
I use energy to find the highest tower, not transverse energy.  StEEmcTower highTow = mEEanalysis->hightower(0). And for any event to be processed further, it must have a reco primary vertex found.

By highest tower you mean:
- reco vertex is found
- ADC is converted to ET in event reference frame (you are using event-
eta, not detector eta
- you find highest ET tower
I use energy to find the highest tower, not transverse energy.  StEEmcTower highTow = mEEanalysis->hightower(0). And for any event to be processed further, it must have a reco primary vertex found.

StEEmcTower StEEmcA2EMaker::hightower(   Int_t     layer = 0    )
Returns the tower with the largest ADC response

3x3 trigger patch is built around this tower by construction. I ask for the high tower, then I ask for all of its neighbors. The high tower and its neighbors (usually 8, but could be less for high towers on sector boundries) make up the trigger patch.

I then set a value for the radius.I then loop over all tracksDo you mean primary tracks with flag()>0 and nFit/nPos>0.51 ?
Yes, I use these QA conditions.



These plots show the ratio of the transverse energy in the 3x3 trigger
patch to the total transverse energy in the isolation radius. I ran W
events from files setC2_Weve_N (black curve) and QCD events from files
setC2_qcd_N (red curve).

Trigger ET over Et in iso radius r=0.1:

Trigger ET over ET in iso radius r=0.26:

Trigger ET over ET in iso radius r=0.7: