Investigation of ET scaling factor


ET scaling factor


In order to investigate the discrepensy between the thrown pt of a lepton and the ET that the endcap detects, I have run electron events with single energies through the big full chain Jan has used for all the simulations and ploted the detected ET. I ran three energies 20GeV, 30GeV, and 40GeV. I ran 5000 events at each energy and each event has only one electron going into the endcap.


Fig. 1: This plot shows the detected ET of the electrons which were thrown at 40GeV.


Fig. 2: This plot shows the detected ET of the electrons which were thrown at 30GeV.


Fig. 3: This plot shows the detected ET of the electrons which were thrown at 20GeV.


We see that multiplying the detected ET by a scale factor of 1.23 recovers the thrown Pt of the electron.